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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry


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6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


Agree with you.

But I think those russians were really extorting other business. But the journalist, in my opinion, combined two unrelated news items.

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4 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm


They in the end would help educate the locals and that is not wanted by the powers that be, just get rid of all Farangs is the answer

What I think the powers that be want is replace all western farangs and replace them with chinese. The junta are planning to pull the strings for the next 20 years.

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The reality is these new rules, if enforced, will hurt Thai businesses, because they wont be able to employ hard working workers from neighbouring countries. Thailand has full employment, and the demand for workers must be met somehow. Seems to me the government has not thought this through, but then no one seems to have any good words for the government at the moment.


The reality is Thais are not hard workers; today i got some experience of that. Workmen fitting a door: They would not do a good job as they were only prepared to spend 3 hours on it. So yours truly had to finish it off. I can understand people in hot countries would not be as hard working as those from colder climes but burma, laos and Cambodia have a similar climate to Thailand! Imho if you take a job on, you do a good job and complete it!


Then there is my Thai daughter. Nearing Thai legal age and she cant find a job because she is slow, lazy, overweight, scraped through high school and has the wrong attitude!

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Having spent way too much time in Pattaya and lived there for several years, there is a foreign criminal element that can be sensed in certain areas...this is just an observation or simple statement don't read into it too far. 

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Of course Thai laws should be enforced but the outrage expressed seems disproportionate to the crime.  I suspect that the psychology operating here is the scapegoating of, presumably just white, foreigners.  Government leaders have used the displacement of internal discontent to a foreign enemy to their advantage for a long time.  In Europe it has been, and still is, although more covertly, naming the Jews as the villains. 

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44 minutes ago, JAG said:


Take a bet on his reply (if there is one) starting with " Everyone knows that....."?







Here are 3  I do not say things unless I have info.

To this you can also use the number of women that have been found working illegally in massage parlours and the under age girls.





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1 hour ago, UncleE said:

As usual, I find some of the comments here to be totally negative and off base.   Try  getting a work permit in Australia or any other western country.   It's so easy and cheap in Thailand, people who are legitimate should have zero complaints.  My staff forgot to renew my work permit a couple months ago and therefore had to make a new one.   Took 1 week with no money under table to get it done (my staff did it, we do not hire companies to do it).  The fee (total cost) was 4,000 baht plus 150 for the doctor's certificate.  Seems to me I just paid $2,000 bucks to get my Thai wife's green card in USA extended between lawyers and fees.


And furthermore, anyone who thinks getting Russian mafia out is anything but positive should be sent along with them.


Some of the peanut gallery people who post here don't have enough money to make any positive difference in Thailand anyway.   Count your blessings there is still someplace you can afford to live and just go home if you don't like it.


Teachers etc. should be supported by the school they work for, how will they suffer ???


And furthermore, it's easy to see progress is being made.  There was so much to improve before and slowly but steadily there are improvements being made.  Obviously the previous fines and punishment for visa violators were so low it was a joke.   They ought to raise the fines 10 times more.  I support anything they can do to get the riff raff foreign residents out of Thailand !!!

I think with schools is that the teachers don't stick around long enough for the schools to justify getting them a work permit. Or maybe it's the other way around. I don't know as I'm not a teacher, but it's definitely something that needs to be addressed if Thailand wants its people to learn English.  As for me, I have worked remotely for both the UK and US governments for roughly 10 years, and have occasionally worked for non-Thai based private entities in the same sort of work.  The work can definitely not be done by most Thais as one would need to be able to read Arabic fluently (among other things), and as a result I find myself caught in a never-ending visa issue here.  To clarify, to all those who would tell me to go "home", I was born in the UK but left before I could even speak, and have spent my entire life as a terminal expat. I have no "home" as such, and I don't even have a British accent, and on the odd occasion I have been back to the UK, I feel like a tourist.  I chose Thailand as a base for many reasons roughly 10 years ago and am comfortable living there - currently in Iraqi Kurdistan :(... and I have tried to find some sort of means of living there on a legit visa, but apart from the Platinum Card, or whatever it is called (and which I would not trust, particularly under the current "government"), there seems to be no means for someone like myself to live in Thailand legitimately.  It's sad as it's the one country I've lived in the longest since I was like 6 months old that I feel at home in.  I really resent being called a digital nomad or "riff-raff" by retired TV members who are probably just aging sex tourists that finally made the situation permanent cause of their age. In my view, the are the riff-raff... a total embarrassment. 

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7 hours ago, chowny77 said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

Hmmmmm  I read this on the link:  “If you enter the kingdom legally, and if you possess the proper passports, visas and work permits, I can guarantee you that this new law won’t affect you,” he said.

so as long as you are legal, you have no problem...........people need to get legal visa's and work permits.


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4 hours ago, the guest said:

There really needs to be a total shake-up on all foreigners living Thailand. Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place. For example: if a foreigner has money in the account which accrued whilst in Thailand, then this should be investigated to ensure no law was broken, that the person/s must supply evidence of where the money was obtained from, as they do now in Europe. 


I'm aware of many foreigners could be breaking the law or earning huge sums of money without paying the appropriate tax to the country or even are getting a income in Thailand without having the appropriate permits. This should also be tightly controlled. 


All foreigners are visitors, unless they have residency rights or citizenship, and thailand does have the right to control them as they see fit, according to the law that exists.

Money laundering? Foreigners send money to Thailand to launder it? If they are laundering money in Thailand, they are paying taxes on it 'in thailand'. What do you think money laundering is?



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1 hour ago, Arkady said:

A local English language publication did a very sympathetic feature on, I think it was, 30,000 Thais working illegally in the US who were worried about being kicked out by the Trump administration.  The reporters suggested they didn't really want to be there illegally but had no choice as they had to sacrifice themselves to support families back home and that it would be very unfair for the Trump government to deport them.   The same publication has not published anything so far about this new decree.   

I understand that they have to sacrifice to support their families, and I would probably do the same, if given the opportunity, but that doesn't mean that it's unfair to deport if they are breaking the laws. As a citizen of any country, if I break the law, and I'm caught, no matter how unfair I think (We could argue for days if I think unfair or not) , there are consequences, but to be somewhere illegal and be afraid to get caught is not unfair if you are caught.

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8 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


Are you on drugs? What jobs do expats do that take away Thai peoples living? Teaching English? Running a business that actually gives what it sells? Please give one example of your retarded thought process.

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1 hour ago, Arkady said:

A local English language publication did a very sympathetic feature on, I think it was, 30,000 Thais working illegally in the US who were worried about being kicked out by the Trump administration.  The reporters suggested they didn't really want to be there illegally but had no choice as they had to sacrifice themselves to support families back home and that it would be very unfair for the Trump government to deport them.   The same publication has not published anything so far about this new decree.   

Yeaaah Right!!!  ........ I dated a Thai in Alexandria that worked cleaning offices at night, she was on a short visitors visa a US Army guy got her 10 years before.........she skipped him and has been there ever since.  Even pays US Taxes, at least its being withheld from her check..........didn't want any part of that crapola, bailed, after making her a Social Security logon to check if she is indeed using a valid SSN.  She said the company she worked for set it all up, had a few hundred workers from all countries, just in the DC area.  Go to any hotel in the Wash DC area with a swimming pool, betcha a dollar to a donut the lifeguard is either a Kazak or Uzbek chick on a student Visa  -  I see them picked up and dropped off in a Van.

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So generally the mafia types who are actually doing the harm  will pay off the police and the soft touches who would happily get a wp if it wasn't so difficult and who support the economy will be further run out of the country leaving Thai landlords without tenants and actually directly harming the Thais they say they want to protect.

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5 hours ago, MaiChai said:

The reality is these new rules, if enforced, will hurt Thai businesses, because they wont be able to employ hard working workers from neighbouring countries. Thailand has full employment, and the demand for workers must be met somehow. Seems to me the government has not thought this through, but then no one seems to have any good words for the government at the moment.


The reality is Thais are not hard workers; today i got some experience of that. Workmen fitting a door: They would not do a good job as they were only prepared to spend 3 hours on it. So yours truly had to finish it off. I can understand people in hot countries would not be as hard working as those from colder climes but burma, laos and Cambodia have a similar climate to Thailand! Imho if you take a job on, you do a good job and complete it!


Then there is my Thai daughter. Nearing Thai legal age and she cant find a job because she is slow, lazy, overweight, scraped through high school and has the wrong attitude!

If that`s your opinions about Thais and have enough know how to finish fitting a door yourself, then why did you bother to hire Thais for the job in the first place and not do the complete job yourself, or even better hire a foreigner to do it?


The Thais managed for thousands of years before foreigners came along believing they can do the jobs faster and better and for those who think that`s why the country has not progressed and the Thais are backward and lazy, then why stay here and keep on complaining?

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9 hours ago, Arkady said:


Section 4 (6) refers persons coming to Thailand to perform missions related to education, culture, art, sport etc, as prescribed in the ministerial regulations.  I think that means people who come to teach at a seminar, perform at a concert or compete in a sporting event.  It seems to refer to one-off teaching events or lectures, not part time tutors and educators. 

Where does it say that? ?

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16 hours ago, chowny77 said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

What about the Thai overseas sending money home ,o thats ok we are Thais we are the world.


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10 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

I think we are forgetting past history this year.


How many pedophiles have been found or people that have arrest warrants in their old country and are teaching.


Then you have all the laos and cambodian people working in the massage parlours and such.



Unbelievable that your statements seem to agree that it foreigners the problem.  Do you not think it is a bigger problem with the Thais themselves ?  This week a Thai man raped a 4 year old, last week a Thai man raped a 10 year old then murdered her. Four weeks ago a Thai man was caught pimping out 12 year old boys to high placed official.


It goes on unfortunately all over the world and there is not a punishment out there that could deter these freaks.  My point was, which you clearly missed, is that Thais blame it on foreigners when in fact they themselves are a much or more culpable.


That is sexual exploitation aspects.  The other exploitation/labour trafficking is that of Thais illegally employing on building sites Burmese, Cambodians or those from Laos at 50%, if not less, of the minimum daily wage.  Poor conditions, no recourse to medical aid and of course due to lax safety and they get killed on site, no compensation for the families. That is not a few nor hundreds being exploited this way but possibly thousands.


The Thai government should clear up the filth in their own backyard before blaming it on others.

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16 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.



"there is no unemployment payments" - yes there are, up to 7,500 Baht a month (50% of your normal monthly salary, up to a limit of 15k), for 6 months, providing you have paid your social insurance,

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17 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 

What jobs are foreigners taking from Thais?

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While I accept that if you wish to work here you should comply with the law and if that requires a work permit ok but I had to laugh at the comment about threatening lives

I daily see persons  carrying out work that is dangerous not only to themselves but others

Builders so called electricians plumbers welders public vehicle drivers the list goes on

I don't think they know what the definition of Occupational Health and Safety means



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7 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

What jobs are foreigners taking from Thais?



8 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

What jobs are foreigners taking from Thais?

If there is such a shortage of work why are so many Burmese allowed to work here?

The fact is that the economy particularly agriculture could not survive without them

The answer is the Thais don't want to do those jobs

Local businesses tell me they have difficulty obtaining employees even offering good rates of pay and from my observations the staff don't seem to be dropping with exhaustion 

In a recent article dealing with Pyramid scams an official was quoted as saying that Thais want to be rich but don't want to work for it

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10 hours ago, kingstonkid said:






Here are 3  I do not say things unless I have info.

To this you can also use the number of women that have been found working illegally in massage parlours and the under age girls.





In two of the three cases you cited, how would harsher punishment for work permit violations have made any difference? Do you really think they would have gone elsewhere?

As for the missing woman, what does this have to do with work permits at all?

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