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Is my girlfriend spiking my drinks?

cyril sneer

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5 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I was just looking to lose a few kilos from beer


i'm not downing bottles of whisky every morning

Well you have already indicated that your drinking leads to arguments with your girlfriend , so there is clearly a problem in addition to weight gain.

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On 11/21/2019 at 6:58 PM, BritManToo said:

More likely your gf is slipping it into your food/drink.

It's fairly common, I had one live with me where I became mysteriously ill after arguments with her.

How do you keep track of them all? there have been so many

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The fact that you have to ask says you definitely have a girlfriend problem. You better quit her before it gets worse. In any other country I'd say you're paranoid, but Thai girls are capable of anything if they don't get their way. And by anything I mean lie, steal, and physically hurt you. Get out while you can.

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Reminds me of my favorite AA joke...


A widow was at her husband's funeral, who had just died of cirrhosis.  Someone asked her if he ever tried AA. 


Her response:  His drinking wasn't that bad.


If drinking isn't causing problems in your life, enjoy!  I mean that sincerely.  If it ever does get bad enough, we have a seat for you.


Edited by impulse
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6 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I was just looking to lose a few kilos from beer


i'm not downing bottles of whisky every morning

Well if you want to lose a few kilos go on a diet, cut out beer but drink whiskey and soda. Only drink 4 days a week,  walk everyday....you will lose weight


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13 hours ago, Matzzon said:

So??? Ops! That will then beg the question why you are asking for advice here then?

Sorry I was referring to AA members


Most people I meet in Thailand just want people to hear about themselves and it bores me to death, so god knows what AA would be like..


To the poster recommending weed - already tried that and didn’t enjoy it


Exercise is all that works 

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I am astonished that you would write asking for comments on this particular behaviour in your life. My advice is go work on your relationship with your no doubt suffering girlfriend and work on  controlling your alcohol abuse. Probably the alcohol in your system brought you to write here on something most people would be too embarassed to share with perfect strangers. Get yourself a decent proper life!!

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On 11/22/2019 at 6:27 PM, Mavideol said:

now I have another good reason to keep sleeping alone, after sex she goes back to her place... 555

I always liked the quote from Charlie Sheen from the TV series, "Two and a Half Men". He said at one point, "I don't pay women for sex, I pay them to leave in the morning". 555 No, not actually true anymore in my case.

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On 11/21/2019 at 6:58 PM, BritManToo said:

More likely your gf is slipping it into your food/drink.

It's fairly common, I had one live with me where I became mysteriously ill after arguments with her.

off course they will deny everything


I once got sick out of the blue and had symptoms that looked like I took an anti fungal


our dog was on anti fungal for the skin and the ex probably put the drops into my drinking water


1 + 1 = deny anything & everything


note:  ex is a real toxic narcissistic piece of ...

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19 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Just don't drink - easy. You don't seem like a typical alcoholic or surely it would take more that a drug that makes you feel sick to stop you drinking?..


Actually alcoholics are who needs to try something like antabuse. If not an alcoholic then by definition able to drink less -- or stop altogether -  simply by deciding to.


Clearly he can't. So regardless of whether it is beer or whiskey, consumed in morning or evening, he meets the definition of an alcoholic.


OP have you had a recent liver panel done?

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On 11/22/2019 at 6:14 PM, cyril sneer said:

full of low-lifes and I have no interest whatsover in what others have to say


i've also heard it's a cult filled with lonely people who don't even have a drink problem


going off topic here...

I come from a family of alcoholics they used to say the same , thankfully one of them my sister after much persuading did go and now in her 15th year of being dry helps others with the 12 steps the amount of people she has helped over the years can be seen at Christmas time when the postman brings a sack full of Christmas cards she has managed to turn peoples lives around . When you go to AA it’s not about your wealth or position in life you are all treated the same sadly your view of them being low life’s is completely out of order .perhaps you need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask the question “ Am I a low life “ if your not careful that GF of yours may decide enough is enough and walk out the door never to return .

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Cyril, I am one of those ''low lifes'' you mention about AA. You have yet to offer an excuse for not getting real help that's original. They have all been used before. You're an alcoholic. You wont cure yourself. You cant cure yourself.  You can replace one drug with another and the addiction continues. AA is not a cult. Full of lonely people?!? I spit coffee when I read sentence. That is pure Bullsh...t, <deleted> I you prefer. Lonely addicts wind up there sooner or later, because they have lost all their friends/family, if death doesn't take them before, and they develop friendships that go farther and deeper than they ever had prior to going in to AA. There is where the real family is. You haven't met your real best friend yet, but then,you aren't ready for AA yet. You still have that inflated ego, and you HAVEN'T hit bottom yet. That bottom will be emotional. While you sit here spewing all the worn out excuses, remember one line from the AA big book; ''Some will die so others will live''. By the example of others dying from addiction, others may find the courage to get help. 

Someone once asked ''Whats the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?" Answer; Alcoholics go to meetings.



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20 hours ago, featography said:

You still have that inflated ego, and you HAVEN'T hit bottom yet. That bottom will be emotional. While you sit here spewing all the worn out excuses, remember one line from the AA big book; ''Some will die so others will live''. By the example of others dying from addiction, others may find the courage to get help.

I consider myself a humanitarian, but in all honesty, see no reason why we need to "help" alcoholics or any addicts.  There are hundreds of thousands of children, who have no choice or means of support that end up orphans or foster children (in America) . Even animals in some cases. Those are the humans and creatures who deserve help.  Grown men and women have freewill and if they self-destruct it was meant to be IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/21/2019 at 8:50 PM, cyril sneer said:

i've already accused her and she went mental at me

i bet she denied it 555. you can see a Thai do something, then accuse them and they will still denied it until your blue in the face. never met a race of people that will never take responsibility for the actions.

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