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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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On 5/5/2024 at 9:08 AM, ballpoint said:



When I first got together with my 'Seven Day Adventist' g/f, she said I simply had to have a river baptism to truly know the pleasures of life. We were In Jamaica and there was a visiting minister who was doing the baptisms not far from us at Troja. The g/f said it would be so, so good for me?!


We took the bus and I joined the long queue at the river. They were in and out the water so quick that it was soon my turn  Wearing only shorts, I waded out to the minister in the middle of the river.


"Do you want to find Jesus young man?"


"Yes," I said confidently. With that he grabbed me at the back of the neck and forced me head under. On the count of five he let me up for air. I didn't resist, as the g/f was at the bank watching excitedly.


"Have you found Jesus?"


"Not yet." I replied. Down went my head for a count of 10. Up again.


"Have you found Jesus?" As I recovered my senses I replied, "no".


Same thing again. Twenty seconds later he repeated the question. "Have you found Jesus?"


Again I replied, "no". Now me maths weren't that good, but I could see that he was doubling the stay underwater every time. The g/f said he had a fantastic success conversion rate. No wounder I was thinking. What could I say to get out of this debacle? Again I was under water; 37, 38. 39, 40 and up.


He asked in desperation. Not wanting to drown me I guess. He just didn't want me saying 'no'.


"Have you found Jesus yet?" I couldn't face 80 seconds without air.


"I heard he fell in further downstream." 

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