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Australia paper defends Serena Williams cartoon despite outrage


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13 minutes ago, giddyup said:

And I have done exactly as you suggested, and guess what, there are two hits for racist photos, one is of a black with a gorilla in a side by side pic, the other talks about the National Geographic, neither which have any relevance to the photo of Serena Williams,which could have been taken by any number of journalists or spectators, and shows her exactly as she behaved with no doctoring. So, once again you have shown yourself up to be both blinkered and biased. Persevere with this ridiculous "racist photo" argument and you only make yourself look even more silly.

There were 2 hits? LOL.

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52 minutes ago, HLover said:

Strange that nobody cared about the cartoon caricatures in MAD magazine. Fast forward years and everyone is a victim or fighting for victims on the big bad internet.

Creampuff Nations.

I think they would have if Mad was published by a mainstream newspaper and when criticized worldwide by reputable sources defended the racism.  Hard not to notice.

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3 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I think they would have if Mad was published by a mainstream newspaper and when criticized worldwide by reputable sources defended the racism.  Hard not to notice.

Mad was published worldwide. Used to by every edition in the UK.

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I don't think that anyone has suggested that Serena should be lynched.


I don't think that they told anyone about the "Jim Crow period". Seems relatively unheard of until he was used as a feeble excuse to decry an innocuous cartoon as racist in TVF.

It was a response to another poster who said blacks (people) had thick skin back in the good old days. 


The newspaper could have let it die a normal death and It would have gone quietly into the night but it stepped up and defended the cartoon - where the problem started.  Racism is destroying the Australian dream and the newspaper in question is helping.  Don't believe me?  Want to find out? I think you are all closed minded people but in case you are not take a look at this.



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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


Of course it is not your fault that we don't understand you bur IMHO the rest of the world doesn't either nor do they particularly care.


My apologies but I haven't yet had the time to complete a worldwide survey and ask everybody what they think. Did you, or are just assuming that as usual, you are right and everybody else is wrong?

How do the ***** class of Australians feel about it?  What is the reputation of the Age (www.theage.com.au) is normal media or right or left or center?  Is it reputable?  I thought it was but correct me if I'm wrong. 


"But if you still think this was just an image of yet another rich, entitled tennis player behaving badly then you have to ask yourself if you’d be happy if Serena was, say, Irish. Would you then accept her depicted as drunk and too stupid to know which end of the racquet to hold? Or if she were Jewish and shown with a large hook nose and greedily asking when she’d get her prize money? Because those disgraceful racist stereotypes are just as offensive as Williams’ ape-like appearance in the Knight cartoon.

if you can see nothing wrong with this cartoon then you are casually dismissing centuries of history and oppression. We should be better than that."


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9 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

It was a response to another poster who said blacks (people) had thick skin back in the good old days. 


The newspaper could have let it die a normal death and It would have gone quietly into the night but it stepped up and defended the cartoon - where the problem started.  Racism is destroying the Australian dream and the newspaper in question is helping.  Don't believe me?  Want to find out? I think you are all closed minded people but in case you are not take a look at this.



A better argument on the side of those saying that Australia isn't racist than those saying that it is. Particularly the woman of middle eastern decent.


Or did you only watch the speakers for the motion?

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17 minutes ago, stevenl said:

No, you don't know how to use google if you come up with only 2 hits for that search.

Enter "example of racist photo" and see what you get. Besides that, the photo of Serena is not racist anyway, so what's the point?

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7 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Enter "example of racist photo" and see what you get. Besides that, the photo of Serena is not racist anyway, so what's the point?

I came up with many links including the one marcus referred to. But apparently this is all too difficult for you.

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Just now, stevenl said:

I came up with many links including the one marcus referred to. But apparently this is all too difficult for you.

I am still trying to find a connection between the photo of Serena and a racist photo. The few I have turned up like a tennis team with bags over their heads like the KKK don't have any relevance at all.  What seems to be difficult for you to understand is that it's a pointless exercise anyway, as marcusarelis is trying to make a case out of smoke and mirrors, but I can see why you might have a foot in that camp.

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3 hours ago, giddyup said:

I am still trying to find a connection between the photo of Serena and a racist photo

Me too...…….how can a normal photograph of someone be determined as racist??  


I've searched through many definitions of racism/racist but still none fits what these people find in that photo.


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Quote: "Society should be equal and colour blind not this monstrous pc nonsense. Cartoonists should caricature  everyone EQUALLY.  Popes, Kings, Actors, Pop Stars, Blacks or Whites".


And they do in my experience, so it is no big deal, but there those who see racism wherever they care to look. 



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24 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Me too...…….how can a normal photograph of someone be determined as racist??  


I've searched through many definitions of racism/racist but still none fits what these people find in that photo.

Typical white Australian and typical black Australian. 

Typical Aussie.jpg


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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Quote: "Society should be equal and colour blind not this monstrous pc nonsense. Cartoonists should caricature  everyone EQUALLY.  Popes, Kings, Actors, Pop Stars, Blacks or Whites".


And they do in my experience, so it is no big deal, but there those who see racism wherever they care to look.

That's the problem.  The average Aussie agrees with you and doesn't get it.  You can make funny pictures of a white person but not a black person.  I know you don't get it.  It may be another couple of hundred years before you get it.  You might be correct if white people were discriminated against but they are not (save me the 1% of exceptions please). 


"There is a sickening, undeniable body of evidence linking caricatures of Africans with, if not deliberate mockery and alienation, then an accidental kind that elicits the same reaction.


But nobody had to break the code of that cartoon.

Australia wrote the code, about 150 years ago, when black people were caricatured in the same fashion to demean and separate them from civilization.


Why could this cartoon emerge in Australia and not elsewhere? While Australians like to imagine we are a more progressive, more enlightened country than America, the Knight cartoon would never have been published there. Perhaps that’s because we have never had an unflinching public debate about race and our treatment of Indigenous Australians. Nor have we had a great civil rights movement such as the one that has transformed the US since the 1950s.




Chart 1: Number of race-related stories by outlet and type of reporting below





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