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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

Salman Abedi is the bomber, originally from Libya


22 Years old one dead for every year of his miserable life...


I am sure he did not do this unaided. I hope thy nail the other ******* quickly. 

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Just now, Basil B said:

22 Years old one dead for every year of his miserable life...


I am sure he did not do this unaided. I hope thy nail the other ******* quickly. 

someone posted he's British, parents Libyan. I just posted at the time as it came up on the Sky tickertape.

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:

Wrong. Seems that nobody yet understands what jihadist terrorism is all about, certainly not the politicians. It's not 'about' Islam, it's not about attacks on democracy, and it's not the result of immigration. It's about the Muslim world's damaged pride and low self-esteem, which has been caused by acts of the west, specifically in relation to the Israel/Palestine issue. It has spread outwards from that to other arenas, but the root cause remains the same. The ONLY way to fix this problem is FIRST to address that issue.

Sorry but that sounds like a very lame response.


Of course it's about Islam. These terrorists are all about their brand of Islam. No damaged pride not immigration or any of the other items you note. They do not care who they attack. Anyone who does not agree with them is fair game.


It is all about terrorising the world into their brand of Islam....Simple

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1 minute ago, sandrabbit said:

someone posted he's British, parents Libyan. I just posted at the time as it came up on the Sky tickertape.

I do not care what his nationality is, he is still a ********.


Wonder when and how his body will be returned to his parents???


Hope it is many weeks and the get told to bury him discreetly.

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1 minute ago, Basil B said:

I do not care what his nationality is, he is still a ********.


Wonder when and how his body will be returned to his parents???


Hope it is many weeks and the get told to bury him discreetly.

Normally in Islam they bury straight away but his body will be shredded from the explosion so I presume our home office scientists will separate all his dna from the victims and store it until at least after a coroners court. Personally when all that's finished I would hope they cremate the remains but I have a suspicion the remains will go back to the family and they will be forced to have a private cremation.

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Beeb are saying right now; Libyan decent, parents came to UK 1994 to escape Gaddafi. The POS, had two brothers and a sister...


Police have arrested one man in relation to the attack in Whalley Range (about 11/2  miles south of city centre)


I live 3 miles north of MEN arena, Manchester and all the people today are feeling angry but United that these cowards will not win in any way shape or form.


It feels quite strange on the streets, people are like hugging each other and showing sort of bonding, looks, friendship/kinship it's a bit weird but sort of comforting. People opened their doors last night to look after strangers in the area, ran strangers around in cars etc. There is still young kids missing, one of the dead is an eight year old girl. Vigil in Albert Sqare outside town hall just finished now.


The Police and security plus rescue services have been sterling and done a great job in looking after people and protecting them.


If anyone knows Mancunians then a few Jihadis aint gonna make us stop living and enjoying life. Up YOURS!!


R I P to the innocents

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4 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

specifically in relation to the Israel/Palestine issue

If this really was the case, Why is most of the violence arab against arab? Is it that they cant take it out on Israel so they kill each other in the name of islam?    

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4 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Low self esteem.

Boy, you are a piece of work.

I wonder how much of a low self esteem I should have as a Serb when the west decided to bomb us because a bunch of Muslims decided to steal Serbian land.

Well, maybe we aren't terrorizing as much because we are enjoying the show you brought on yourself.

Low self esteem, ROTFLMAO


After Srebrenica your lucky it was only bombs.

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2 hours ago, Lokie said:

Beeb are saying right now; Libyan decent, parents came to UK 1994 to escape Gaddafi. The POS, had two brothers and a sister...


Police have arrested one man in relation to the attack in Whalley Range (about 11/2  miles south of city centre)


I live 3 miles north of MEN arena, Manchester and all the people today are feeling angry but United that these cowards will not win in any way shape or form.


It feels quite strange on the streets, people are like hugging each other and showing sort of bonding, looks, friendship/kinship it's a bit weird but sort of comforting. People opened their doors last night to look after strangers in the area, ran strangers around in cars etc. There is still young kids missing, one of the dead is an eight year old girl. Vigil in Albert Sqare outside town hall just finished now.


The Police and security plus rescue services have been sterling and done a great job in looking after people and protecting them.


If anyone knows Mancunians then a few Jihadis aint gonna make us stop living and enjoying life. Up YOURS!!


R I P to the innocents

Great post. All the best to the good people do Manchester. 

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10 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not to mention the countless Muslim doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers and other professionals currently engaged in dealing with this atrocity. Islamophobic haters are just doing the terrorists' bidding, although they're too dim to realise it.


'Countless' I've not seen any on the TV and all the victims appear to be English, mostly youngsters!

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5 hours ago, Flustered said:

Integration means just that, not a pick and chose.


I have trouble with anyone born in the UK not accepting that they and their children can marry anyone they like regardless of race. colour or creed


Islam is an intolerant religion that does allows integration into other faiths. 


This is why we see growing areas of the UK becoming solely Islamic and from these the modern day British born terrorist is appearing. Sad but true.

Stop posting misinformation. Intolerance by religious parents to their children marrying a person from another religion is not unique to Islam.


You're posting statements which at at this stage have no proven relevance with the atrocity in Manchester.  IMO you're leveraging this tragedy as a platform for an attack on Muslims in general, which I believe is inappropriate & which all Western security agencies clearly state is unhelpful.

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This creature had just returned from Libya. Seems to me we need start monitoring when people leave and when they return. If they are returning after spending more than 2 weeks, say, in one of a list of countries they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society.


I still feel the local community should share some severe penalty for sheltering these types. Without community support, they could not operate.


Finally, for all the defensiveness from apologists for Islam on here. I have yet to see Islamic mass protests against this atrocity or a storm of protest from Muslims on social media. Excuse me if I retain my skepticism

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8 hours ago, Flustered said:

No Muslim can allow his daughter to marry a non Muslim.....Fact

A Muslim man can marry a Christian or a Jewish female (People of the Book)  but the children must be brought up in the Islamic faith.....Fact

Islam comes before country.....Fact


This is not integration, it is domination.....Fact


It does not stop there being any good Muslims, it just means that they can never integrate into another societies culture.

So my sister in law in UK a muslim from a muslim family. Married to my brother with full support of her family especialy her father. 1st wrong fact.

Three children from said marriage are being brought up in the christian faith (not attending church every sunday) all three baptized christians again with ALL families consent. 2nd wrong fact.

There are millions of muslims who have integrated into UK society. 3rd wrong fact.

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I have a relative married to a Muslim from North Africa.   She's not Muslim and none of the children are Muslim.   Her husband is well integrated, a US citizen for 40+ years and very well educated.  


He is not very religious, occasionally drinks, but seldom eats pork, as he never developed a taste from it.   He does a lot of volunteer work, including work with the National Park Service in checking remote archeological sites for pilfering and damage.  

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

1. This creature had just returned from Libya. Seems to me we need start monitoring when people leave and when they return. If they are returning after spending more than 2 weeks, say, in one of a list of countries they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society.


2. I still feel the local community should share some severe penalty for sheltering these types. Without community support, they could not operate.


3. Finally, for all the defensiveness from apologists for Islam on here. I have yet to see Islamic mass protests against this atrocity or a storm of protest from Muslims on social media. Excuse me if I retain my skepticism

Grouse, while I would agree with your points in principle, yours would be a country that doesn't exist in the modern era, mainly because of the laws (that we have made and agreed on) that society dictates are for our protection. And unfortunately the same laws relating to freedom and equality protect the wrong-doers as well. Just to break down your points (as I see them):


1. If that were to happen you would be endorsing internment. And if this was to be implemented it would have to be across the board from businessmen, people visiting family and possibly, terrorists visiting training camps. But it would need to be equal; if there was proof against someone they would already be under investigation in normal conditions. Key word is proof.


2. In many, if not all communities, the normal family and individual lives in fear of the minority of people that carry out these heinous acts of terrorism. But unless you have actually experienced this, you would expect the community to turn these people in, as you suggest above. My teenage years were in Belfast from the late 60's to the mid 70's and, although not directly related, it was proof that nobody 'grasses' on these type of people through fear of retaliation. This was the same in both protestant and catholic communities; I can see it being no different in Islamic communities as well.


3. See 2. above. People live in real fear.


Not a dig Grouse, but rather reality

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15 minutes ago, steven100 said:

unfortunately when you allow muslims or illegal immigrants into your country you run the risk of a terrible tragic event.

That's how the world has become ...

They are not illegal immigrants if you let them in.

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21 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

And yet the left fight against Trumps travel ban in the US.

His point is made here I think.


I want to catch people of have spent time with Jihadists abroad. Right now, we appear to allow these people to travel without let or hindrance.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Seems to me we need start monitoring when people leave and when they return.

If they are returning after spending more than 2 weeks, say, in one of a list of countries

they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society.






Along with a good dose of myopic xenophobia.


"they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society."


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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

This creature had just returned from Libya. Seems to me we need start monitoring when people leave and when they return. If they are returning after spending more than 2 weeks, say, in one of a list of countries they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society.


I still feel the local community should share some severe penalty for sheltering these types. Without community support, they could not operate.


Finally, for all the defensiveness from apologists for Islam on here. I have yet to see Islamic mass protests against this atrocity or a storm of protest from Muslims on social media. Excuse me if I retain my skepticism


All great ideas, maybe we could also force them to sew crecent moons onto their outward clothing so they can be easily identified by the general public and our security forces.

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13 minutes ago, iReason said:






Along with a good dose of myopic xenophobia.


"they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society."


Right now, we have people travelling to join ISIS and freely returning?


What would you suggest?


I am no fascist, my anti Islam stance is bigotry, I am not a xenophobe in any way. What are you?

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12 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


All great ideas, maybe we could also force them to sew crecent moons onto their outward clothing so they can be easily identified by the general public and our security forces.

No need; they already wear hijabs and have beards!

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Right now, we have people travelling to join ISIS and freely returning?


What would you suggest?


I am no fascist, my anti Islam stance is bigotry, I am not a xenophobe in any way. What are you?

What puzzles me: we see these apparently normal kids become radicalised in the blink of an eye. One minute going to the football and almost the next minute chanting prayers in the street. How does this happen so fast? What is the trigger? Are there no alarm bells? The Imam mentioned something about getting an evil look from this kid but nothing else out of the ordinary. It's peculiar.

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