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Am I being stalked on Thaivisa? Why so many visits to my profile?


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Maybe check out your profile views.... how many visitors have you had? 
What are they looking for behind your back?


There is nothing in my profile (I'm not a teen on social media). 
There are only 360 old posts since 2006  with 2,110 visits when Thaivisa changed format last year.


Eeerily I have had 50 visits since my last post 5 weeks ago.

 2,539 profile views    mid Feb 2017
 2,542 profile views
 2,544 profile views
 2,548 profile views
 2,553 profile views
 2,558 profile views
 2,564 profile views
 2,565 profile views
 2,571 profile views
 2,574 profile views
 2,577 profile views
 2,581 profile views
 2,582 profile views
 2,589 profile views   today.
I hope its many different people other than an anonymous single weird person.

profile views.jpg

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Other than your namesake, not sure I've heard of you, sorry. But I suspect what is happening is that, as your profile is open to the wider web, some of the people that are searching for the tune jbgood, for whatever reason, are then hitting your profile - through the backdoor, so to speak. Either that, or a combination of your puny amount of content being extremely contentious. :smile:

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I've had 12,000+, so OP's not even in the big leagues.  I think it's just accidental most of the time.  Not sure if this is the case, but it seems if you just hover the cursor over someones name, you're flagged as a visit to that profile...even if you had no intent to do so.   

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1 hour ago, johnnybgood said:

I hope its many different people other than an anonymous single weird person.

You can see that it is different people and who it is so l don't know what your on about.

You don't have to put anything in profile if you don't want to.

Edited by Kwasaki
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33 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

You can see that it is different people and who it is so l don't know what your on about.

You don't have to put anything in profile if you don't want to.

You can only identify the visitors if they sign in.

I have no reason to put anything in my profile ...but that's not the point. 

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OP, your previous Avatar photo is strangely appropriate.


I sometimes hit and open a profile view when I didn't mean to.  Don't reckon that's the reason behind OP's 2,000+ visits though.  The plot thickens....  :ph34r:



Edited by 55Jay
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When I see the response, I have the thinking the profile views have something to do with the amount of posts.


Could it be, that like google, when they search, also do a click on the profile... so therefore if someone has more posts, also the profile will be clicked more?

Of course only a guess...

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4 hours ago, Jai Dee said:




Let me qualify that statement. I'm not saying their content is iffy at all (I have no idea), but if, for arguments sake, it were erring on the side of controversial, people would more likely click through to their profile than if it were benign.

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27 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

90 percent of the profiles i view happen because i accidentally hit the posters avatar  when trying to click the got to last unread button on my tablet.

So you're openly admitting to stalking 10 percent of the time?

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44 minutes ago, finy said:

So you're openly admitting to stalking 10 percent of the time?

no that is genuine curiosity, usually a new poster.


of course there is never any useful information to be found

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