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New traffic laws explained: DUI could be 2 points or as much as 4


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On 8/24/2019 at 4:13 PM, rooster59 said:

In cases where drivers are very drunk or injuries are caused three or even four points can be taken away.

Very drunk? Is that different from Kinda or Sorta drunk? You mean the government does not use breathalyzers with an established legal limit? Once again Thailand attempts to position itself as a global player vis-a-vis ASEAN while it maintains an infrastructure that vacillates between third world and banana republic. So if there is a fatality related to drinking and driving what's the penalty? A letter of apology and free tank of gas to the family of the deceased?

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7 hours ago, grahambkk said:

I tried the new APP mentioned in the article. The first problem, written in Thai only. Not unusual so I navigated through that and set up a password. Then the final hurdle was the APP wanted me to take a QR code, presumably from my Thai driving licence. But there is no QR code on the licence! So, the APP looks like it is not useful at all!!

Mine has a qr code. Reading it, nothing bears any resemblance to any written info on the card!

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Sounds like almost no penalties at all. Very mild....2 points for a DUI vs losing your licence for a year or more in a developed country. I have stopped drinking and driving totally but I may have to reconsider that decision in light of the ridiculously small penalties. 

You could get stopped 5 times a year and still be behind the wheel. Well done Thailand.

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Does anyone believe that a driver who crosses a red light and kills a person will only get 4 points on their licence? Really? Because that's what some people seem to be suggesting here. 

I swear, the mentality of some on this forum actually makes me want to go back home, where alcohol is more expensive and most people don't partake so freely... 

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On 8/24/2019 at 4:22 PM, NCC1701A said:

"I thought you only stopped Farangs for not having a helmet."

"Farang all go to Vietnam. Not come back. So we start with Thais now. 400 baht."




I live in Rayong and I can tell you Thais get caned here for no helmet 

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11 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

They said there are no prostitutes in Pattaya. Do you believe them?

If by They you are referring to the police officer who later lost his posting? No, because the follow up raids in that place found illegal sex work, didn't it?


How does that relate to the point at hand? There are other Countries with corruption yet they manage to lower their death toll on roads. I still can't understand what corruption has to do with starting somewhere to begin the long jounrey to getting people to find that so many deaths per years is not acceptable.


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On 8/24/2019 at 9:18 PM, NCC1701A said:

so best to pay right on the spot then?

I wonder why they don't need traffic fine insurance before they can drive, Just joking.

However they want us to have medical insurance for doing supposed runners from hospitals, not joking, but a joke.

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So, loose points or pay something on the spot to the police monthly party fund, great improvement of the system. At least if you don't have any money, you can now loose a few points instead, until the critical moment when you are approaching 12 points, then it's time to cough up some stang:)

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On 8/24/2019 at 4:13 PM, rooster59 said:

not wearing a seat belt and not paying a fine on time is worth one point.

So they will be installing seat belts on the converted pickup trucks and 40 year old vans they use for transporting children to school? Safety first after all. ????

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I was around Khao Yai a few days ago at a restaurant I visit regularly for lunch. On the next table was an elderly foreigner with a beer in hand and doodling with a pen in the other. Sitting at the same table a Thai woman eating. As they left in the pick up, HE was driving. He scraped the pick up and drove off, engine roaring and looking like he was in a formula 1. He should have used up all his 12 points in one go. I’m all for zero tolerance of alcohol when driving.

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On 8/24/2019 at 4:18 PM, NCC1701A said:

so best to pay right on the spot then?

Yes, coffee money.

And more corruption to avoid points and keep the driver license.

A win win for the bib's........again ????  

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19 minutes ago, piewarmer said:

I saw a Thai man in Chiang Mai today pull out with no helmet, rode through the police checkpoint in the wrong direction, one brown shirt briefly spoke to him but no ploblem. <deleted> funny really.

Probably an off duty policeman.

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On 8/24/2019 at 1:04 PM, Pib said:

Does the 12 points ever reset (assuming you don't reach it)?   I mean is the 12 points like a lifetime limit.  Points systems I've been use to reset after so many years.  Like say every 5 years...if you had accumulated say 9 of 12 points over a 5 year period then at the 5 year point you reset to 0 points. 

the quote says "every driver gets 12 points" so the points for an infringement would reduce that number, i guess once you hit zero they start again? so congratulations all we all have 12 points already...... 

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  • does the 12 points ever reset (assuming you don't reach it)?   I mean is the 12 points like a lifetime limit.  Points systems I've been use to reset after so many years.  Like say every 5 years...if you had accumulated say 9 of 12 points over a 5 year period then at the 5 year point you reset to 0 points. 

the quote says "every driver gets 12 points" so the points for an infringement would reduce that number, i guess once you hit zero they start again? so congratulations all we all have 12 points already......

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