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Thailand to host World Ganja Festival 2020


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1 hour ago, pubba said:

Is it CBD oil? What do you use it for? 

I got some cbd oil oral spray when I went home to Australia. It’s used for anxiety and works very well, but there aren’t any psychoactive qualities so it doesn’t make me feel ‘high’.


... well, if it - as you say - works very well against anxiety then yes, it's fairly psychoactive already, just as it should be ... I do get your drift though.


WORLD ganja fest ?? That's a good one right there, l.o.l. ... more like 20 years behind and counting ... 


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17 minutes ago, KKr said:

and neither do nicotine or alcohol.
however, not distinguishing hard and soft drugs in law pushes soft drugs into illegal-drug-traders hands, who get financially rewarded big time by upselling to more profitable merchandise.

If they intercept coke and herion loads dont destroy it. Just make sure it's ok then hand it out free to the junkies.

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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

 this Ganja hoax is just PR.  it will never happen with a provincial military government in power.

To late,it's already happened well started and is well under way complete military government in power.Have a look and you will see and if you want be a part of it.

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

I do enjoy a beer and a couple of GT's at night.

At times I have worked offshore for periods of two weeks to at longest 3 months and those were no booze places and it didn't bother me. Can the same be said for a junkie? If I over indulge in my habit, who drinks and hasn't, leaving it for week or so is fine for me. Coke and heroin junkies need more to feel 'normal'

The industry that produces my chosen 'drug' is legal and isn't run by people who go around murdering each other by the hundreds to get it all to themselves. 

Even if it was legal to produce the drugs, talking about medicinal use cannabis, do you honestly believe that recreational cannabis will still not be grown and used, and even if that was made legal the mindset is still going to be there in terms of cutting out the competition.

Make coke and herion legal and the same will happen and the death count will go up.

It's here and no changes to the law will make a difference.

Scientific research disagree with your opinion: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19922519


This is only 1 example but Portugal decriminalization of all drugs also showed positive results. 

Edited by Tayaout
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Thai Sticks... Lost memorbilia from the 60's... There Thailand had a Cash Crop. Produce this again in Medical form and Thailand will be a World Leader in extremely High End Cancer Treatment... Forget the jacked medical costs... Compete Head to Head with Big Pharma and Win. 

You developed a proven remedy for extinguishing pain here and raising Patients to a level so the body can effectively work with other Treatments. Thus eradication of this terrible Illness and many others.  You "Will" become a Winner on many levels... Environment to enable to relax in comfortably, Expanded use of  

Meditation. Promoting both Private and Temple Cultures...


Think about it! At the right level Everyone would become a Winner! Not just the Government... -Everyone" thus here is one BIG answer to Boost Thailand's Economy... Just don't get Greedy and <deleted> everything up!!!




Edited by davidstipek
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20 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Wonderful....this will attract lots of quality visitors to Thailand....????

Pot heads from all around the world, what a contribution to the tourist income. Thailand the new hub for wheed smokers.

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People are missing my point! Big Time!! Think about it... Doctors... Hospitals sending Patients here for Treatments... Who benefits here? If they cannot travel bring this total environment to them.

Yes you will also get the low end of this spectrum also....


Alcohol you got alcoholics Etc...


Get the picture? Not everything is as Negative as the World some people have chosen to live in.....


For once Somebody at all levels (walks) of Life can Benefit... From our Culture here to Immigration/Visa's Medical Industry  all on a World wide scale!



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15 minutes ago, bander said:

Pot heads from all around the world, what a contribution to the tourist income. Thailand the new hub for wheed smokers.

Nothing new about Thailand being a weed hub.They just had a short break.Potheads have contributed much to Thailand over the years.

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I f you had Cancer... Given the Negative Level some people have chosen to dwell in... If option was there which would you choose - Chemo or Ganja and alternative lifestyle???


Be careful you are choosing between a present painful Treatment that also affects your Family or Ganja, a livable level for all concerned, a peaceful level allowing the mind and body to rule here...


Your choice...

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I still have maybe 1/2 pound of Seed stock that was sealed Frozen for over 53 years now. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4's of this might start. Maybe my Wife can start a High End Treatment Center including Temple Visit's and for those who cannot travel personal Visits from the Monks. 


End result SSA might include this Treatment with enough Doctor/Hospital Referrals. Save Governments and Insurance Companies Billions!!

Edited by davidstipek
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21 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Great idea,another step in the right direction.We need every bit of exposure we can get to show that ganja is good.Just keep stepping towards full legalisation.

You don't get it do you? they just want to attract tourists to come and spend a lot of money !!! They don't want to legalize it in any way !?!?..It's just like road safety !.. they talk and talk but it never changes.....

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