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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump had it right in the campaign when he said his supporters would be totally OK with him just shooting random people on the streets. So what true believer trumpists say now to defend the clown president is irrelevant. 
Get real now. He ran on health care for all and now he supports paying for massive tax cuts for the richest by kicking off the poorest and sickest from health care, and most trumpists are STILL on board and still defending trump. Basically the legislative equivalent of shooting people on the streets. For trumpists it's a cult of personality thing like many authoritarian movements in history that usually end with blood in the streets.

Thank you, Jingthing - this sums up the madness and fact twisting so nicely. Trump supporters feel giving in or considering that things aren't going well for him even a little bit means losing terribly. There is no point anymore to even have a discussion as there is no more effort to reach common ground; it's simply an evasion game (such as one poster backhandedly expecting the 45th to describe his own security breech in detail! Simply crazy!).




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3 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

I hate to disappoint you but I made Momma proud.  Sister, brother, father and mother are all Jewish lawyers except for my cousin who is an MD.  He's the odd one.


Where's the BEEF?

A veritable shoal of catfish, eh?

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3 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

I hate to disappoint you but I made Momma proud.  Sister, brother, father and mother are all Jewish lawyers except for my cousin who is an MD.  He's the odd one.


Where's the BEEF?

My how those family dinners must just fly by. I assume by the amount of time you have spent on here recently that clients are few and far between.




2 hours ago, Opl said:
Vladimir Putin today said he was "ready to provide the recording" of the conversation between Sergei Lavrov and US President Donald Trump : "If the US administration allows it, we are ready to provide the recording of the conversation between Lavrov and Trump to the US Congress and Senate," Vladimir Putin told a press conference in Sochi with the first Italian Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

Now there is a great way to rub the US noses in the dog poop. Nothing coming out of the White House and Putin says, "would you like to listen to our recordings". So the Russians were not only in the White House, in the Oval Office, being informed of classified information, they recorded it. That must be the lowest point the Oval Office has seen since George Washington first said what colour he wanted it painting.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Now there is a great way to rub the US noses in the dog poop. Nothing coming out of the White House and Putin says, "would you like to listen to our recordings". So the Russians were not only in the White House, in the Oval Office, being informed of classified information, they recorded it. That must be the lowest point the Oval Office has seen since George Washington first said what colour he wanted it painting.

Whoa there Tonto... A Kremlin aide, Yuri Ushakov, later told reporters that Moscow had a written record of the conversation, not an audio recording.

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4 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

No problem at all.  I am a member of the bar in several of the Several States.

What are "Several States"?


Btw, I'm a judge.  But that and your claim to being a lawyer, which I doubt, is largely irrelevant to the issue.

Edited by EvenSteven
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4 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

What are "Several States"?


Btw, I'm a judge.  But that and your claim to being a lawyer, which I doubt, is irrelevant to the issue.

He could be a lawyer.


Doesn't change what he's posted here though. 

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2 hours ago, Opl said:

" Putin, however, called U.S. politicians "stupid" and "dangerous and unscrupulous" and accused them of wanting to hurt the U.S. He did not name them. "




Make Russia great again !

"Complaining about what he said were signs of “political schizophrenia” in the United States, Putin said Trump was not being allowed to do his job properly."




Trump is not being allowed to do his job to Putin's satisfaction.  Finally, some good news.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

My how those family dinners must just fly by. I assume by the amount of time you have spent on here recently that clients are few and far between.




Now there is a great way to rub the US noses in the dog poop. Nothing coming out of the White House and Putin says, "would you like to listen to our recordings". So the Russians were not only in the White House, in the Oval Office, being informed of classified information, they recorded it. That must be the lowest point the Oval Office has seen since George Washington first said what colour he wanted it painting.

We ought to ask him for Trump's tax returns while we have him on the  line.

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2 minutes ago, johnnywishbone said:

President Trump is a much better person overall than the liberal scum like the corrupt and repulsive Clintons and Obamas.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Wow! You  better get this information to the Special Prosecutor right away. You've blown the lid off the case against Trump!

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11 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

It's becoming clear to me, and everyone else that you don't know which subsection or subsections to cite.  I'll ask again, where's the BEEF?

Not at all...you're the one bragging about an impressive legal background, plus a plethora of legal minds in your family to assist when needed...surely reading and comprehending the Espionage Act should be a cake walk for you...or perhaps you missed the classes on legal research in law school.


I can read it just fine, given my undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, my JD, and many decades of legal experience.


You want the information?  Read the damn statute...

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18 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

obviously someone who cant differentiate between 'your and you're'

It is so unfashionable to be a member of the Grammar and Spelling police these days, you lose so many street red points. You know exactly what he meant.

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9 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

My how those family dinners must just fly by. I assume by the amount of time you have spent on here recently that clients are few and far between.




Now there is a great way to rub the US noses in the dog poop. Nothing coming out of the White House and Putin says, "would you like to listen to our recordings". So the Russians were not only in the White House, in the Oval Office, being informed of classified information, they recorded it. That must be the lowest point the Oval Office has seen since George Washington first said what colour he wanted it painting.

A lower point may have been when we burnt it down in 1814 in retaliation to invading us.

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Info was about ISIS atack on Russian plane - it's up to 300 or more possible victims. All sensetive data has been disclosed by mass-media all over the world, and it is the media who could possibly jeopardize the Israeli agent. But it looks like nobody cares if people die, The main idea is to blame Trump.


And also Israel says ties with the US have not been damaged by claims President Donald Trump gave Russia sensitive information provided by Israeli intelligence.


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3 hours ago, johnnywishbone said:

President Trump is a much better person overall than the liberal scum like the corrupt and repulsive Clintons and Obamas.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

You can always rely on the right to deliver the real pithy comments, eh?

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20 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

You may stop there.  Are you all magicians? Is this verbal slight of hand? President Donald Trump admits to nothing more than sharing with Russia.  He also says he has an absolute right to do this. 


What did he share?


How is sharing = revealing sensitive or classified data?


Now that we have seen your hand, I would suggest hanging your magician's hat elsewhere as you have failed to prove anything.

As you love to do, and which is a favored tactic of the fact-free trumpanzees, you only quote a part of my response and then say my response is wrong without ever referencing everything I said. To wit, 


21 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

While not specifically stating that the information that he shared was classified, the statement, "...which I have the absolute right to do," is a clear effort to defuse objections to his revealing classified intelligence, something he admittedly has the power to do, otherwise there was no reason to include that qualifier.

Neither do you reference the fact that even Israeli intelligence sources are stating that Trump revealed SENSITIVE (I know how much you love that word) information to the Russians. Your pathetic attempts at obfuscation are boring and do little other than continuously reveal how little ammunition you have at your disposal. But that matters not. You are nothing but one more in a long line of irrational supporters of a mentally unbalanced individual with delusions of grandeur coupled with a martyr complex. You are so stereotypical of that particular brand of the willfully ignorant. I have repeatedly offered multiple examples of Trump's failures which you refuse to respond to, preferring to toss out more deflections so as to not be compelled to actually produce a meaningful defense of the man. Engaging in further "debate" with you would be an exercise in futility as you have nothing to offer. You are the exact opposite of what you claim. You are not a "constitutionalist" (your word and lack of capitalization) as you refuse to hold your Fuhrer to the separation of powers after his attack on both a judge's ethnicity or his insistence that the courts have no power to interfere with his Muslim ban, nor his assertion that the Constitution is "archaic". Nor did you respond to my assertion that it is likely you are an originalist, a meaningless position in light of the Founders placing within the Constitution the ability to amend it. You are not a "libertarian with a small i" as you have no problem either with Trump's aggressive opposition to abortion or his willingness to let Sessions go after states that have liberalized their marijuana laws. Actual libertarians (regardless of the capitalization or lack thereof) embrace the right of the individual to control their own body. You do not. You are not a "logical thinker" as you refuse to rebut facts that are laid out in response to your fact-free arguments. And genuinely logical thinkers have no need to announce to the world that they are. Their words and actions demonstrate such. Yours do not.

Edited by Traveler19491
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2 hours ago, Mumpel said:

Info was about ISIS atack on Russian plane - it's up to 300 or more possible victims. All sensetive data has been disclosed by mass-media all over the world, and it is the media who could possibly jeopardize the Israeli agent. But it looks like nobody cares if people die, The main idea is to blame Trump.


And also Israel says ties with the US have not been damaged by claims President Donald Trump gave Russia sensitive information provided by Israeli intelligence.



Info was about ISIS atack on Russian plane...


Source? Link?

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Former Israeli spymasters rip into Trump, say Israel must reassess intel sharing


Ex-Mossad head Shavit: US president is like a ‘bull in a china shop… If tomorrow I were asked to pass information to the CIA, I would do everything I could to not pass it to them’



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22 hours ago, rice555 said:

Can the prez not, declassify anything he wants since he is head of governemt? rice555

Technically yes.  But that's like saying, "he can bomb anywhere, anytime, so if he launches missiles at Copenhagen, Durban and Kyoto this evening, it's perfectly lawful.   Or saying:  "he can fire any federal employee"  ....he can therefore fire everyone in the FBI, CIA, Aviation Bureau, Forest Service, FDA, State Dept, tomorrow, what's the problem?  ....he's legally allowed to do it.  


Trump firing everyone in the FBI seem too outlandish?   Not to me.  I wouldn't put anything out of bounds for the Dufus in Chief. He's the loosest of loose cannons - a true danger for America.


22 hours ago, heybruce said:

I don't think intelligence sharing with allies will end, but this is the sort of thing that puts a strain on it.  One can only speculate on how our allies will respond, but I'm sure there will be a response.

                            Today I spoke with a Swiss man, a Burmese and an Australian.  They all laughed and opined that Trump is a complete imbecile and will only contribute to the demise of the USA.  ... and that was before I gave my opinion on the orange idiot.  His reputation ww is slipping faster than a cake of soap down an ice slope.  ....same for the reputation of the USA.   Thanks, Trump voters.  You've successfully made America grate (its teeth) again.


22 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Tell us the Statute in the US Code President Donald Trump allegedly broke.  Where's the BEEF?

Then tell us how he broke this law.  Where's the BEEF?

He told an adversary country's top agents highly sensitive data.  It's so sensitive that even when CIA talk among themselves about that specific case, they use code words.   He also very possibly endangered the lives of special agents.


                      If I'm at a party and get your 18 year old virgin daughter drunk and have rough sex with her in a back room and impregnate her and then ridicule her to everyone as a cheap slut,  I'm not technically breaking the law - but would be a distasteful thing for me to do, nevertheless.   That's like Trump:  he's always skirting the law, while giving the middle finger to Americans who don't bow down to him,  'ha ha ha, you stupid suckers.  You didn't vote for me, but you're stuck with me for a long long time, ha ha ha ha.'

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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Three men alleged to be prominent Russian spies inexplicably gained access to the Oval Office last week and held a high-level meeting there, according to reports.


Eyewitnesses to the meeting said that the three Russian agents spoke at length and shared sensitive intelligence material, at times laughing uproariously.


After approximately an hour, the meeting broke up, with two of the spies leaving the Oval Office and the third remaining behind...




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