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Why is Songkran disliked by so many Expats?


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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

One day can be fun. 10 days or more is not a party.

I think this is the crux of the matter as to why so many ex-pats now do the runner during the holiday period.


I know this is mostly about Pattaya but up here in Phisanulok it only lasts for 3 days (OK, 4 this year) which is doable. Especially when you consider that not everyone would be able to make it to the party if it was only for one day; 3 days lets everyone play. If you want to do it for 3 days, your choice.


This works...................:thumbsup:


It will be interesting to see this year however, how it will affect the bars and restaurants. Even though these establishments are not open, the majority of them are 'staging' areas for locals and the like to enjoy the water throwing. And of course there is beer and alcohol, it is a party after all. IMO, if the police come down heavy on this, this will not help for a safer Songkran. Guidelines on this are not clear up here in the rice bowl of Thailand.


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Hua Hin celebrates for a day and a half. Having experienced Songkran in Bangkok and Chang mai, I can definitely say the Hua Hin's more laid-back and personal Songkran is enjoyable.

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6 hours ago, impulse said:

My first Songkran in BKK, I didn't mind when some too-old-to-be-kids doused me when I passed on the back of a scooter taxi.  Until I got home and found out that my shirt and pants were ruined by bleach or some other chemicals in the water.  I didn't miss the shirt and pants  as much as I would have missed my eyesight had they hit me a little higher.   Same problem when they toss the water with all the talc (?) powder.  And that's not to mention the risk of taking a tumble at speed off the scooter.

No argument about Songkran, and why it's a good idea to avoid it now, but I always had to wonder at the mentality of those that drove m'bikes down Pattaya Beach Rd knowing that they'd get wet, but wouldn't wear a waterproof ( 20 baht at 7 11 ) or eye protection, and went faster as if that was going to save them. Any fool knows that coming off a bike going fast is going to cause more damage than coming off when going slowly. At least on a bike one can wear a helmet with a visor, so avoiding getting ice in one's face.

If one is so set on riding down Beach Rd because one can't walk a bit, or go a different way, and one speeds up, the damage is at least partially self inflicted.

That's not to say I approve of throwing ice and water into a motorcyclists face when they are driving- I certainly don't approve of throwing it into anyone's face, which is why I stopped participating years ago.

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32 minutes ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

Some westerners are just the type who like to rough house or horse around, Songkran is just the thing for them.

While it's got nil chance of happening, the best of both worlds would be to set aside an area specifically for water fights in the period leading up to the last day, and actually enforce the ban on areas elsewhere. The last day it would be on for all, just as always now.

That way those that enjoy the mayhem could do so without upsetting everyone, but still have a big finale.


Like I said, never going to happen.

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Why is Songkran disliked by so many Expats?

Because once you have experienced the festivities, the shine wears off rather quickly.  It's probably an age and generational sort of thing.  I don't participate in the Songkran water fights (been there, done that) and much prefer the beauty of Loi Krathong.  If I was 20 or 30 years younger, it might be a different story.

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If you dont know you haven't lived here long enough. The truth is the headline for visitors,  tourists and those that haven't experienced it, it can be a fantastic time. Once you have been through about 8-10 it's just a gigantic pain in the arse to be avoided at all costs. Worst holiday ever. 

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Did it one year and it was fun riding around in the back of a pickup truck. As soon as they spotted the farang I was the target, but I just laughed at it all. Went to a restaurant the next night and trying to walk home was a constant dodging of water.....the iced water gets your attention. But to me it is like Halloween, after you have dressed up a couple of times I have no desire to do it again. So I shall avoid going out and chill at home.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wouldn't dislike Songkran so much if it was celebrated, as in much of the country for a single day. In Pattaya wherever you go for 10 days you are likely to get soaked, even late in the evening after it is supposed to have stopped. It means you have to think long and hard about being able to go anywhere for an extended period, not to mention putting phone, wallet etc under the bike seat or in a zip lock bag. One day can be fun. 10 days or more is not a party.

In my younger days anything less than a 3 day bender wasn't a party, which is probably why I used to love Songkran. Now being awake after midnight is too much of  a party :sad:

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5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:



Someone standing or walking carrying a water gun is obviously happy for a 'water-fight' - whereas it's downright dangerous to throw water at people on 'bikes.

Especially old folks like me..1. 55k with of hearing aids ruined..2. a good dosing of ice water can induce a heart attack.. 3. and as mentioned earlier illnesses from filthy water or chemicals..

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Often wonder why people come to live here in Thailand as it is it seems no more than hell on earth compared to the expats varied and assorted home countries, or so we are led to believe from the  greater majority of  the posts made here on  a multitude of issues.

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After participating  6 or 7  time, i still enjoy songkran but only for 1 day. More kill the fun for me, so i usualy go to some place for have fun with it, i tryed koh samui, bangkok, patong, pattaya and my favorite : chiang mai because of the more familly/friendly people behaviour there. Once done i go back to my home where they have nothing to worry about get soaked around it.
And i avoid to go pattaya during the madness week (except if i want to play it). Have to say pattaya is the place where they have the most ice in the water and where i have see the most "agressive" behaviour (people that not undestand when what they do its not fun anymore).


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While it's got nil chance of happening, the best of both worlds would be to set aside an area specifically for water fights in the period leading up to the last day, and actually enforce the ban on areas elsewhere. The last day it would be on for all, just as always now.

That way those that enjoy the mayhem could do so without upsetting everyone, but still have a big finale.


Like I said, never going to happen.

No, it won't happen, that just isn't the style here at all to rigorously control things,it would take away a lot of the fun for people to have zones I would think. I'm happy enough myself to just stay away. Thai people seem to mostly enjoy Songkran so who am I, if I don't like it I don't have to join. 

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Songkran is a most dangerous festival.

Thai and foreigner alike are out of control for the most part. Drunk driving, throwing contaminated water and a general lack of care for their fellow man. All in the name of fun. 


My reasons specifically for not partaking in this madness is that my first and last songkran was spent in Bangkok. As I was walking with my GF  on Silom Rd enjoying the holiday and the revelry some MF dropped a bag of water on my head from on top of one of the office buildings. Almost broke my neck. I vowed never again..!!!


The younger generation and the 30-40 year old drunks have no regard for others .



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If you are a young foreign gunslinger in Thailand for a week or too, its a blast and time to get crazy. If you live here, it can be a huge interruption in your life. That said, a lot of Thais don't have the time, money or occasion to celebrate too many things...so they go for it and I can't blame them. As for economics, the one day celebrations as in Hua Hin or Koh Samui, get the tourists and the locals back into the restaurants, malls and bars, spending money. It is smart business.

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