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Why I can only see great things ahead for Pattaya


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The popularity and the attraction of a place depends on many factors and at times will periodically wane and surge in demand, to say that Pattaya is will only get better is a huge bamble...enough for one major mishaps or an accident to stop people coming all together and that place will turn into a ghost town, as it happened in many other places....

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Well, I will have to ask my cousin when I visit Pattaya in January, he will give me his 

opinion of how at least Jomtien Beach portion of Pattaya is doing.

Last time I was there, the garbage was not being picked up at Chinese New Year

and I had thought that was still considered High season.  I am still happy to only go visit

as a traveller, and not become and expat. So far so good.


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1 hour ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

Now, now, don't be so hard on Mr Cheeseman. He might be correct. Just a few simple things need to be done to make this real.


Put in place a serious municipal government, serious professional police, fire and ambulance services, clean and effective garbage pickup service, a ground-up infrastructure rebuild, a marine engineering assessment led by foreign specialists to rebuild and maintain the beach area, impose residential zoning and commercial zoning, ban buses from the downtown, and dependable flood-proof transit system.


Now, that wasn't so hard was it?

You could say the same for every part of Thailand.

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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Besides that “blue colored park” at Bali Hai and the white folks being replaced by a bunch of low budget carriers Indians what has improved over the last 6 years?

The massive brownish water park called "Talay" & it's free

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Frankly, I just do not see it either. Sure, it will improve for a few wealthy developers, with the kind of laser tight marketing required to attract a tiny, but wealthy segment of society. But, I sure do not see life improving for the vast majority of the lower and middle class people living there, nor for the tourists who visit, nor for most ex-pats who call Pattaya home. More congestion, continued poor and inept law enforcement, more traffic, more pollution, and more development. Does that sound like an increasing quality of life for most? 


Of course small things, like the newly proposed high speed rail will help. That is a very positive development. The more public transportation options an area has, the better. What Pattaya really needs is a monorail system, for getting around the super congested main beach areas. And a total ban on buses and large trucks, within that zone from the beach, to Soi Bukkhao, from South Pattaya Road, to Central road. 

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I am sure these more than a few defenders of Pattaya on this Forum. I first went to Pattaya in 1992; stopping for a few days when I worked in the Middle East. Travelled there many times from that date until I moved there in 2001. Moved to BKK in 2003 for work as I did not like making the commute on terrible roads; but still ent down for week ends. Moved back there again in 2010 when I retired; and divested in Pattaya 2013 when I realized it lost its charm.  The Current State of Pattaya would like Las Vegas, NV cracking down on Gambling and vices; Doubling Accommodation prices; Tripling Food and Prices; and pointing you to polluted beaches for Family fun filled vacations.

Edited by exparte
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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Well, I will have to ask my cousin when I visit Pattaya in January, he will give me his 

opinion of how at least Jomtien Beach portion of Pattaya is doing.

Last time I was there, the garbage was not being picked up at Chinese New Year

and I had thought that was still considered High season.  I am still happy to only go visit

as a traveller, and not become and expat. So far so good.


Leave lots of money

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