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PM wants Thai-style democracy


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6 hours ago, baboon said:

Well that's the public's stupid fault. What part of 'Vote Democrat or else...' do they not understand? 

You mean something like "If you allow the election [result] to be the same as before, you will not get anything new and you will not see any improvement from this election,”


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1 minute ago, Sir Dude said:

He can make a start by taking off that military uniform, and no more wearing one when it suits him, now that he has outed himself as a "politician" that has never been elected by the public to any position ever.

He is a confused old man. That has a new story weekly.

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5 hours ago, Ossy said:

Addenda, issued by PM (posting member):

In order to clarify a number of vague utterances, that I like to make, as and when it suits me, please observe:-

  • 'Thai-style' means 'My style', OK and let there be no doubt about that.
  • I cannot clearly define the term 'cos it just came into my head. You know what I mean, like . . . it sort of sounds good . . . dunnit?
  • But, whatever it is, it must be free from conflicts . . . well, that's obvious . . . innit?
  • And remember, dear children, don't break the rules; don't brake my rules . . . OK
  • And when I say "I ask all Thais to consider this", I mean all Thais must remember the main rule which is "Do as Prayut says, not as Prayut does," 'cos, if the truth be known, I'm just about the most evil, lying, self-centred and mentally-sick cretin that ever walked the earth. Oops, who the hell put that in? . . . You'll have people thinking I'm stupid, if you're not careful. But the rest are OK, though . . . go stick 'em on that cut-out, over there.

at his regal best.jpg

never seen a war or served to help neighbours in need. Only served himself to a feast. Has allowed sickening army behaviour and I feel these.old men have serious issues upstairs.

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1 hour ago, wotsdermatter said:

Is Thai democracy an appendage to Thainess?  Just curious.

Prayut, note to press, ahead of briefing: Yes, they're chapters 1 & 2 in 'My Book of Prayutness'. I'll let you into chapter 3, tomorrow, as long as you go easy on me for being such a dummy, last week. It's all about doing things the right way . . . my way.

Edited by Ossy
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6 hours ago, asiamaster said:

"Eastern Democracy" as Lee Kuan Yew described his Singapore model and now also the China model has proven to do  miracles to the economies and welfare of developing countries. Basically it is a meritocratic system. It would work very well in Thailand but the problem is finding the people with "merit".

Agreed   -   but ONLY if they apply the rules and punishments across the board, not just the poor.  The Chinese and Vietnamese are really good at executing people on a charge that ithe death penalty is warranted..........Thailand needs to do the same.  


The phrase he is bantering around "Thai Style Democracy"   I would like to hear a complete explanation of exactly what that is??  I think it may be 'status quo' for what they have now  -  "You have money, okay no problem, can do what you want"   and his "I encourage students to study the things they like"  hmmmmm  I don't like Math, Science, Social Studies, so I will only study Physical Education.  Is that what he means??      hogwash.

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4 hours ago, hansnl said:

Western style "democracy" is a hollow hole nowadays, and it doesn't work any more in the west.

Countries are run by big companies, the people have no real power.

Why should western style democracy work in Asia?

Depending on what is included in democracy in the Thai style who knows?


The single biggest threat to democracy aren't those despots who applaud opinions like yours (because it plays right into their hands) but people like you who are so b****y clueless you would probably smile if your human rights were taken away. I am not allowed to put into words what I really think of you and your ilk so a mere shame on you will unfortunately have to suffice.

I can however give you this:


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41 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

He can make a start by taking off that military uniform, and no more wearing one when it suits him, now that he has outed himself as a "politician" that has never been elected by the public to any position ever.

That would be the politician with the tiniest brain the world has ever seen. I recall when he visited a school and didn't understand the question for a grade one student.



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7 minutes ago, Becker said:

I am not allowed to put into words what I really think of you and your ilk so a mere shame on you will unfortunately have to suffice.

I can however give you this:


I'm in your boat, Becker. The very sight of him, in his blouse of the day at PR briefings or even reading The Nation's quotes of his meaningless gobbly-gooch makes me want to retch, so here's a couple from me, too. :bah::bah:

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The single biggest threat to democracy aren't those despots who applaud opinions like yours (because it plays right into their hands) but people like you who are so b****y clueless you would probably smile if your human rights were taken away. I am not allowed to put into words what I really think of you and your ilk so a mere shame on you will unfortunately have to suffice.
I can however give you this:
What is wrong with you? Your principles are shaken to the core and your clearly stressed out!
Your health is more important than living under such an oppressive regime.

Pack bag, call cab,.... SUVARNABHUMI is calling [emoji16]

Problem solved
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5 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

Thai style democracy - pseudo democracy, rich people worshipped, two sets of laws, one for the rich, another for the poor and foreigners. We get to make excuses and we're never wrong. Isn't that the problem, Democracy, Thai style?

If we cut-to-the-chase, it's called a plutocracy...which is what the elite want still as that's how it's been for along time really.

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16 minutes ago, Ossy said:

I'm in your boat, Becker. The very sight of him, in his blouse of the day at PR briefings or even reading The Nation's quotes of his meaningless gobbly-gooch makes me want to retch, so here's a couple from me, too. :bah::bah:

My post was directed at hansl who is one of those raised in a democracy yet despises it and apparently would be OK with a military take-over in their home country as well as applauding it here in Thailand.

But I don't mind giving a few to the d junta chief as well!:



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13 minutes ago, toughlove said:

What is wrong with you? Your principles are shaken to the core and your clearly stressed out!
Your health is more important than living under such an oppressive regime.

Pack bag, call cab,.... SUVARNABHUMI is calling emoji16.png

Problem solved

Wow, a "if you don't like it go home" post! How original and profound.

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Wow, a "if you don't like it go home" post! How original and profound.
There seems to be a hard core group that are freaking out for ages. God knows what your blood pressure readings are.

One poster I read "baboon" has a young family and young daughter and is freaking out for her future.. <deleted>? Get her to the West man instead of an uncertain future under a regime and forced into 3 Rd world education

You whiners with children should be totally ashamed subjecting them to this sub standard living
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Wow, a "if you don't like it go home" post! How original and profound.

And non stop whining isn't? I would rather be on a plane than crying non stop

You guys need to grow a pair and make a stand. But the allure of cheap beer, cheap rent, cheap food and cheap pussy rules? You guys are hypocrites!!

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38 minutes ago, toughlove said:

What is wrong with you? Your principles are shaken to the core and your clearly stressed out!
Your health is more important than living under such an oppressive regime.

Pack bag, call cab,.... SUVARNABHUMI is calling emoji16.png

Problem solved

People have businesses and are married to Thai nationals.  They have reason to complain. 


At the same time, if having a conversation with a young Thai, I tell them to leave Thailand to seek their fortune elsewhere.  Learn an Asian language.  Bhasa Indonesian is not difficult to learn.  If they are especially ambitious, they should learn Chinese, Japanese or Korean.  China loves Thai food as does Hong Kong and Taiwan, and have met many Thais that have done well.   Thais have better reasons for leaving than foreigners.   

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

"Thai Style Democracy"   I would like to hear a complete explanation of exactly what that is??

A complete explanation might enter dangerous grounds of an unlawful discussion. In brief this is what I've read and hopefully can relate safely:


TSD is a very complex construct of a dual-governance system on the one hand based on a populist-based government (Western-style democracy) and on the other hand  based on "a rationality that uses 'Buddhist-based cultural paradigms' that emphasize improvisational, compromised, and flexible adjustments to their [Thai's] social world." - Thai-Style Democracy by Kevin Hewison & Kengkij Kitirianglarp

What I understand from H&K, a Thai government created by electoral participation by TSD definition lacks "moral authority." Such authority solely exists beyond the electorate that relies on "good-meaning" people who can transcend Western-style democratic constructs such as constitutions to unilaterally resolve conflicts.



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1 hour ago, toughlove said:

And non stop whining isn't? I would rather be on a plane than crying non stop

You guys need to grow a pair and make a stand. But the allure of cheap beer, cheap rent, cheap food and cheap pussy rules? You guys are hypocrites!!

You know nothing about me and just make cheap, uniformed and rather unintelligent assumptions. And you know what they say about assumptions and those who make them.

Edited by Becker
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I am still trying to fathom out why locals think they are so special, what have they achieved in the last hundred years that other countries have not. Local style democracy does not and never will work as history has showed. If I was a local I would be ashamed of my country and we know many are as they left to work abroad. I love to see a top 10 list of why the country is better and I said better than other countries.


Being a Brit I can criticize the government, the Corporate companies even her upstairs (Elizabeth), write on Facebook, twitter and share, inform of corruption if found and sex perverts and nothing will happen to me but here I cannot even dare think of doing that as many farangs know.


Its just face and loosing it here that counts, but one day they will wake up and see they have lost face everywhere outside those borders and in time will pay the price.


Did you notice I did not use a certain word as if I did, I may get banned on TV. Democracy does not exist here its dictatorship only so please use the correct words or stop talking and dreaming.

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36 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

A complete explanation might enter dangerous grounds of an unlawful discussion. In brief this is what I've read and hopefully can relate safely:


TSD is a very complex construct of a dual-governance system on the one hand based on a populist-based government (Western-style democracy) and on the other hand  based on "a rationality that uses 'Buddhist-based cultural paradigms' that emphasize improvisational, compromised, and flexible adjustments to their [Thai's] social world." - Thai-Style Democracy by Kevin Hewison & Kengkij Kitirianglarp

What I understand from H&K, a Thai government created by electoral participation by TSD definition lacks "moral authority." Such authority solely exists beyond the electorate that relies on "good-meaning" people who can transcend Western-style democratic constructs such as constitutions to unilaterally resolve conflicts.



So it's all <deleted> then !


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The Prime Minister is correct.Democracy can only flourish if adapted to a society's history, culture and traditions.To that extent any successful democracy in this country can legitimately be labelled Thai style democracy.


But there's a bedrock set of values common to all democracies from which there's little room for deviation.


  1. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.


2.  The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.


3.  Protection of the human rights of all citizens.


4.  A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.The judicial system must be genuinely independent.


In Thailand these criteria must be applied.But there's room for accommodating characteristics generated by Thai traditions and society.Obviously these will include a constitutional monarchy but could also embrace a special role for the armed forces - though they would have ultimately to be subject to civilian authority and I would think divestment of all business interests and media outlets.





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