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Trump says he hopes he can mediate between Turkey and the Kurds


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"Turkey knows where I stand," he said. In the lobby of Trump Towers Istanbul? He should build towers in Kurdish areas just to seem "balanced"

Trump says he can mediate.

This should squelch those who assert Trump has no sense of humor. Stand up in theater of the absurd.

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11 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

He wants to deliver coffins to the Kurds free of charge and will try to convince the Turks to let him, art of the deal.

U.S. taxpayers will have to pay for those coffins. Somehow Trump will work in a profit from them.

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Trump has spent his entire presidency attacking and dismantling the achievements of Obama, but what really rankles him is the Nobel prize that Obama won.  No matter what he does, he can't destroy that - the best he can do is even the score and be awarded one himself.  The ongoing, and so far failed, attempt to cozy up to Kim Jong Un was his strongest move in that direction, with him and his fans openly suggesting it is Nobel worthy.  Now, it seems he's escalated to a whole new level by starting a conflict so he can mediate and bring 'peace'.  I wonder who gave him that idea?


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When I see Trumps name, and MAGA in a story, I think it is Maggot, that was 

misspelled.  I do hope that the Kurds can get to a safe place and not get

slaughtered by one of their old enemies. Good luck to them and bad luck to

the Turk invaders.


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