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Australian man shoots self in head at Phuket shooting range

Jonathan Fairfield

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I blame the staff working at the shooting range .   You can clearly see in the video that that boy was not ready to fire a gun , he looked stressed , were shirtless , and probably on drugs.  


The local's let him in because they want money from farang , I do not think this would have happened in the same way in the west . 




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One post attempts to define the state of mind when one is depressed as being caused by a "cause and effect" process, which to me clearly indicates this person has no idea about it.


The gist of it was basically someone has done something and the effect is depression, and in doing so seeks to lay the blame at their feet i.e. they have become depressed at what they have done and its outcome.


Depression can strike anyone, at any time and it is not necessarily caused by something somebody has done; worry can cause stress over what someone has done, but depression in its real form is something completely different.


No amount of analogies about this or that, will change that fact, and as yet we have no idea as to the background of this young man so to, in effect, lay the blame at his feet for something that he has done, is premature to say the least.


Mental illness or depression is not easily explained to those who have never experienced it.


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19 minutes ago, xylophone said:

One post attempts to define the state of mind when one is depressed as being caused by a "cause and effect" process, which to me clearly indicates this person has no idea about it.


The gist of it was basically someone has done something and the effect is depression, and in doing so seeks to lay the blame at their feet i.e. they have become depressed at what they have done and its outcome.


Depression can strike anyone, at any time and it is not necessarily caused by something somebody has done; worry can cause stress over what someone has done, but depression in its real form is something completely different.


No amount of analogies about this or that, will change that fact, and as yet we have no idea as to the background of this young man so to, in effect, lay the blame at his feet for something that he has done, is premature to say the least.


Mental illness or depression is not easily explained to those who have never experienced it.


Very well said.

A little of my story, for anyone who might be interested. I battled the Black Dog for most of my life. Fortunately, over the past few years the condition is being more understood & somewhat accepted. My condition was caused by a chemical imbalance & unfortunately wasn't diagnosed until I was 50. I had no specific stress issues. I just couldn't handle excessive pressure & as a result fell into a hole. The older I got, the deeper & darker the hole. It cost me several good jobs & relationships. My parents didn't understand but always supported me to the fullest. My condition must have been agony for them. I was convinced I was going mad.

Just prior to my 50th birthday I was fortunate enough to be observed by a MD in a running club where we both were members. The doctor noticed my mood changes & other indicators "something wasn't quite right". I had tried diet & fitness & mingling with new people as a form of therapy. I hated my life & tried everything I could think of to somehow improve my situation. Nothing worked. After a few long slow runs & in depth discussion with the good doctor he prescribed medication. I've now been taking it daily for 20 years & will continue to do so until I drop off the perch.

The medication has been a life saver for me. In my early 50's I began to travel, alone. Before the medication there were long periods I couldn't leave the house. I often look back on my life & wonder how different it could have been. But, the past 20 years I'm a different person. I'm outgoing, positive & have traveled solo to places I only dreamt about in my previous life. Oh, & I've relocated to LOS.

I won't go into the "cause & effect" argument, other than to say... it sounds like something from a 60's or 70's medical journal trying to diagnose or justify male depression. Possibly an academic attempting to justify his or her government financial grant.

I'm happy for anyone to contact me if I can answer any questions re this subject.

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20 hours ago, xylophone said:

One post attempts to define the state of mind when one is depressed as being caused by a "cause and effect" process, which to me clearly indicates this person has no idea about it.


The gist of it was basically someone has done something and the effect is depression, and in doing so seeks to lay the blame at their feet i.e. they have become depressed at what they have done and its outcome.


Depression can strike anyone, at any time and it is not necessarily caused by something somebody has done; worry can cause stress over what someone has done, but depression in its real form is something completely different.


No amount of analogies about this or that, will change that fact, and as yet we have no idea as to the background of this young man so to, in effect, lay the blame at his feet for something that he has done, is premature to say the least.


Mental illness or depression is not easily explained to those who have never experienced it.




Allow me to clarify my use of the term "cause and effect" and use some examples.  You will also see I have addressed the use of your term "misfortune."  


For me, as an example, "misfortune" is you NOT smoke cigarettes, but get lung cancer.  I would call that a "misfortune."  As opposed to a person smoking all their adult life and contracting lung cancer.  Now, whilst both cancer sufferers would be depressed, and the smoker's depression is just as real as the non-smoker's depression, is the smoker's cancer a "misfortune."  Did he not consciously play a large role in contracting lung cancer?  Has he not caused himself to now be depressed?  Like I said, "cause and effect."  


Another example is you are out for a leisurely Sunday drive, when you are hit by another vehicle, and end up a paraplegic.  For me, that human error is a "misfortune."  After all, the other driver didn't mean to collide with you.  Now, picture the other driver been drunk and speeding, that now makes you are a victim of crime.  I would concede this is also "misfortune" for you.  You are depressed, because you have lost the use of your legs, and the offending driver is depressed, possibly from some guilt, but more probably because they are in jail.  Did he not cause his own depression, by now being in prison, due to his criminal actions? The same would go for stealing, drug dealing etc.


Now, picture yourself driving / riding drunk and speeding, and you crash into a pole, ending up a paraplegic, you are depressed, but did you not bring on the cause of your own depression, due to poor decision making, and as a consequence of your actions?  Once again, "cause and effect."


The list of "cause and effect" is endless.  Failed investments, working for a bad boss, working in a job you despise, in a volatile or violent relationship, taking on too much debt, unhealthy lifestyle, drug abuse etc etc etc etc.  These examples that can cause stress, which can lead to depression, in general, people either cause themselves, or do nothing to change their situation to regain their mental health. 


Of course, I agree, some people can not see a way out, with many getting deeper into their cause of anxiety, until they only see one way out - suicide. 


For me, this is why we must continually self assess ourselves, and sometimes make adjustments, to ensure a happy and healthy lifestyle.       


Yes, the "cry for help" is common, but the people who are serious about suicide, rarely tell anyone they are going to do it, and usually succeed, because it is not "a cry for help" but they see it as a real and viable option, as an end to their suffering. 


I agree, some mental illness is a disease, with some being hereditary.  Of course, this is correct.  Schizophrenia being one of them.  Maybe this guy heard voices telling him to shoot himself.  Maybe he has a medical history of mental illness, however, people suffering from these types of mental illnesses were not the focus of a previous post.


We have all suffered stress in our lives.  Some more than others, but it's the way we deal with that stress that can either lead to a "break down" or a "break through." 


Due to the delicate nature of the subject, I am not sure I have explained myself so well, but I will finish this post by saying that during the Global Financial Crisis, suicide rates spiked, as well as divorce, as well as prescription drugs for depression.  Just think about that for a moment.  All that pain, family break up, and death, over MONEY. 


Money is one of the common causes of stress, that can lead to depression.  Money, through capitalism, plays on the human weakness called "GREED."  Phuket / Thailand can be a dangerous place for people with money issues.  It can make those issues a lot worse.  i would not be surprised if money issues was the underlying cause of many foreigners suicide here. Many lose touch with reality here, which eventually is reflected in their bank balance.


In relation to the GFC's influence on the mental health of the masses, below is a random article on this point.




I would encourage anyone reading this thread who may be suffering from depression to seek help.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  Help can come in many forms.  Something simple like having a chat about your problems with a good friend, or call a family member back home, to seeking professional help, with perhaps the prescription of medication. 


There are solutions and options to whatever issue you may have. 


@ XP.


If you check the other thread running, I have put forward a scenario whereby it may be possible this was not a suicide at all. 





Edited by NamKangMan
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