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Why do you think Thailand is special

crystal sauce

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35 minutes ago, ukrules said:

Someone questioned my avatar so I responded to that.


Thailand is not special, it's just a country like all the others, everything being equal, etc.

I am only kidding with you.

Every country is special in its own way.

Thailand at the very least has more Thai people than any other country in the world

It's indisputably the Hub of Thai people .:tongue:

I think the Op wants to know what makes it special to each one of us. 

To me it goes back to my above statement, The Thai people, I just love them. the good, the bad, and the ugly, and the Very Pretty!!

I am fascinated by them. a delicious mixture of all of it. 

Edited by sirineou
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Coz its different from where ever we came from i.e. The "developed" world where "progress" means its everyones duty by law to protect the ignorant and stupid from themselves. Where we are "freed" from outdoor mundane manual labour such as farm work and allowed to achieve our dream of one day owning a farm and live the simple and healthy outdoor lifestyle.

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45 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The beautiful, feminine, available girls are number one, but the charismatic people, natural beauty and so on help too.


Use to be, now, wonder over many places of entertainments everywhere

and you'll find whore like attitudes, greed and rough manners, drugs

and excess drinking, and while back in the days there were

many real cuties and beauties, nowadays, they're mostly old, haggard,

worn out  women with kids at home...

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Inexpensive Housing # 1


'Relatively' Modern Infrastructure # 2


Relative Ease of Living # 3 (for example renting an apartment in the USA requires credit checks, salary verification, etc etc., Thailand...2 months security, sign here, take your key)


Availability / Affordability of Quality Health Care # 4

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The way Thai people expect everyday activities to be fun, the way most people expect work to be fun and how so many people try to make even the most mundane parts of life fun is what makes Thailand special.

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6 hours ago, crystal sauce said:

What is or what are the things that make Thailand so special?

not too many icy roads in winters and prik nam pla available in abundance. a small setback are the rather cool months, especially the month of april, which require some heating.

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The lack of political correctness , the lack of a nanny state , the fact you will not be fined 120 quid for going a few miles over the speed limit ,the fact you wont be fined 60 quid if you overstay 10 minutes in a pat and display car park , there is lots more , because i was born in a time when i was not monitered by the state constantly with spy cameras etc . 

oh and the fact as Naam  said ,its nice and cool here in April:smile:

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


Use to be, now, wonder over many places of entertainments everywhere

and you'll find whore like attitudes, greed and rough manners, drugs

and excess drinking, and while back in the days there were

many real cuties and beauties, nowadays, they're mostly old, haggard,

worn out  women with kids at home...

Man, you hand out at the wrong places!!

Edited by Blackheart1916
Bad spelling
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The many differences in sight, sound and smell from the old country makes life here a continuing journey of discovery.


When the wife enters the driveway I can tell that durian season has begun purely using my olfactory organ. A neighbor more than 40 meters away has an even more sensitive nose and quickly arrives ready to partake in the feasting. 

The pungent aromas of the local farmer burning rubbish often punctuate the evenings smells.


I know I've left the nanny state far behind when the lads on their unmufflered bikes start their nightly drag races on nearby roads. The cacophony of the fighting cocks in the nearby farm lulls me off to sleep every night. Such sounds are forbidden where I came from.

As a kid a yearly highlight was Guy Fawkes night when we got to set off skyrockets and use explosives to blow up disliked neighbors letterboxes. OK, a few kids lost the occasional finger, but they shouldn't have banned it for everybody!  Here, every night can be Guy Fawkes night and adults get to play like kids! (Temporarily toned down for the mourning period)


I like the fact that you don't have to venture out to observe wildlife. 

Eagles and hawks circle overhead, and flying ants periodically swarm to your lights if you leave the door open at the wrong time. Geckos, frogs and toads come to gorge.

Last year a 4' cobra came into the living room to elicit a riot.  Millipedes march steadfastly around the house searching for who knows what. Occasionally their lessor footed, but fleeter of foot, cousins dash in and get dashed into oblivion. A couple of nights ago I found myself wondering why there was a large dead leaf on the blind in the bathroom, it turned out to be a butterfly heavily in disguise! 

I once found myself entertained by a lost firefly blinking it's way around the darkened bedroom and never quite learning that the overhead fan should be avoided. Large, ugly squirrels run along the power lines and pilfer from fruit trees. Bats swoop on the pool for a drink. Buffalo and egrets wander the nearby fields and a couple of months ago an elephant sauntered past the house.

Colourful, hairy and exotic looking caterpillars abound in the garden, but find themselves all called  "worms"  by the family gardener and put down, in much the same way western men are classified and treated in the home country.


I wouldn't go back to the inanity of my former life under any circumstance.


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i must admit i like the warm weather, hot chicks, and cold beer !!!  but those things can be found in alot of other countries in the world.  i really like the easy lifestyle in bangkok.  i don't need a car, taxis are cheap.  i can get to most places i need to by walking and/or taking the BTS/MRT.  i like HK for the same reasons but it is a bit expensive to rent a place !! 

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Number one is the low cost of living. I can live very well here on what would have me living in very modest circumstances in Australia.

Number two is Thai women. How many here have noticed Thai women treat sex as just like a meal, no tortuous negotiation processes that are common in Western countries. It doesn't hurt that many of them have beautiful faces and bodies as well.

A fair few other things that make Thailand special for me, but they are the two main ones.

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7 hours ago, kannot said:

is that "special" in the retarded, handicapped sense?

ie "special needs  teacher"


Do you require "special" assistance with the topic question?


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