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What do you miss about western women that you find difficult to get from a Thai woman?


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Watching and enjoying a western movie (e.g. in English) together.


My Thai wife is always asleep after 5 minutes if we watch a western movie together. Mind you, she can happily stay awake watching Thai soapies for hours. 

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I'm one of these Western women............I have been going to LOS for many years now. I'm not looking for a relationship (sexual).  Too old to be bothered with men, BUT I DO like their company.  When I go out I just like to have an agreeable time.  Over the years I find that men (we are talking about Thailand), once they realize I am not looking  for  a holiday romance, don't want them to pay for my drinks , not expecting anything later, they only want the uncomplicated CONVERSATION, on maybe all sorts of subjects (not that I meet many intellectuals in CM), more or less the same mentality  and no problems of language.  In other words to be on the same wave length.


Actually in some cases, it is rather funny.  Some of them bring their women, who don't sit with us and look on rather benignly whilst hubby/bf and I sit for some hours drinking and talking.

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Body odour....seriously...It used to be a well know fact that body odour is what draws people of the opposite (same now I suppose) sex together.

   This is definitely absent with the average Thai lady, due to I suppose, with their obsession with taking showers so often.

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2 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

I find 'so  called' western women femonists while the local woman are feimine. Big difference and I  like it.

Frankly sir, I don't get the subtleties of "femonists" and "feimine"? Would be nice if everyone used a vocabulary to people, like myself, for whom english is the third language. 

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20 hours ago, Csaw said:

I don't get this part; argument. The Thai women i've come across do argue...and it's scary argue at times. In the beginning it's soft alligator tears, then real tears (or more convincing ones), finally its frenzied screams.

You have only got to the frenzied screams phase??


Hang on tight for the adventures to come......................:sad:



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13 minutes ago, Gillyflower said:

Actually in some cases, it is rather funny.  Some of them bring their women, who don't sit with us and look on rather benignly whilst hubby/bf and I sit for some hours drinking and talking.

I you came  to Issan you'd find a great many situations like that. As far as I am concerned I am only going out for lunch or dinner with my wife and two daughters. I love it, she does too, and it gives her a lot face, more than a 4 million bahts BMW.


On my rare trips to Bumrungrad I may have little outings nearby though.

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4 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Oh look.... another thread where a bunch of old fat men complain about fat Western women.


BTW, I loved feminazis...... they were always hottest in bed.

Reading you I thought you were a fervent adept of onanism.

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

on a 2 hr cruise...............


Say that to a woman back home, and she'll know exactly what you're going on about.  Say that to an Asian woman and you'll get a blank stare, and probably a little irritation when you tell her it's a long story and you're not up to explaining it.


And that's a trivial example.  There are a lot of very meaningful things about family, finances, health issue and the like that make holding a decent conversation too much like work after about the 3rd boink.



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Reading this thread has made me value the Mrs a bit more.


We both enjoy football and movies (english) we discuss strategies of dealing with virtually everything before we do it. She keeps records of everything. She walks round the shops with a her note book (lists) she takes notes when we do stuff. ( house viewings BS like that) at the end of every night she passes me her notebook with a list of her jobs for the next day. Recently realised how bad she is at maths and she now plays these maths app games she's a great woman and I never think about any other woman, ever.

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20 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If one means a western woman that one isn't romantically involved with ( I'd have my spine removed without an anaesthetic before I ever became romantically involved with any woman raised in a PC western country ), I miss conversation. Thai women don't seem interested in talking about anything I like talking about. Food isn't on my list of things to talk about all day.

I very much doubt the Western women of the world will be kicking themselves because old men with arthritis and a moody hip joint aren't interested in them :laugh:


You can't get good conversation with Thai women because you've been knocking around with the low-hanging fruit.

Try raising your standards to encompass more than aesthetics and financial dependency.

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57 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:


Illusion said:  

It can be an exercise in futility to explain the difference between Ginger and Mary Ann to an Asian woman.     Mary Ann fan here, BTW.

This I took to be a reference to Gilligans Island, the old TV series..........Ginger was the Movie Star, Mary Ann was just a mid-western Chick

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37 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Oh look.... another thread where a bunch of old fat men complain about fat Western women.


BTW, I loved feminazis...... they were always hottest in bed.

What did you switch to?  (loved past tense)

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1 hour ago, Stevemercer said:

Watching and enjoying a western movie (e.g. in English) together.


My Thai wife is always asleep after 5 minutes if we watch a western movie together. Mind you, she can happily stay awake watching Thai soapies for hours. 

Are the movies in the Thai language?  If not duh....  I listen with an ear piece in English and my wife listens to the TV in Thai and we have no problems. 

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Now you're talking. Well said. All these namby-panby posts are watering down the hard-hitting reality of living with Thai women. I respect the TVForum man who tells it as it is.


And the time of the month too I presume.

Hahaha, coincidence, arrived last night, so NO kissing for a week 555

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Women are women. I never drew a line between western and Thai so I guess I do not miss anything. I guess a big plus is my wife speaks English really well and understands western ways. I will say though the challenge has been aligning our different upbringings. We do not talk politics, religion and neither of us follow the news (why we get on so well, albeit she laughs about Trump all the time). 


I could see where some of the men here would miss similar communication, deep communication about whatever, wanting to go to a sporting event, knows a good cocktail, etc. I think the responses reflect a lot about the partner each has to a great degree. 



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31 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

We both enjoy football and movies (english) we discuss strategies of dealing with virtually everything before we do it. She keeps records of everything. She walks round the shops with a her note book (lists) she takes notes when we do stuff. ( house viewings BS like that) at the end of every night she passes me her notebook with a list of her jobs for the next day. Recently realised how bad she is at maths and she now plays these maths app games she's a great woman and I never think about any other woman, ever.

I'm just the same.


I wouldn't know where to turn (well perhaps TVForum) if I couldn't have a good conversation with her about the EPL.


My Thai wife takes notes also; how many women I looked at when we were out and how cheap the handbags are. She certainly knows about mobile phones and takes note of all the unknown numbers in the call register. My strides gets washed every day. Can't ever find the money in the pockets I thought I had. She's not keen on me visiting farang friends just in case we compare notes.


I'm not thinking about any other women also; I dare not!!

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Just now, owl sees all said:

I'm just the same.


I wouldn't know where to turn (well perhaps TVForum) if I couldn't have a good conversation with her about the EPL.


My Thai wife takes notes also; how many women I looked at when we were out and how cheap the handbags are. She certainly knows about mobile phones and takes note of all the unknown numbers in the call register. My strides gets washed every day. Can't ever find the money in the pockets I thought I had. She's not keen on me visiting farang friends just in case we compare notes.


I'm not thinking about any other women also; I dare not!!

Villages can turn the best people sour my friend.

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1 hour ago, Gillyflower said:

I'm one of these Western women............I have been going to LOS for many years now. I'm not looking for a relationship (sexual).  Too old to be bothered with men, BUT I DO like their company.  When I go out I just like to have an agreeable time.  Over the years I find that men (we are talking about Thailand), once they realize I am not looking  for  a holiday romance, don't want them to pay for my drinks , not expecting anything later, they only want the uncomplicated CONVERSATION, on maybe all sorts of subjects (not that I meet many intellectuals in CM), more or less the same mentality  and no problems of language.  In other words to be on the same wave length.


Actually in some cases, it is rather funny.  Some of them bring their women, who don't sit with us and look on rather benignly whilst hubby/bf and I sit for some hours drinking and talking.

I would like to know what you consider to be the attributes of an intellectual.

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There seem to be an aweful lot of guys here that feel the biggest thing they miss about western women is intellectual conversation. I feel for you, I really do.


But if truth be known, in my personal view, the lack of intellectual conversation with somebody rabbiting on about something I haven't got a clue about would be one of the (many) things that keeps me in this country. I would much rather someone telling me the name of a tree, how to get to a place, an indication of how to act when I get there, etc, rather than the life history of some Italian painter I have never heard of or what is playing at the local opera house. 

But that's just life, different people have lived on different tiers throughout, have different viewpoints, different agendas with life. Myself, like an awful lot of other posters if they are honest to themselves, were working too hard through their lives to be intellectuals.


And a little hint for those that think they are seeing difference, western & eastern women are the same, it is the societies that are different. It is those societies that encourage people to eat more, encourage self-esteem (that scares the sh*t out of men) and encourage independence.


I have known my wife for almost 30 years, been married for 18 (this September) and she doesn't resemble other people's impressions of what a Thai girl/woman is, in this thread anyway. This doesn't make her special or Hi-So or submissive because she isn't any of these. Just a normal woman who speaks English as well as me, doesn't cower from authority and will hold her own in any decision making conversation she is engaged in.


Oh, and she also couldn't give a toss about the life history of some Italian painter, which is rather endearing to me..........:thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, bazza73 said:

Absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch, zip.

I sometimes wonder while my Thai GF is busy trimming my toenails - or giving me a massage after my golf game - what Western woman would even think of doing this for me?

Western women don't adapt to slavery very well.

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2 hours ago, Gillyflower said:

I'm one of these Western women............I have been going to LOS for many years now. I'm not looking for a relationship (sexual).  Too old to be bothered with men, BUT I DO like their company.  When I go out I just like to have an agreeable time.  Over the years I find that men (we are talking about Thailand), once they realize I am not looking  for  a holiday romance, don't want them to pay for my drinks , not expecting anything later, they only want the uncomplicated CONVERSATION, on maybe all sorts of subjects (not that I meet many intellectuals in CM), more or less the same mentality  and no problems of language.  In other words to be on the same wave length.


Actually in some cases, it is rather funny.  Some of them bring their women, who don't sit with us and look on rather benignly whilst hubby/bf and I sit for some hours drinking and talking.


Maybe they feel like this guy. Anyway "The upside of anger" is actually a great movie (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365885/)

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I think most of them men who slag off Western women are just bitter because they stopped being able to get the attractive, fit-bodied ones back in their 30s.

It's a bit convenient to suddenly declare Western women persona non grata just because you discover youth and firmness can be had in Thailand for a modest stipend isn't it?


I bet any money you like these men no more had a picture of a Thai farm girl on their walls growing up than their Thai wives and girlfriends had posters of 60+ year old, balding white blokes with varicose veins on theirs.


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