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The getting old curse – How are you dealing with it?


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44 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Kerry Packer died temporarily on on a hospital operating table.


They managed to bring him back and he described death as nothingness. No pearly gates, no fire and brimstone, no being reunited with deceased loved ones just a blank nothing.

He wasn't really dead though was he? There is no coming back from that.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Drs only want to make one take pills, and in my case those pills made me impotent. I stopped taking them as they didn't work anyway. I don't think I was actually clinically depressed, but my life sucked.

A friendly girl works far better than medicine, IMO.

I agree about the  magic pills. But there are other way healthier options.

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4 hours ago, tomgreen said:

Although my Thai wife speaks fairly good English I have not really talked to her much about my thoughts on getting old / the downward slope . But on the odd occasions when I have brought up the subject, her reaction like many times is to say , you think too much . I then reply that us British are born thinkers and forward planners and its some thing I can’t stop doing , its just a genetic curse ???? 


Some times I wonder what it would have been like to have been born a Thai , where thinking too much and constantly planning ahead and worrying appears not to be part of their normal brain function . My wife also loves to use to use a phrase at the drop of a hat  ( that tends to infuriate me ) and that is ….  My pen rai ????


In your opinion how much does you wife / partners support and understanding play in your attempt to stay positive about getting old .  





My wife is  19  years my  junior and is adamant I will outlive her! Thai fatalism? I get the laughing mai pen rai when I say that already being in my late  60's I doubt I will  have the energy to replace her ! lol

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why, oh why do some assume everyone has an internet connection?

Well its 2019, never occurred to me someone living in 1st world can't afford it. You don't even have 3or4g or you wouldn't be posting from the free library


geez that's bad luck 

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sounds like the sort of things I go out of the way NOT to do.

You can't anyway you don't have an internet connection remember to download and you don't  even have a PC. Sitting in a public library for hours posting on TV is you're hobby? nice lol

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6 hours ago, KKr said:

Nice post. 
is there a source for that, or are you poetically  gifted ?







The last link is the one I posted that was sent to me by an old friend. Various people have beenn credited with the poem with some slight differences but as the last link states "Author Unknown"



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  6 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Kerry Packer died temporarily on on a hospital operating table.


Sorry yogi100, he had a heart attack on his polo field during a match,

The ambulance in attendance had a defibrillator on board and he was resuscitated , he subsequently found out not all NSW ambulances carried defibs, so he funded the purchase of them for all NSW ambulances, thye subsequently became known as "Packer Wackers",  

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:







The last link is the one I posted that was sent to me by an old friend. Various people have beenn credited with the poem with some slight differences but as the last link states "Author Unknown"



Thank you, appreciated.

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16 minutes ago, faraday said:

This, is a wonderful poem.




Ah..the river Lethe..at least I can still recall that..


An excellent poem.


Has anyone been deluged with sharp,chrystal clear memories from their distant past?

The other day I found myself singing "Island in the Sun" (Harry Belafonte) and-having checked on google-found that I had gotten the lyrics pretty much bang on.Memories of a lazy Sunday afternoon from about 1960 listening to the radio whilst watching my father carve model sailing yachts-which was his favourite hobby and pastime.

Edited by Odysseus123
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3 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Ah..the river Lethe..at least I can still recall that..


An excellent poem.


Has anyone been deluged with sharp,chrystal clear memories from their distant past?

The other day I found myself singing "Island in the Sun" (Harry Belafonte) and-having checked on google-found that I had gotten the lyrics pretty much bang on.Memories from about 1960. 

I can still see my grandmother very clearly; she's been dead 40+ years.


A wonderful memory of my uncle, who, when I was about 4 years old, lifted me high in his arms, & my head hit the overhead light, & broke! ???? Such a sweet, funny memory, from very long ago...


I dream of my parents at least once a week, seems so real.



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On 9/16/2019 at 6:08 AM, sunnyboy2018 said:

You are as young as the girl you are feeling!


         Correct ,  we are now in our early thirties, worth getting up for .555

It is essential to have a purpose in life,  a plan for you day .

  Without that , boredom is a killer ..




Edited by elliss
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Ah, those 'Golden Years.'   Others less romantically inclined, such as myself, would describe the  entire process as the most horrid, degrading experience of my entire life.  


I prefer to look away when passing a mirror, and doing whatever I can to just not think about this ghastly process.  The only thing that provides comfort, when I'm forced to consider it, is the knowledge that when the process of rotting away becomes intolerable, I can take a massive dose of Nembutal and an anti-nausea medication and just end it.


So, please, just tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred.  That's all I ask.

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5 minutes ago, Dolmance said:

Ah, those 'Golden Years.'   Others less romantically inclined, such as myself, would describe the  entire process as the most horrid, degrading experience of my entire life.  


I prefer to look away when passing a mirror, and doing whatever I can to just not think about this ghastly process.  The only thing that provides comfort, when I'm forced to consider it, is the knowledge that when the process of rotting away becomes intolerable, I can take a massive dose of Nembutal and an anti-nausea medication and just end it.


So, please, just tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred.  That's all I ask.

Unfortunately, the drug you mentioned isn't available at your local pharmacy. If you know a source please PM me.

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11 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Best advice I can give you is to ignore your age and stay active.  Yes, you'll get aches and pains doing things you used to take in your stride but if you stop doing those things completely, you will go downhill faster.


Sometimes its just down to attitude, I used to say "I can't do that at my age" - but when I really thought about it, why couldn't I? Sometimes we just put obstacles in our way.


Life changed for me 4.5 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. Yes, at first it changed for the worse but when I finally took my head out of my %^&* and decided to be positive, everything took a change for the better. And I do mean EVERYTHING. A Macmillan nurse told me that although there was no clinical reason why, the profession generally accepted that a positive attitude can have a positive outcome upon your illness. 


She was right and since then I've applied that positivity to all aspects of my life - not just to fighting my illness. Can instead of can't, will instead of won't and do instead of don't.


I'm not as old as you but most guys my age don't do half the things I do. Those in Thailand seem to spend their time drinking beer in bars - a great way to go downhill fast.  I see them at the bar when I go for breakfast - 10am and they're on their second bottle!!! Yes, I enjoy a beer and still get wrecked sometimes but you're just as likely to see me ask for a cup of tea at my local.  I find it quite amusing that those who sneer when I order a tea are either grossly obese or totally unfit. Today I was 20ft up a tree cuuting branches off, I still ride a motorbike (too fast ???? and I also still ride 'other' things ????). Although I'm starting to lose interest a little, I still go clubing - why should things change? I'll continue doing all those things and more until I physically cannot. I won't stop just because it doesn't fit with the stereotype 'older man'.


This will I'm sure, draw a few comments (ones I won't reply to by the way) but I smoke. In no way am I saying that smoking is good for you but in my opinion, alcohol is far worse - mainly because of people's attitude towards it. My grandad, father and uncle were all heavy drinkers and all died from diseases related to alcohol. I've been smoking for over 50 years without a problem.  However, the point I'm making is not that smoking's harmless, for some its very harmful - I'm just lucky. Its just that people knock smoking yet often, the very same people sink gallons of beer each week.


Brushes with ill health are inevitable - I know that very well but staying positive really does help. The grim reaper comes for us all eventually - why waste your time worrying or even thinking about something you can do nothing about? - Live your life.

The   C  word must be one of the worst things to hear and then to try and stay positive after hearing the news for me would certainly be a challenge . The words ‘’ try and stay positive ‘’ seem to be banded about a lot when reading about health issues or on the subject of getting old and the downward slope , 

Personally I do try and stay as positive as I can , but it seems that the daily roller coaster of life keeps trying to derail my efforts . I have a saying that my wife rollers her eyes at every time I use it out aloud , and the older I get the more I seem to say it out aloud nearly every day , when life hits me over the head with its stick , be it a simple thing like the power going off in the house again , or the roof leaking and don’t get me started on noisy neighbors I just automatically say out loud ..........


There’s always something !!
I wish there was a magic pill I could take that instantly made me have a more positive out look on life ????


Any way , thanks for posting your thoughts and I wish you well in fighting your illness , which I’m sure with you continued positive out look , you will win :thumbsup:












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1 hour ago, Dolmance said:

Ah, those 'Golden Years.'   Others less romantically inclined, such as myself, would describe the  entire process as the most horrid, degrading experience of my entire life.  


I prefer to look away when passing a mirror, and doing whatever I can to just not think about this ghastly process.  The only thing that provides comfort, when I'm forced to consider it, is the knowledge that when the process of rotting away becomes intolerable, I can take a massive dose of Nembutal and an anti-nausea medication and just end it.


So, please, just tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred.  That's all I ask.

Its funny that you mention not wanting to look at your self in a mirror , I am just the same . When I see my reflection it only increases my ‘’ I’m on the downward slope ‘’ stress ????.


I have a strange feeling that there may be others posting here that if they are honest ,  they to dread seeing themselves in a mirror ????










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On 9/15/2019 at 4:22 AM, NCC1701A said:

i stay with people who have a younger mind set. i had to tell a lifelong friend to stop with the old folks jokes because they don't apply to me.


i am 64 and go dancing in clubs in Bangkok and all my girlfriends are half my age and that really helps. 


motorcycle trip all over Thailand coming up oct, nov dec.


if you don't like my illusion or delusion please keep it to yourself.


Would you be willing to share what clubs? I would like to dance in Bangkok. Thanks. A PM is OK if you prefer.

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10 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

fun was up at 40,

now i just lay down and hope death come real soon,

id hasten it with a pleasant death if i could

I really hope that you don't feel that bad; if you are in constant pain, maybe you should get opiate medication prescribed.

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45 minutes ago, tomgreen said:

Its funny that you mention not wanting to look at your self in a mirror , I am just the same . When I see my reflection it only increases my ‘’ I’m on the downward slope ‘’ stress ????.


I have a strange feeling that there may be others posting here that if they are honest ,  they to dread seeing themselves in a mirror ????










I can't wait to look in the mirror...

Cos I get better looking each day... 




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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

Unfortunately, the drug you mentioned isn't available at your local pharmacy. If you know a source please PM me.

If you are truly serious, I can refer you to a helpful organization in Northern Europe that will send you what you need for about $700.00 US.  But I don't do this lightly.  Consider it for a few days, then PM me (I don't know how to PM yet, but I'll figure it out) and I will direct you to a means to get in touch with them. 

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Just now, Dolmance said:

If you are truly serious, I can refer you to a helpful organization in Northern Europe that will send you what you need for about $700.00 US.  But I don't do this lightly.  Consider it for a few days, then PM me (I don't know how to PM yet, but I'll figure it out) and I will direct you to a means to get in touch with them. 

Not sure how that would get through customs. If confiscated you're out $700. Used to be able to buy from vet clinics here, maybe still can. You just click on the name if you want to PM.

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1 hour ago, tomgreen said:

Its funny that you mention not wanting to look at your self in a mirror , I am just the same . When I see my reflection it only increases my ‘’ I’m on the downward slope ‘’ stress ????.


I have a strange feeling that there may be others posting here that if they are honest ,  they to dread seeing themselves in a mirror ????

I catch my reflection in a shop window and I think, who is that old b*stard?

Edited by giddyup
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