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Bernie Sanders releases 10 years of tax returns, details millionaire status


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There is no big deal. This is the nothing-est of nothing burgers. Bernie fans don't care one bit if he legitimately makes any amount of money, as long as legal, and he pays taxes on it.


On the other hand, there are things to question about the Sander's candidacy and also parts of his character. As we know so well looking at the current disgraceful embarrassing Twitter troll wreck in the white house, character does matter. Personally I've never been very enthused about him but he does need to be taken seriously. He's currently leading in the polls for the democratic nomination. 




I can see with Trump Derangement Syndrome that all arguments lead to Trump lol.  The topic is Bernie Sanders!!!!

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18 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

I can see with Trump Derangement Syndrome that all arguments lead to Trump lol.  The topic is Bernie Sanders!!!!

Oh come on now.

Bernie Sanders is running for the democratic party nomination to do what exactly do you reckon?

I'll fill you in.

He's running for the opportunity to EVICT the current "president" from the white house.

Just keeping it real. 



Also you've got the meaning of TDS all wrong. The actual meaning is anyone that STILL supports 45 now that it's been fully revealed what he really is about to anyone paying the tiniest bit of attention. 

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9 hours ago, Inn Between said:

I'd really like Bernie if he weren't a politician. He really seems down to earth in many ways, but.......he's a politician. 

Yes but a rich politician


Western governments bang on all the time about promoting democracy whereas in reality they are plutocracies.


Av Net Worth of an US Senator  -  $3.2 million


50% of US Congressmen are millionaires


The Trump cabinet is so far worth a collective $4.5bn


The combined wealth of the UK Cabinet is estimated at nearly £70 million, with 18 out of 29 ministers worth more than a million


Plutocracies that support right wing dictators and absolute monarchies when it suits them.

Overthrow democracies when it does not suit them


These people only have their own interest in mind and their elite backers , not those of the common folks which are lied into supporting them time after time.


As for Bernie , he lost all credibility when he gave his support to Hilary Clinton in the last presidential election. 


Had a great opportunity then to be a great statesman and a man of his word.


But blew it out of self interest.



Edited by rocketman777
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Bernie is just trying to get elected. The “ rich are not paying their fair share” is just a populist rallying cry to try to capture the votes of everybody who doesn’t consider themselves rich. It’s not about them not paying their taxes it’s about what their fare share is. It’s an abstract number that probably has a different meaning to everybody but the underlying sentiment is that anyone who has more stuff than you should have to pay more so they can’t afford more stuff than you. 

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Just now, mokwit said:

I think you are misunderstanding the point I am making - that he is a hypocrite. He used to rail gainst millionaires and billionaires but now he is one he is entitled to his million coz he worked for it (same as most did).

Hedidn"t rail against millionsires and billionaires for being tich. He railrd against those who didn"t pay their fair share in taxes and used their wealth to get laws passed that favored themselves.

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12 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

He railrd against those who didn"t pay their fair share in taxes and used their wealth to get laws passed that favored themselves.

I'm OK with him railing against that*. I just feel historically that distinction was not being made to the extent that it is now that he is a millionaire with 3 houses. He feels he is entitled to his million because he did something for it - so did most other millionaires. My issue with Liberals has more to do with their hypocrisy and double standards.


* I would define fair share as paying the same % rate as the average person/company - not a penny less, but not apenny more - I don't believe people should be punished for creating something/success - but i don't think they should be paying less tax than their secretary either.

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5 hours ago, Ulic said:

He writes a book, pays his taxes, banks some money. I don't see what the big deal is. Also being a millionaire sure isn't what it used to be. :coffee1:


The problem with millionaire socialists, socialists married to millionaires like Corbyn, and very very wealthy "celebrity entertainers" is that they want to tell everyone else how they must spend their money. But don't lead by example. They are never affected by the socialist policies that rely on spending citizens money for them.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The problem with millionaire socialists, socialists married to millionaires like Corbyn, and very very wealthy "celebrity entertainers" is that they want to tell everyone else how they must spend their money. But don't lead by example. They are never affected by the socialist policies that rely on spending citizens money for them.

Really? Sanders doesn't want higher income taxes on the wealthy? And to close the loopholes they now enjoy? Where have you been for the last 10 years?

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22 minutes ago, mokwit said:

I'm OK with him railing against that*. I just feel historically that distinction was not being made to the extent that it is now that he is a millionaire with 3 houses. He feels he is entitled to his million because he did something for it - so did most other millionaires. My issue with Liberals has more to do with their hypocrisy and double standards.


* I would define fair share as paying the same % rate as the average person/company - not a penny less, but not apenny more - I don't believe people should be punished for creating something/success - but i don't think they should be paying less tax than their secretary either.

What hypocrisy? How is being rich hypocritical? Liberals overwhelmingly oppose legislation that favors the rich. And support legislation that favor the poor. Including paying the taxes for it.

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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Yep Bernie Sanders is the real problem:




Nice graphic but, have you ever looked into why these companies didn't pay tax? Let's take a look at 2.


General Motors - Between 2005 - 2008 they lost $82 Billion. They borrowed money to keep their business running in spite of those losses, and were able to do so because of the "loss carry forward" provision in the tax code. That is not something only applied to corporations, it applies to individuals as well. How does it work? Imagine a salaried employee who received company stocks as part of his compensation. After decades of working for the company he had $150,000 in stock, which was the bulk of his life savings. And then the company went into bankruptcy. Overnight he suffered a $150,000 loss. Or his uninsured house burned down and he suffered a $150,000 loss. Or he had a $150,000 judgement levied against him due to a lawsuit. In all cases, if he earned $50,000 income in the same year as suffering the $150,000 loss, he would be exempt from income tax because he lost more than he earned. The next two years, if he earned another $50,000 each year, he would still be able to apply his previous year's loss against his income and would be exempt from income taxes until such time as his income exceeded his "loss carry forward". GM is doing the same thing. They earned income in 2018, but they have still not earned more income than they lost in the 2005 - 2008 period. If you think they should have paid taxes before recovering their losses, then you presumably think companies should not be able to balance past losses against current income. If they were not able to do that, then in most cases, and certainly in the case of GM, a large loss would bankrupt the company, putting 10's of thousands out of work. And you also need to answer the question, if corporations can't carry forward losses, can individuals carry them forward? If yes, how about LLC's?


Amazon - Amazon is does not have a carry forward loss, and yet pays very little corporate income tax. The reason for this is that rather than distributing their profits to owners/shareholders, they have a history of reinvesting it in their business. That has made them a company that has grown exponentially, has hired tens of thousands of employees (who pay huge amounts of income tax), has invested in enormous amounts in plants and equipment (resulting and huge amounts of property tax payments), and has invested heavily in R&D (resulting in the creation of large numbers of high paying jobs and requisite income taxes paid). In other words, they've done exactly what is most beneficial to the economy. Rather than hording cash, or distributing it to the owners, they invested it ways that were of maximum benefit to the community and economy instead. Through this Bezos has become tremendously wealthy, but mainly "on paper", in that most of his wealth is based on the valuation of Amazon stock, not based on money which is in his personal bank account. If Amazon was disallowed corporate tax credit on investments and R&D, they would have paid more corporate income tax, but would also be much smaller and would not have revolutionized retail in ways that benefited consumers and created 10's of thousands of jobs, and as an entity would have paid less taxes if you include income taxes paid by their employees, property taxes, etc.  


In general, corporations who don't pay tax in a particular year either had tremendous losses either that year or in a previous year(s), or reinvested most of their profits in the business/economy rather than taking it as "owner's profit". 





Edited by ftpjtm
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Lol, so now he is getting screwed for releasing them.


So, the people who don't release them win presidencies, the people who do get screwed. 


Why does anyone release them?


I gotta hand it to Trump, nice move. Hats off. It is the American people voting someone in who conducts himself nefariously I question. 

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18 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Nothing like cashing in on failure. On the face of it though and in the big scheme of things, he looks as if hasn't done much wrong. Capitalism at work. 

The old saying, "If you're going to lose, lose big".  Now adays, if one fails, people open a "gofundme" account, or find other ways to profit.  Some of the hard lessons I learned going through life didn't pay me back as quickly!

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It's kind of ironic that Bernie is the current leader. 

He's in the Hillary Clinton position this time. 
Supposedly it's his turn.

Hillary Clinton trailed behind Obama before it was her turn.

Bernie trailed behind Hillary Clinton, and now …

Not sure that's how it should work especially considering Bernie isn't even a democrat.


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16 hours ago, tlandtday said:

This is a problem but if you think the Dems (Bernie included) or Repubs or anyone will break this cycle is kidding themselves.

So if the democrats were in power in 2017, they would also have passed a huge tax cut bill for corporations? A bill that makes it easier than ever for them not to pay taxes. Really?

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On 4/16/2019 at 7:02 AM, mokwit said:

It's OK if he makes himself a millionaire through his own efforts but anyone else doing it is someone to be reviled at his rallies. Typical Liberal hypocrite. Watch - he used to rail against "millionaires and billionaires" - from no on it will be against "multi millionaires and billionaires"


Funny how the tax thresholds he proposes are above his income level = I imagine he will raise that when his wealth reaches that level - it is others who must pay, not him.

Here's a quote from Paul Krugman:

"But this is deeply stupid. Hypocrisy is pretending to care about the public interest when you’re actually serving your own interests. Opposing things that would be to your personal benefit, and supporting things that would make you a bit poorer, isn’t hypocritical at all — if anything, it deserves a little extra respect, because you’re making at least some sacrifice in support of your beliefs."

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On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:29 PM, bristolboy said:

Well, if he's against millionaires and billionaires who got there by their own efforts I guess that rules out Trump who got there by means of Daddy.

And it's so bizarre that a supporter of Trump, under whom a tax bill passed that singled out for special favoritism the real estate industry, would be criticizing Sanders on account of his proposed tax legislation. 

Trump, to my knowledge didn't campaign against the rich.

I hope Bernie is giving a very large donation to charity, or he's lost my respect.

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Here's a quote from Paul Krugman:

"But this is deeply stupid. Hypocrisy is pretending to care about the public interest when you’re actually serving your own interests. Opposing things that would be to your personal benefit, and supporting things that would make you a bit poorer, isn’t hypocritical at all — if anything, it deserves a little extra respect, because you’re making at least some sacrifice in support of your beliefs."

Funny haha that you quote Krugman, whom I saw the light on years ago. I do not give Krugman any credence to his rantings whatsoever.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's kind of ironic that Bernie is the current leader. 

He's in the Hillary Clinton position this time. 
Supposedly it's his turn.

Hillary Clinton trailed behind Obama before it was her turn.

Bernie trailed behind Hillary Clinton, and now …

Not sure that's how it should work especially considering Bernie isn't even a democrat.


Well, he isn't courting only Democrats:




And he's got more to say than just Trump bashing:



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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump, to my knowledge didn't campaign against the rich.

I hope Bernie is giving a very large donation to charity, or he's lost my respect.

Your knowledge is defective. Actually he said the rich weren't paying enough in taxes. 

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More complete info on Sanders charitable giving here.


"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released a decade’s worth of tax returns on Monday, detailing millions in income—2.26 percent of which he donated to charity. The documents show that over the years, Sanders’ income ranged from $205,617 to $1.1 million, while his charitable giving ranged from less than 1 percent to just over 4 percent depending on the year.


Last year, Sanders’ total income was $566, 421 and he donated $18,950 or 3.35 percent. In 2017, his income was $1.1 million and he gave away $36,300 or 3.15 percent.



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