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Two American tourists fined 5000 Baht for 'butt selfie' at Thai temple


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2 hours ago, captspectre said:

that should read two american idiots! not tourists! hope the Thai's throw the book at them and bar them from the country. AND why blank out their faces? surely we would want to know who the fools were so that we could avoid them.

You can follow their "butts" on their instagram app... maybe there they show their true faces... They are idiots, but their followers are even bigger idiots, wanting to see pictures of ass cheecks all over the world... they support that!

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A trivial as some westerners may think this is, it is just another symptom of a modern narcissistic generation who spend far too much time on a world of non reality called social media; And an indication of just how, 'out of touch' some people have become of the rest of the world; and how spoiled. I am sure most of us on here, would never think of doing such a stupid and ignorant thing. A display of sheer arrogance and disregard for other people’s beliefs, culture and country they are a guest in. Hey, we have all been silly in our lives but this…why would you do it ? Fairly obvious…an ego in desperate need of attention.  Social media creates narcissistic tendencies as researched by some of the world’s psychiatrists and psychologists. If there was ever a sign just how out of touch and ignorant some people have become, this is it.  They also look older enough to know better. Someone has not left the school yard behind.  What a sad pathetic pair. I think the expression is….grow the heck up.

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"While Thailand has a reputation for racy night life, the predominantly Buddhist country is deeply conservative and revealing clothing is frowned upon while public nudity is considered offensive"

they were at a temple and whether they were tourists or not they should have known that's a no. they got off lightly, i reckon a 20 or 30k fine would have been better. dick heads

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13 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

"While Thailand has a reputation for racy night life, the predominantly Buddhist country is deeply conservative and revealing clothing is frowned upon while public nudity is considered offensive"

they were at a temple and whether they were tourists or not they should have known that's a no. they got off lightly, i reckon a 20 or 30k fine would have been better. dick heads

They were about 800 metres away from the wat. I don't think they were on wat grounds. 


Offensive clothing; public nudity!!!!!!!!! Only a couple of years ago bare-breasted ladies were the norm in Isaan.


A gentle explanation of what not to do near a wat, 'bon voyage' and on your way lads would be enough.


The so easily offended religious nutters were were just jealous 'cause the Americans were much taller than them.


And just where is The Don when he is most needed??

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it is interesting that while grammar comments and corrections can result in suspension or banning of members on this site homophobic and sexist comments are allowed without censure. in fact such comments could arguably said to be encouraged by the irrelevant  identification of the sexual orientation of the two men in this story (do thaivisa writers state the sexual orientation of straight people when they are the  subject of stories?) and another recent story where 'E cup' was added to the headline of a DUI story, the physical attributes for the model in the story are, again, irrelevant.

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At their age you would expect some maturity......but having a website showing their asses in various countries says a lot about who they are and their 14,000 followers. Their parents must be proud at having raised a couple of men who act like morons......Not!

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1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

The Thai people have a prescribed fine as punishment for public indecency. These two idiots have been caught and fined, and perhaps are liable for another round at another temple.
I wish the yammering homophobes and bigots on TV would give it a break.
If it were a couple of drunken "good old boys" who had pulled this off as a prank would  you then be calling for execution, ten years in jail, 100,000 baht fines? Hell no!
These two bone heads are not the only ones showing their asses in this instance, IMO. The false outrage about it being a "religious site" especially irks me, as if those particular barkers have any least notion what Buddhism is about.
Take their fine money, and throw in a couple of years ban, then move on to actual criminals like murderers and thieves....what a novel idea!:ph34r:

Homodiums please , not homophobes . Thanks .

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9 minutes ago, shackleton said:

It's about time the Thai government imposed heavier fines 

send out a message to all Thais and tourists 

that inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated 

I was in Haiti a few years back and watched as naked women rolled about in the dust to the sound of heavy drums. The local witch-doc was controlling them with his voodoo magic. The Thai people are similarly controlled by myth, propaganda and indoctrination.


The reaction by the Thai religious nuts reminded me of my visit.

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