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All shook up: Brexit Party's Nigel Farage doused with milkshake on campaign


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5 hours ago, aright said:

Nigel Farage said on Sky last week the Electoral Commission said they were happy with the Brexit Party procedures.

As a result of Browns intervention they insisted on visiting today. Coincidence or what?

Today they spent 7 hours in the Brexit Party office looking through the books and found nothing. 

Farage said.


And you believed him?

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21 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

If the speculation is true that his personnal funding comes from an insurance magante AND Farage is on record that the NHS should become an insurance based system (I have actually seen this clip on YouTube) then he deserves everything he gets. 

And very rightly to subject of investigation and exposure to the public. 


<iframe src="https://embed.theguardian.com/embed/video/politics/video/2014/nov/12/what-nigel-farage-really-thinks-ukip-video" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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38 minutes ago, connda said:

Unfortunately the scary reality of this day and age is that the radicalized left considers anyone who is conservative and right of center to be 'violent fascists' and thus uses that as an excuse to engage in violence themselves. 

Attend rallies where conservative and liberal are both in attendance, and the liberal left are the ones jeering, rabble-rousing, and oft times engage in violence while the conservative crowds are, well, conservative.  They rally with signs and a message, not violence.
It harkens back to the days of the Nazi brownshirts.  The Nazis where Social Democrats.  Socialists.  Left of center.  And autocratic and prone to violence.  Mussolini's Fascism was based on socialist principles.  It was left of center.  And autocratic and prone to violence.
The socialistic leaning leftists of today have a lot in common with these two groups.  

Connda, please not the above right wing copy book propaganda. You may find the link below of interest.



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17 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Compared to Farage and his lies even 10% would be greater. But still denial is the 1st choice for many Brexiteers when facts mask their gullibility perhaps ? That is not to say you are wrong in worshiping him, but just saying reality and facts always outweigh  lies.


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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

It was amazing the way the likes of Channel 4 went after Farage yesterday. I guess when you can't attack the message you have to attack the messenger.


The same as this slob that threw the milkshake. Completely incapable of a serious debate so he resorts to throwing his drink like some kid in infant school. Turns out he works for Sky, one of the more obvious Remain pushing broadcasters. 


What is it with these Remainers that they cannot accept losing a Democratic vote? 


Do you have a link to the Channel 4 broadcast?

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Fair enough, but I would appreciate one link so that I understand what is being discussed.

Just me being sarky. I'm not sure which one was meant.

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52 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Good to see the alleged milkshake chucker charged.


Now let's have a day in court for the brick and bottle-throwing yobs caught on camera  attacking Tommy Robinson, his supporters and even police on the campaign trail in the North-west.  




how much for a Mac attack?

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23 hours ago, JulesMad said:

Not sure if it were lefties... Surely the righties/fascists would have thrown with acid instead of some lovely flavored milkshake ????


Can you reference any instances of left wing politicians in the UK being attacked by acid throwing extreme right supporters?

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