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Family blame police in Nakhon Phanom after chase results in death of helmet-less son, 14

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His own fault no on else 

The immortal words of the sergeant major........


What a shame how sad!

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49 minutes ago, wvavin said:

It is unfortunate that this boy died but he had breached the traffic regulation by not wearing a helmet. Hence, there is no case!

Agreed........ 100%......... and an additional benefit is that a couple of young Thai girl won't have babies with him that would grow up without an irresponsible father helping support the kid............

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24 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

There is a very clear thing that shows what the main cause of this incident is. That is the total irresponsibility of both the parents and the lad to obey the laws. If the parents had not bought the lad the bike and allowed him to ride it unlicenced and without a helmet then this incident would not have happened. The police are not at fault for the stupidity of the parents and this lads actions.

It would be refreshing if the parents could direct their anger towards the education of the kids.  They failed this time but all is not lost if they can save at least one life going forward.


Wear a helmet and respect the law.  Okay, the government could do better but who lets their kids recklessly and wilfully risk their lives on a motorbike. 



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4 hours ago, VYCM said:

I really think you're missing the point.


Police need to take action, the road toll is horrendous and needs to be fixed.


Allowing thugs to not respect the law, to disregard checkpoints, you're encouraging bad behaviour and also more deaths on our roads.




For riding without a helmet you call this dead child a thug?


You set the bar fairly low. if that is your definition of a thug.

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2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Respect for Thai police authority?


Is this coming from a Thai Visa member?



What is your alternative? Anarchy?

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A 14 year old child is not fully responsible for their actions. 

The frontal lobe in humans does not fully develop until the mid 20s. The frontal lobe is responsible for among other things impulse control and understanding long term consequences. So literally a 14 year old child MAY NOT BE ABLE to act rationally. Anyone who has been around teenagers knows this.   


Some of the comments here are blaming a 14 year old CHILD for being stupid and basically saying he should be dead because of his stupid actions.

Comments in along those lines are cruel and show a profound lack of understanding and empathy. 

The parents are probably stupid. The child was probably stupid but he was a child. The lack of empathy and understanding on the part of some of the posters here is shocking.  

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

To be quite honest, I feel the police in traffic stops are often way too gung ho in their actions. I have seen them drag people off a speeding bike, regardless of the potential injury it can cause. And for what? Minor traffic offences. I fully agree the boy should have been wearing a helmet, but to chase a kid causing an accident that kills the lad over a bloody helmet is wrong. If he had been a wanted murderer, or some other serious offence it would be acceptable, but for this they are out or order in my book.

at least the cops do something...…..in Vietnam its just a free for all.  if you are injured u just lay on the ground . nobody will help you


One cop out of thousands. One enforcement out of thousands looked the other way. Come on dude.  I wonder how many times this cop has stopped anyone not wearing a helmut and ticketed him/her? Care to bet it was zero? Hypocritical corrupt cops. This guy was just being a jerk off. And now the kid is dead. Idiot pulls him up by his arm when the kid is either half dead or already dead.  How stupid was this guy?

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43 minutes ago, yogavnture said:

at least the cops do something...…..in Vietnam its just a free for all.  if you are injured u just lay on the ground . nobody will help you

Apparently you have never been to VN. They ALL wear helmuts. It is enforced there.

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6 hours ago, Leef said:

The parents of the boy are responsible but so is the policeman. All the people on here posting that they have no sympathy etc I bet most of them have at times ridden, even if just pillion, without a helmet. The policeman should have shown better judgement but it seems he was no more mature than the boy. 

We do not know the complete story why the policeman give chase. Maybe he is pissed off with the reaction of the boy rider who sped off instead of stopping when told to do so? 


If there is only a minor problem or wrongdoing same not wearing a helmet is

and the driver does not stop at a check point and a number plate is on the motorbike and can be read,

then is any pursuit unnecessary and dangerous for all involved and innocent bystanders too.

Some US districts forbid (high) speed chases for minor offences. 

See the LINK.



I drove threw checkpoints in Thailand at least twice with Big Bike, had number plate on bike owned by me, but not in my name and was not followed, I believe they would anyway not have the right vehicle to do it and I did not get any problems, seems they did not pursue the case.

Made it similar in my home country by car, was followed some time, got away - but as they had my number plate it did cost me a little. ????

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4 hours ago, randy723 said:

I was a police offer for 28 years and I know that if the parented sued they would lose and the case should never go to court the BOY was wrong in many way first he was at least 4 years to young to even be on the motorbike second he should have stop and not ran from the police. third he did not have a helmet or any other protection. The parents should be charged for letting their son on the motorbike.

If the parent win the lawsuit I should follow their example and sue the police the next time I am issued a fine because my self esteem is hurt beyond reasonable repair... 

4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Yeah right. Justice for an idiot who refused to wear a helmet, and refused to acknowledge a rightful police requirement to stop. Just another competitor for the Darwin awards.

What happened to respect for authority? Can you explain this to me?

Maybe the boy panicked and lost all sense of logic. 

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16 hours ago, colinneil said:

Are the boys parents serious?

The only people to blame for this are themselves and their son.

The boy should not have been allowed to ride a motorbike, too young, no license, no insurance, no helmet.

The boy is dead and that is tragic, but his parents are seeing his death as a way to make money..... Sickening.

Quite right, 14 year old totally at fault

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Quote - He was chased because he was not wearing a helmet and refused to stop.


Why run from the police if you are doing nothing wrong ? Maybe it's the parents grief that's making them blame everyone else at this time, but it's obvious where the blame lays.

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In the end it is the lack of law enforcement that causes this daily. The police could stop under aged riders and enforce helmet laws if the wanted too. We from developed countries seem to think we are superior yet we are not. Law enforcement is the only reason our native countries have better standards. Without the fear of fines and incarceration our roads would quickly descend into chaos. You only need to see the long term expats in Thailand whom have gone native on the roads. 

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26 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

In the end it is the lack of law enforcement that causes this daily. The police could stop under aged riders and enforce helmet laws if the wanted too. We from developed countries seem to think we are superior yet we are not. Law enforcement is the only reason our native countries have better standards. Without the fear of fines and incarceration our roads would quickly descend into chaos. You only need to see the long term expats in Thailand whom have gone native on the roads. 

I think that you are correct tho' I don't think that in the West the behaviour is all due to condign punishment.


From the time of Thomas Hobbes onwards it has been recognized that government operates to a political and social contract-namely that of "The greatest good for the greatest number" and the population generally agrees with that approach as a rational alternative to sheer anarchy.What we see here is the arbitrary,unpredictable use of power-which can be ignored 99% of the time and is without any major effect on the prevailing social contract.


The effective use of power is based on collusion as well as coercion.

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Seems to me the parents should be jailed for failure to properly bring up their now-dead son. Sad that the boy had to die because of the negligence of the parents. The cop did nothing but his job. Sad that he has to live with this. He did nothing wrong.


The mindset and rationale of some Thai parent’s on how to raise or deal with their children is disturbingly distorted.


I knew a female taxi driver who was also head of a “motorcycle taxi stand”  and she had this son who was a juvenile delinquent.  Starting at about the age of 11 he refused to go to school and then later joined those “Dek Van” motorcycle racing gangs.


I asked her why she didn’t intervene and she told me she couldn’t control him or do anything about.


At the age of 13 he got into an accident and broke his arm and she asked me to help take care of him (as I worked at the hospital).  I visited him and tried to advise him that its very dangerous and that he should try to focus on his studies for his own future.


1 year later he got into a more serious motorcycle accident this time unconscious with cerebral hemorrhage.

His Mom was screaming in the ER why people weren’t doing more to help her son as she thought just because she knows me she has the right to pull off a “I know the hospital director crap”.


I checked the facts and his condition was so serious we needed to refer him to a hospital with an advanced neurosurgery department.  He had a 50-50 chance of survival.  We immediately coordinated with the other hospital, transferred him and they did surgery on him within 12 hrs.  He survived.


I told the mother that it was not right to chastise the ER or hospital staff.  I let her know that her son’s recklessness and her own decisions on how to raise her son were the reasons that he was in such a dire situation and they only had themselves to blame and to no longer ask me for favors.


I had hoped they both learned their lesson but from what I’ve been told he is now an 18 year old part time motorcycle taxi driver/street racer.  Oh and btw he also impregnated some teenage girl when she was 15.


Wuh da fudge ????!!!!!   (facepalm)

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The parents in the wrong, the cops in the wrong, the kids in the wrong, the trees in the wrong, the helmets  in the wrong. How about getting to the root cause of it. "Lack Of Education" is my opinion.


if the police were not chasing him on his scooter no helmet no license.nothing but shorts a t shirt maybe.he would not hit the tree  and die.so they can,t blame the tree no money in that,but the police are at fault so go after them for his death make sense in thailand i suppose.nothing to do with the kid riding the bike license and helmet zero,why did that tree get in the way mum

12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:
17 hours ago, VYCM said:

I really think you're missing the point.


Police need to take action, the road toll is horrendous and needs to be fixed.


Allowing thugs to not respect the law, to disregard checkpoints, you're encouraging bad behaviour and also more deaths on our roads.




For riding without a helmet you call this dead child a thug?


You set the bar fairly low. if that is your definition of a thug.

The kid was involved in criminal activity – police pursuit, anyone who runs a police stop is a thug.
14 yo chased by police, where has he learnt this bad behaviour, from parents and friends, thugs training thugs.

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