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Prayuth most favoured PM candidate while Pheu Thai party leads – Nida Poll


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Prayuth most favoured PM candidate while Pheu Thai party leads – Nida Poll




Prayut Chan-o-cha currently tops the list of prime ministerial candidates, but the pro-Thaksin Pheu Thai party is ahead, according to the latest NIDA Poll (National Institute of Development Administration).

The survey sampled opinions from 2,091 people of minimum age 18 years and with varied occupations and educational backgrounds between February 4th and 7th.

Of the ten most favoured prime ministerial candidates, Prayuth Cha-o-cha led the field polling 26.06% with Sudarat Keyuraphan of the Pheu Thai party coming second, with 24.01%.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/prayuth-most-favoured-pm-candidate-while-pheu-thai-party-leads-nida-poll/



-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2019-02-16

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8 minutes ago, neeray said:

I know a few who like him including a fine doctor who uttered (to my disgrace) "we love that little man".

But I know many more who DON'T love him and will cast their vote elsewhere. I hear many positives about one man "Thanathorn" (nickname Ek).


From The Nation:

"FUTURE FORWARD Party (FWP) leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit on Monday announced he was ready to become the prime minister and highlighted the campaign “Thailand 2X” that promoted equality among Thais and make the country fit to compete with others."


The "fat lady ain't sung yet".

Neeray, I would love to see Thanathorn as the leader of Thailand. For once, Thailand could stand tall and proud on the international stage with a man possessed of those sterling qualities as prime minister. He is intelligent, articulate, well educated, progressive, humane, just and democratic - everything his opponents are NOT!


But I fear that the people will not sufficiently support him and that the Military will not allow Thanathorn to gain any kind of real power in any case. Not at this time. One day, however - maybe; one day ....



Edited by Eligius
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Why are the pollsters asking who the electorate wants as PM? They do not vote for the PM, they vote for the PM's, local and party list.


It is the 500 or so elected MP's who vote for the PM out of the candidates that have been nominated by their parties during registration. If they cannot come up with a clear majority, the (junta appointed) senate of 250 fine and upstanding stooges er citizens comes along and adds their votes to the equation.

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2 hours ago, Eligius said:

We all know it's a foregone conclusion. No suspense or doubt in any of this. Prayut (or at the very least the Military) will continue to rule Thailand with a draconian hand. Sadly, I do know quite a number of Thais who like Prayut and who support his regime (but it is certainly not the majority).


I'm tempted to say: 'Well, you let it happen, Thais, and are still letting it happen'. But people always criticise me for that sentiment.


So instead I'll wring my hands and whisper behind my fingers and say: 'There is nothing the Thais can do. Absolutely nothing. It's not their fault. The military have got guns, you see? Nothing to be done. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Oh- let's go and play Facebook now and send some photos of our latest meal. After all, there is NOTHING that the nearly 70 million Thais can do about ANY of what is happening in Thailand. No - they have no responsibility for any of it at all. They cannot do a thing. Don't blame them. They have no part in any of it .... .....!'



You sound like Bush telling the Kurds and Shia to stand up to Saddam........and then standing back and watching the massacre.


The question often quoted is "are you prepared to die for your cause"?


The real question is "are you prepared to kill for your cause?"


The "controllers" are, for sure.


And that's the only thing that will shift them.


Have you ever come within a thousand miles of having to make that decision?


How many people are you prepared to kill to save Thailand?


You don't need to be a registered voter or a citizen to do that.


History is full of men from foreign lands who fought, killed, and sometimes gave their lives for, other peoples freedom.


I believe the expression is "step up or shut up".




Edited by Enoon
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1 hour ago, JAG said:

I know that you (and many of us) wish for change, but I really do think that you should, before criticising the Thai people for not moving against the junta, despite the laughably obvious election rigging process currently underway, (and of which I am certain the Thai people are fully aware), consider a very simple fact.


As you point out, the military have guns. What is more, they have often shown themselves prepared to use them. The current crop of military leaders (on both sides of any current faction struggle within the military) have demonstrated a willingness to use those guns. The events in Bangkok in 2010 are seared into the memories of a whole generation, the generation which would have to move if the junta is to be turned out. It is one thing to urge action, it is quite another to stand in the front ranks of a crowd, 50 metres from ranks of soldiers aiming automatic weapons at you, knowing that they have snipers (they used them) and are prepared to shoot wounded and medical staff (they did).


It will have to be something major to spark off such a revolt. Thaksin's money is not enough, stealing the government is not enough, stealing the election does not, on its own, look to be enough. I suspect it will be a "crackdown" on protests, (in themselves not particularly significant). which leads to shootings and killing of protestors. I also suspect that the military's eventual undoing will be as the result of a vote - not a ballot - the conscript soldiers, who make up the vast majority of the army, and are predominantly called from the very population, demographic and geographically, which will oppose the junta, will vote - with their feet.


There is another, totally different, perspective which may bear examination. What if, the general population, aware that the most likely conflict, perhaps leading to open fighting, is between certain factions, and have decided to keep out of the way - to sit this one out. My point about the conscripts voting with their feet still applies.


It will come.


Nobody knows what the catalyst will be.


But it will come.


In its own time.....not in the convenient 90min of a heroic movie or after 12 nicely spaced episodes (with commercial breaks for coffee) of "This is how xxxx five/ten/twenty/thirty year war was fought".


In its time, their time.




Edited by Enoon
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