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In historic moment, U.S. House impeaches Donald Trump for abuse of power


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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:



I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.


Way to go, Mr Trump; you did it the old fashioned way, you earned it!




I agree with you. 

However he will survive in the Senate. 

And.... his popularity was rising even. 

A shame for America. But....... there are more clowns around in the world ready for a mad house. 

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So, he's impeached. So what? Bill Clinton was impeached- did it amount to anything?

The GOP learned from that impeachment loss and worked with Clinton to achieve stuff. Will the Dems learn the same lesson?

We'll find out next year when he wins re election.


Nothing to fear

2020 to 2024.

I have a feeling next year there will be a new witch hunt , this time will be blaming either chinese or Iranians since blaming Russians failed 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

The Democratic-led House passed the abuse of power article of impeachment on a largely party-line 230-197 vote.

Give it up to the writers of this article Ladies and Gentlemen, for using the words "largely party-line" to describe a totally party line vote that happened to include two democrats that jumped ship and voted against the impeachment, and a 3rd Tulsi Gabbard, who voted present as she was undecided. Absolutely partisan, and didn't even get their entire side to vote yes. Disgraceful. An argument so strong they could not convince a single Republican, but lost 3 Democrats.




Edited by WalkingOrders
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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Unless he is convicted by the senate it's of no more consequence than Clinton's. Who even remembers that Clinton was impeached, and it doesn't make the slightest difference as to how he is remembered.

However, enjoy your moment of triumph, till the senate probably acquits him next year. I only say probably, because it's life, and sometimes life deals us the unexpected, but I'm 97% sure he'll be acquitted.

Nothing to fear.

Agree, the current Republican majority Senate will not confirm the Articles of Impeachment. We agree on that. Of no consequence for the narcissist? It will continue to eat at him as he is only the 3rd POTUS Impeached and the only one to be so done during his first term. Rail and tweet as he can, he will not void the judgement of history for all time.

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43 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Now (apparently) they’re afraid to send it to to the Senate as they’re not sure they’ll have enough “unbiased” Senators to convict,

There is absolutely no doubt that they will NOT have enough Senators to convict. They perhaps are afraid of Democrat Senators refusing to vote yes. OR they are afraid of the witnesses being called that will drag this on into a deeper grave for them politically. They do not control the Senate, and perhaps the the thought of things not going well for them have put a fear into them. The best they could have done is to let the Senate vote this down quickly. If they want to drag it out. It still is going to end up Voted down, but with a whole lot of blood on the floor!

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8 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Rolling back environmental regulations, selling/leasing the public lands, calling for reductions of Social Security/Medicare and other public safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthy/ corporations 91 owed no taxes as a result) ... the list rolls on but I realize it is a waste of my time. He is playing to his flailing base, not this American. I understand the justified frustration/anger in the American working middle class but this was no where near the person to address the issues. They support him because they see/cannot comprehend that there is another choice.

Rolling back unneccessary regulation has been a hallmark of Republican, conservative or libertarian policy/ideology for as long as I can remember. The other choice are candidates who are openly calling themselves socialist, in a party that literally made up a story about the President paying prostitutes to urinate for him on a bed previously used by the former President and First lady. This bothers me greatly. It likewise bothers me that that same party has literally called the President in public before American troops, a spy, traitor, stooge, for the Russian state. A lot of talk goes on here about the evidence for this, but if there was evidence he would have been impeached rather quickly and not allowed to keep his finger on the American Nuclear trigger.  For these reasons I could never again in my lifetime vote for the Democrat party of the United States, because I never saw such behavior in a political party in my life.  I believe my decision is based upon conservate principles, that I live by. I believe I am a rational man. I am sure you are as well. I trust the process that the constitution has provided, in that it will not allow the removal of Donald Trump from office. Once this impeachment trial in the Senate is over. Then the Constitution of the United States has done its job as it will have been done legally according to US law. I expect that those who claim to be lovers of the US constitution will then silence themselves from further attempts to remove the President that do not conform to US law.

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