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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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On 1/7/2018 at 4:19 PM, soalbundy said:

I agree with your opinion regarding the choice of candidates but while Clinton was a mistake Trump was a laughable disaster.

Nice try ,In the liberal community he is considered a disaster and a thorn on their side.Just because liberals hate him isn't grounds for impeachment.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

Nice try ,In the liberal community he is considered a disaster and a thorn on their side.Just because liberals hate him isn't grounds for impeachment.

I agree, so let's impeach him for all the other crap.

10 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I agree, so let's impeach him for all the other crap.

The dem's  already tried a resolution to impeach ,unfortunate for you it failed. Your going to have to wait another 7 years.


I think everyone should just get used to the fact that each political side everywhere holds the other side in such utter contempt now, that anything can be said (and is) by either side in an attempt to sway votes...true or not (doesn't matter), as we now have such unreliable manipulated mediums such as the major players on Internet (which have a political policy) and are politically aligned to one side or another (despite their denial) plus newspapers or outlets that have forsaken any credible middle ground discussion due to their editorial bias and all objectivity has been lost. 


Believe what you want now, as it will help you feel good about yourself due to the waters being so murky now that you can't find the truth out about anything really, almost by design. I think sometimes it's all now a case of believe what makes you feel comfortable. Denial is strong with the modern generation and re-writing history is a common hobby.


Everyone's minds are and have been slowly being fried in the last 15 years. 

1 minute ago, riclag said:

The dem's  already tried a resolution to impeach ,unfortunate for you it failed. Your going to have to wait another 7 years.

Or until Nov 6, the Mueller investigation , congres put county over politics.

Whichever comes first

7 minutes ago, riclag said:

The dem's  already tried a resolution to impeach ,unfortunate for you it failed. Your going to have to wait another 7 years.

Not true.  The Dems are sitting back, watching the Reps destroy themselves.  When Dems have majorities in Congress, starting next year, that's when you'll see tangible steps towards impeachment.  Impeachment takes 2/3 vote from Congress, so a simple majority by Dems won't ensure that, unless several Republicans decide to do what's best for the country, instead of sticking with harmful partisanship.


Even if Trump is formally impeached, I doubt he'll pack his bags and leave.  He may declare war on NK or Iran and/or declare a state of emergency.  The US has never had a coup d'etat, but that could be what's coming in months ahead.  Putin smiles, because from Putin's perspective, every scenario makes the US weaker and Russia more influential in the world.


In show business, there's an expression; "there's no such thing as bad publicity."  From Putin's perspective: "there's no such thing as a bad Trump presidency."

10 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

I think everyone should just get used to the fact that each political side everywhere holds the other side in such utter contempt now, that anything can be said (and is) by either side in an attempt to sway votes...true or not (doesn't matter), as we now have such unreliable manipulated mediums such as the major players on Internet (which have a political policy) and are politically aligned to one side or another (despite their denial) plus newspapers or outlets that have forsaken any credible middle ground discussion due to their editorial bias and all objectivity has been lost. 


Believe what you want now, as it will help you feel good about yourself due to the waters being so murky now that you can't find the truth out about anything really, almost by design. I think sometimes it's all now a case of believe what makes you feel comfortable. Denial is strong with the modern generation and re-writing history is a common hobby.


Everyone's minds are and have been slowly being fried in the last 15 years. 

Did you eat some tainted shellfish?

Don't assume 'I can't find truth about anything'

I see truckloads of truth, and it's driving Trump and his buddies nutzoid.  

33 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

I think everyone should just get used to the fact that each political side everywhere holds the other side in such utter contempt now, that anything can be said (and is) by either side in an attempt to sway votes...true or not (doesn't matter), as we now have such unreliable manipulated mediums such as the major players on Internet (which have a political policy) and are politically aligned to one side or another (despite their denial) plus newspapers or outlets that have forsaken any credible middle ground discussion due to their editorial bias and all objectivity has been lost. 


Believe what you want now, as it will help you feel good about yourself due to the waters being so murky now that you can't find the truth out about anything really, almost by design. I think sometimes it's all now a case of believe what makes you feel comfortable. Denial is strong with the modern generation and re-writing history is a common hobby.


Everyone's minds are and have been slowly being fried in the last 15 years. 

Nice try.  If you think that all news media is biased, then you are a Trump guy.  There are still various media outlets that practice journalistic integrity.  They include CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, CBS/NBC/ABC, Boston Globe, LA Times....the list is endless.  Corrupt news networks include Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, etc.  Most of us can tell the difference.  At least admit that it's you who've been manipulated and corrupted, not everyone else. 

53 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Or until Nov 6, the Mueller investigation , congres put county over politics.

Whichever comes first

Read what poster 5800 said.That will be the case ,GOP with GOP and DeM's with dEm's. To gain control the Dem's in the house and senate have to convince American's that they will do a better job ,then PT.So far the only message they have is to resist and obstruct . It ain't gonna happen on Nov 6.


Trump saying over & over that Mueller will treat him fairly in that NY Times interview, gathered up in one place here


TRUMP: No, it doesn’t bother me because I hope that he’s going to be fair. I think that he’s going to be fair. And based on that [inaudible]. There’s been no collusion. But I think he’s going to be fair. And if he’s fair — because everybody knows the answer already, Michael. I want you to treat me fairly. O.K.?

TRUMP: Three and a half months. [...] — I think that Bob Mueller will be fair, and everybody knows that there was no collusion.

TRUMP: [Inaudible.] There was tremendous collusion on behalf of the Russians and the Democrats. There was no collusion with respect to my campaign. I think I’ll be treated fairly. Timingwise, I can’t tell you. I just don’t know. But I think we’ll be treated fairly.

TRUMP: What I’ve done is, I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department. But for purposes of hopefully thinking I’m going to be treated fairly, I’ve stayed uninvolved with this particular matter.


comes from an interesting but toxic mix of beliefs and manipulations but in the end, is just a thinly veiled threat to exonerate him or else.


His closing comment also reveal a mindset that he trades $$$$ for morals all the time and expects others to do the same (many of his passionate supporters certainly do with their ridiculous predictions that we will praise the guy after he's done and achieved a, b, c.... as if that would make all his lies and outrageous & vile statements & actions, for me, esp. his comments post-Charlottesville - go away just like that.


TRUMP: We’re going to win another four years for a lot of reasons, most importantly because our country is starting to do well again and we’re being respected again. But another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times. So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, “Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.” O.K.



2 minutes ago, Opl said:

Lawyers for Trump have been discussing with FBI investigators a possible interview by the special counsel with the president as part of the inquiry into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.



16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And where is your criticism of posters who say that no charges or recommendations to take action against Trump will come of the Comey/Mueller investigation? You give your true sentiments away with your one-sided criticism. Clearly another case of "I-don't-support-but...."


It's not up to those who think he's innocent of anything to prove that.....that's the natural state.   It's up to the investigators to show that he has committed an impeacheable offence.


Sorry I can't make it any simpler.

20 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Just as suspected. No reason whatsoever. 


Cant remember the last time I heard of anything legitimately concerning coming out of the investigation in regards to Trump. 


18 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

Well, after 8 months and 5763 posts from the Trump haters, I still don't see anything about an impeachment process even being started.


So may be time to get over it.



Mueller indicates he will likely seek interview with Trump


5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


"likely" seek an interview??


I'd be surprised if the investigator DID NOT want to interview the person at the centre of these allegations, but "likely"  doesn't sound too convincing to me....but then I see it's the Washington Post reporting.....that's a joke folks.....the Washington Post....chuckle, chuckle.

8 hours ago, riclag said:

Nice try ,In the liberal community he is considered a disaster and a thorn on their side.Just because liberals hate him isn't grounds for impeachment.

well make him read a book then, one with lots of words in it. 


U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to try to help President Donald Trump win, in part by hacking and releasing emails embarrassing to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and spreading social media propaganda.


CIA Director Mike Pompeo told CBS that the Russian interference is longstanding, and continues. Asked on "Face the Nation" if Moscow is currently trying to undermine U.S. elections, Pompeo responded: "Yes sir, have been for decades."


Trump has at times suggested that he accepts the U.S. intelligence agencies' assessment that Russia sought to interfere in the election but at other times has said he accepts Russian President Vladimir Putin's denials that Moscow meddled.


Trump has frequently spoken of wanting to improve relations with Putin, even though Russia has frustrated U.S. policy in Syria and Ukraine and done little to help Washington in its standoff with North Korea.



37 minutes ago, simple1 said:

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to try to help President Donald Trump win, in part by hacking and releasing emails embarrassing to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and spreading social media propaganda.


CIA Director Mike Pompeo told CBS that the Russian interference is longstanding, and continues. Asked on "Face the Nation" if Moscow is currently trying to undermine U.S. elections, Pompeo responded: "Yes sir, have been for decades."


Trump has at times suggested that he accepts the U.S. intelligence agencies' assessment that Russia sought to interfere in the election but at other times has said he accepts Russian President Vladimir Putin's denials that Moscow meddled.


Trump has frequently spoken of wanting to improve relations with Putin, even though Russia has frustrated U.S. policy in Syria and Ukraine and done little to help Washington in its standoff with North Korea.




CIA Director Mike Pompeo told CBS that the Russian interference is longstanding, and continues. Asked on "Face the Nation" if Moscow is currently trying to undermine U.S. elections, Pompeo responded: "Yes sir, have been for decades."


So it's up to the investigators to dredge up collusion between Trump and the Russians.  That would seem unlikely, but if they do, there possibly would have been collusion in the past??   Maybe even a democrat president wannabe??   Horror or horrors....not a dem...nah, couldn't happen.

On 1/6/2018 at 11:31 PM, UncleTouchyFingers said:


I love it how you guys screech about impeachment but when cornered with the truth of the matter (Not a damn thing to impeach him over) you get all:




Yeah sure, maybe you guys ought of take a little bit of your own medicine. And by "a little bit" I mean just down the whole bottle. 


You know, that whole cataclysmic, space-time-warping hypocrisy thingy you guys do so well. 


On 1/6/2018 at 11:34 PM, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Kinda funny isnt it? 


Watching the downgrade from "imminent impeachment!" to red-assed grumbling of "let the investigation run its course". 



The truth is that few people have been predicting a quick impeachment.  Most agree it will have to wait until after the 2018 elections and, hopefully, a Democratic Congress being sworn in 2019.  However mis-stating the facts is a common practice of conservatives.


At least we agree that the investigation should run its course. 


Also, worth noting that even UncleTochyFingers (I don't want to know why he chose that creepy name) didn't contest my claim that Trump is repulsive.  Of course it's difficult to contest that.

20 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Just as suspected. No reason whatsoever. 


Cant remember the last time I heard of anything legitimately concerning coming out of the investigation in regards to Trump. 

Apparently you are unaware that grounds for impeachment are whatever the House of Representatives want them to be.  If enough Senators agree with the House then Trump will be impeached.  If they decide that criminal activities of top campaign officials and cabinet advisers are grounds for impeachment, then they are grounds for impeachment.  Of course I think that once enough of Trump's finances and conflicts of interest are revealed there will be much stronger grounds.


You really should inform yourself before posting.

9 hours ago, riclag said:

 First of all the people who are investigating Trump, are being investigated.Their credibility will be exposed hence,the Mueller team will be dissolved.

Everything you mentioned has to have a resolution proposal voted on in the house of reps which has a GOP majority .It also has to be approved and voted on by Congress which the GOP holds majority.The dem's already tried to pass a resolution to demand to see PT taxes also they tried to pass a resolution to impeach with no luck ,dead.I think you Trump haters have to wait till 2024 especially seeing that the dems have no  campaign message other than resist and obstruct.

The Republicans in Congress are attempting to discredit the Mueller team, but failing.  They have nothing more than a couple of members of the team exchanging political views.  Investigators are allowed to have political views, they just need to keep them out of their work.


Regarding the rest, it has been explained many times here that it impeachment will probably have to wait for a Democratic Congress.  However that could happen in January 2019.

8 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Dow busted 25,000 last week. Keep up the good work Trump.

Trumpies keep reminding us that the Obama recovery continues, fueled now by the promise of a deficit funded tax cut.  I guess it's all they have.

1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:


CIA Director Mike Pompeo told CBS that the Russian interference is longstanding, and continues. Asked on "Face the Nation" if Moscow is currently trying to undermine U.S. elections, Pompeo responded: "Yes sir, have been for decades."


So it's up to the investigators to dredge up collusion between Trump and the Russians.  That would seem unlikely, but if they do, there possibly would have been collusion in the past??   Maybe even a democrat president wannabe??   Horror or horrors....not a dem...nah, couldn't happen.

My understanding the primary investigations into Trump are financial and obstruction of justice. Possible collusion primarily focussed on Trump Administration players, maybe with Trump's knowledge. As an assumption I believe another arm of the investigation into analytics carried out by the Trump campaign and possible leakage/link to Russian influencing campaigns could turn out to be critical.


Yet again, as a self claimed non supporter of the Trump Administration you are deflecting re Democrats, which is classic Trump supporter profile activity. What the Democrats have or haven't done is irrelevant to the topic.

57 minutes ago, heybruce said:


The truth is that few people have been predicting a quick impeachment.  Most agree it will have to wait until after the 2018 elections and, hopefully, a Democratic Congress being sworn in 2019.  However mis-stating the facts is a common practice of conservatives.


At least we agree that the investigation should run its course. 


Also, worth noting that even UncleTochyFingers (I don't want to know why he chose that creepy name) didn't contest my claim that Trump is repulsive.  Of course it's difficult to contest that.

Not true.   There were the usual suspects, 8 or thereabouts, who were predicting it was imminent almost a year ago, and I, along with a couple of others have gained great enjoyment to see the weakening of that stance,  and of course, pointing it out, from it's about to happen, maybe next week, this isn't an overnight thing, all the way down to 'let's wait for the outcome of the investigation', which is still 10 months away.


Being repulsive is NOT grounds for impeachment.

10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Putin smiles, because from Putin's perspective, every scenario makes the US weaker and Russia more influential in the world.


But the liberal media & people like yourself are the ones that are making actually making Putin a thing. 


This is what I cant wrap my head around. Did Russia meddle? Guess they did but its still vague as hell as to the extent. 


But that should have been it. Instead you guys are using it like hes Putins Puppet creating a rift. All the while Putins over there LOL'ing at all of us. 

5 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


But the liberal media & people like yourself are the ones that are making actually making Putin a thing. 


This is what I cant wrap my head around. Did Russia meddle? Guess they did but its still vague as hell as to the extent. 


But that should have been it. Instead you guys are using it like hes Putins Puppet creating a rift. All the while Putins over there LOL'ing at all of us. 

Of course the Russians interfered, as FBI Director Mike Pompeo says, "they have been for decades", but what the investigators must show is that there was collusion, and that's looking less likely by the day.


The liberal media people have a lot to answer for.


This is what the viewers get from CNN when Tapper doesn't like what he is hearing




CNN has discredited itself many times, and this is just another example of not letting a Trump aide speak, to answer a question which Tapper himself asked.

1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Trumpies keep reminding us that the Obama recovery continues, fueled now by the promise of a deficit funded tax cut.  I guess it's all they have.


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