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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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34 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 Well I certainly live in a different U.K to you.

A U.K where employment rights have been eroded, where minimum wages are offered @ £7.83 hr. Many jobs avertised for 4hrs a WEEK. Those lucky to find employment for 36hrs will receive the princely sum of £281 per week, £1200 mth, less statutory deductions. 

They then have to find accommodation, in a market that is dominated by the corrupt and greedy,private rental sector. Paying a rent of perhaps £700-1,000 per month,which unless there are two breadwinners in the household, results in the tax payer,paying benifits.

An appointment with a G.P could entail a Waite of 25 days.

Of course this is not all down to the E.U. But do try,not to spin the current situation into the benifits of the being part of this so called Union.

Can you please explain why the PRS is corrupt and greedy ?  

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1 hour ago, alfieconn said:

Can you please explain why the PRS is corrupt and greedy ?  


I was under the impression that the rental market was dominated by people renting out a second home, they were no longer using.

People such as ex-pats living in Thailand, who are living on the rental income of their U.K house. This I have no problem with.

 However I now know that most rental accommodation is owed, as part of a portfolio. Many of these private portfolios consist of 60-70 houses, with one person owning 500+ properties. And these people are only interested in obtaining the highest amount on their investment, without any concern for the renters. They regularly increase the rent, in the knowledge that the majority of renter will be on a low wage. This then forces the renter to apply for housing benifits that, ultimately is payed for by the Tax payers.

 Others are owed by large financial institutions, one such company in the north east, owns 11,000 private rental accommodation.


Regarding corruption,Some times when a property comes on the market, the seller is persuaded by the agent to sell to one of these property portfolio owners, quite often at a lower amount than they could obtain from a sale to an individual. The reason why the Estate Agent takes care of the portfolio owners, is that, they the agent, more often than not, managers  the properties on behalf of the owners, at a charge of 10% of the rent. So the agent has quite an incentive to look after the portfolio owner, who may own 70 rental properties, for which the agent can cream off 10% .


This system also discriminates against, any young couple who may wish to get on the housing market, They continually fail to buy a property,due to the above, even though they may have worked hard to save up the necessary deposit. Therefore they have no alternative than to rent at a much larger %of their income, rather than paying off a mortgage.




Edited by nontabury
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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:


I was under the impression that the rental market was dominated by people renting out a second home, they were no longer using.

People such as ex-pats living in Thailand, who are living on the rental income of their U.K house. This I have no problem with.

 However I now know that most rental accommodation is owed, as part of a portfolio. Many of these private portfolios consist of 60-70 houses, with one person owning 500+ properties. And these people are only interested in obtaining the highest amount on their investment, without any concern for the renters. They regularly increase the rent, in the knowledge that the majority of renter will be on a low wage. This then forces the renter to apply for housing benifits that, ultimately is payed for by the Tax payers.

 Others are owed by large financial institutions, one such company in the north east, owns 11,000 private rental accommodation.


Regarding corruption,Some times when a property comes on the market, the seller is persuaded by the agent to sell to one of these property portfolio owners, quite often at a lower amount than they could obtain from a sale to an individual. The reason why the Estate Agent takes care of the portfolio owners, is that, they the agent, more often than not, managers  the properties on behalf of the owners, at a charge of 10% of the rent. So the agent has quite an incentive to look after the portfolio owner, who may own 70 rental properties, for which the agent can cream off 10% .


This system also discriminates against, any young couple who may wish to get on the housing market, The continually fail to buy a property,due to the above, even though they may have worked hard to save up the necessary deposit. Therefore they have no alternative than to rent at a much larger %of their income, rather than paying off a mortgage.




You should vote socialist next time. Social, public housing has not taken place in the UK for a long time. But tax gifts for the rich, yes. These are all internal problems of the uk and have nothing to do with the EU at all.

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56 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

You should vote socialist next time. Social, public housing has not taken place in the UK for a long time. But tax gifts for the rich, yes. These are all internal problems of the uk and have nothing to do with the EU at all.

But a lot of votes for Brexit came from areas where the Tories have drastically cut services. And for some reason those locals blamed the EU. If a hard Brexit happens, and what ensues is really bad, the anger that follows could bet Labour voted into power.

Who knows, Pat Caddell may even be amongst them.

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10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But a lot of votes for Brexit came from areas where the Tories have drastically cut services. And for some reason those locals blamed the EU. If a hard Brexit happens, and what ensues is really bad, the anger that follows could bet Labour voted into power.

Who knows, Pat Caddell may even be amongst them.

The British are usually super-friendly, reserved and more rationalists with a cool head. Which emotional enemy image has led to this tragedy? Was probably the EU, the tricky red bus and the Polish plumbers.

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Are there still hard core brexit folks who still think that the values fake superior accent Mogg and his fake friends are actually working for them?


If there is such people, do tell how Mogg and his ways of thinking would help you or your children to be more prosperous in the future?


What I can see is that Mogg and his lackeys are for themselves. They are not there to help common people, like you are. 


So prove me wrong. 

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57 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Are there still hard core brexit folks who still think that the values fake superior accent Mogg and his fake friends are actually working for them?


If there is such people, do tell how Mogg and his ways of thinking would help you or your children to be more prosperous in the future?


What I can see is that Mogg and his lackeys are for themselves. They are not there to help common people, like you are. 


So prove me wrong. 

prove wrong?


jrm, bj, dd, dr win,

UK plebs just continue to vote for tories - no end

maybe the majority of the plebs are closet SMs, the enjoy being screwed by jrm-bj-dd-dr et al


UK is not the only country in Europe where this happens

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18 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

prove wrong?


jrm, bj, dd, dr win,

UK plebs just continue to vote for tories - no end

maybe the majority of the plebs are closet SMs, the enjoy being screwed by jrm-bj-dd-dr et al


UK is not the only country in Europe where this happens

Please stop expecting that everyone has the urge to uncompress your thought and acronyms. 


It would be much pleasure if you would say, what you want to say, the way we all could understand it.


I do use extra words, because I know that I'm not only talking to the few people who want to understand me.


I hope you can spend the extra time and energy in the future to do the same. 


"jrm-bj-dd-dr" is not cool. Junior Man took a blowjob from daddy doctor. 


Anyway, I hope you understand what I mean. It's boring task to compile these little 'secrets'. 


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@melvinmelvinLaugh away, but the stream of your thoughts, without ability to conclude those thoughts has actually become a burden of yours. 


Always remember. You write what you are. There are tens or hundreds of people who read what you wrote before. Should you have done better work to make it easier for those people understand what you wrote, what you meant?


I erased the nastiest thoughts from this post. The thoughts which I felt to say, but decided not to say.




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7 minutes ago, oilinki said:

@melvinmelvinLaugh away, but the stream of your thoughts, without ability to conclude those thoughts has actually become a burden of yours. 


Always remember. You write what you are. There are tens or hundreds of people who read what you wrote before. Should you have done better work to make it easier for those people understand what you wrote, what you meant?


I erased the nastiest thoughts from this post. The thoughts which I felt to say, but decided not to say.





my mission is not to answer and conclude


my mission is to wonder and question



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2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


my mission is not to answer and conclude


my mission is to wonder and question



I like and support that in full. 


While you do that. Act in clear way. Say what you want to say. Don't hide what you want to say behind meaningless and often confusing idiomas. Simply be yourself and say what you want to say. 



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16 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

at any rate, as we say in Yorkshire,


a shame that UK gov didn't start to sort their WTO stuff right after a50 was triggered



Like many other things, they thought it was just a paperwork exercise, facing reality has never been a strong point.

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15 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Not really Sandy, Eric Schweitzer, head of the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, is saying something very very specific: "More than 750,000 jobs in Germany depend on exports to Great Britain.”


And how many jobs in the UK depend on exports to the EU? That 750K is less than 2% of the German working population, what percentage of the UK working population would be facing the same fate as these Germans? Try and be very very specific with the scaremongering.


Everyone wants to try and make a point but only the mentally challenged would believe that "exporting" in and out of the UK will come to a grinding halt. Life will go on, just a lot more challenging for some than others, those with a decent bank balance have little to fear and will try and push any agenda that enhances their own objectives.

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2 hours ago, tebee said:

If you want to know why the single market is so important to SMEs read this thread



I posted some time ago how difficult it would become for SME's, of course ridiculed by the brexiteers.

SME's account for about half the UK working population, approx 16 million. It wouldn't take much of a change to make a significant change in the unemployed, 10% reduction would more than double the figure.

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50 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

And how would not being in the EU have mitigated that problem?

I have to say, that is a good question.

Our only advantage out of the EU is that we wont

have to bale out the ECB and other EU banks when

the Ponzi bubble pops.

An ideal UK, is where we could regulate our own

banks and financial industry, Zero % interest is the

cause of poverty vs rich getting richer.

But we have a Tory government where 1 in 4 come

from the financial sector.  

Another reason is that out of the EU we stand a

good chance of not getting dragged into any

conflict they may have.

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