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Current U.S. government is the worst in America's history - Iran president


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I'm guessing the Persians have Carter and Obama at the top of their rankings. Bush (1 & 2) and Reagan nearer the bottom? That guy is gonna get Trump reelected with that kinda talk, just keep it up. With luck they'll do something more meaningful nearer November.

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2 hours ago, jesimps said:

Which means "We can't mess with the present US government".

Actually it means the opposite. It means that you can mess with the US government. Given Trump's liking for dictators and the religious right, if the Iranian government were to flatter him in the right way, he would make friends with them. Examples are Crown Prince of Saudi, Putin and North Korea's Kim. That would already have happened with the Iranians only for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Rouhani would have managed it if he did not have them messing things up behind his back.

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This is yet another major apparent 'objective' indicator of just what an excellent job the Executive Branch of the American Government is doing!  When the likes of that regime are squealing, the successes in thwarting evil and carnage are tangible indeed.

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1 minute ago, Redoubt said:

This is yet another major apparent 'objective' indicator of just what an excellent job the Executive Branch of the American Government is doing!  When the likes of that regime are squealing, the successes in thwarting evil and carnage are tangible indeed.


I bought gas today for $2.02. Iran is under constant pressure. Their own people are beginning to rebel. 

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Current U.S. Government Congress (HR) and Unelected Bureaucrats are the worst in America's history - Iran president


Note: This thread was not necessarily a condemnation of President Trump by it's very title. Maybe Rouhani was a little afraid of hellfire and damnation (from a Reaper RPV, for example) so he didn't name names? Or did he? If I were naming names of bad creatures of the DC Swamp, Nancy Pelosi would be at the top of the list. A sober, non-Trump-hating history will, I'm sure, bear me out.


Or shall we blame everything bad on long-ago President Buchanan for not stopping the American Civil War and for all the bad happenings since. We'll have to ask the "consensus of American historians", I guess. Anyway, I thought "historians" dealt with history and not unfolding current events.



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1 minute ago, MaxYakov said:

Current U.S. Government Congress (HR) and Unelected Bureaucrats are the worst in America's history - Iran president


Note: This thread was not necessarily a condemnation of President Trump by it's very title. Maybe Rouhani was a little afraid of hellfire and damnation (from a Reaper RPV, for example) so he didn't name names? Or did he? If I were naming names of bad creatures of the DC Swamp, Nancy Pelosi would be at the top of the list. A sober, non-Trump-hating history will, I'm sure, bear me out.


Or shall we blame everything bad on long-ago President Buchanan for not stopping the American Civil War and for all the bad happenings since. We'll have to ask the "consensus of American historians", I guess. Anyway, I thought "historians" dealt with history and not unfolding current events.




He is about to be described as the deceased if he isn't very careful.

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43 minutes ago, Ricohoc said:

If Iran thinks it's the worst, then it is the best for America.  March on!

 For the fans of Trump right now there are only two countries in the world the US and Iran... OK they episodically heard about China and Israel ☺️  America first makes sense since the other countries are unknown at worst and at best forgotten including friendly and allied countries. I don't know if he's the worst president but he's certainly the most self-absorbed. Without the slightest globalist vision, he only goes from one of his obsession to the next and if they contradict each other it's not a problem he will always explain it very well. ????

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2 hours ago, Redoubt said:

It certainly should be noted for our 'International' Friends:  The 'Government' of the United States of America is comprised of "Three Equal Branches".  The Judicial (Supreme Court); the Executive (Office of the President / Chief Executive); and the Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Each of the 50 States of the U.S.A. have two (2) elected Senators within the Senate.  If a tie vote occurs the Vice President of the US is deemed the deciding vote for such issues.  The wisdom of the "Founding Fathers" of the U.S.A. is amazing in the care and diligence they afforded when they created a Republic to never again enable tyranny; guaranteed by a Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Semper Fidelis!!!


you forgot the 4th branch,  "special interests"

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39 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

Very true and said by more than 60% of the globe.

Indeed as any empire as history teach the present US global power started already to fade and will be lost adding as against history teaches, every power full empire once lost the global power, will be ransacked and destroyed by who has been suffering from their previous act!

Not in your lifetime,if at all. 


If it is such a bad place, then I would like to order the immediate stop of all immigration and institute a work permit system. 


Why would anyone want to go there then? 

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4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

It's really rich coming from a guy that is one drone strike away from his own death.

yeah, great move. Do you want another war with US people dying due to the stupidity of politicians.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:
1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

I would have to ask everyone here:


Under which government would you prefer to live, Iran's or the U.S.?


Those that answer Iran's can move there and check it out in person.


I don't recall "Neither" as one of the choices I proposed. Let me check if that is the case.  :stoner:

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10 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

 For the fans of Trump right now there are only two countries in the world the US and Iran... OK they episodically heard about China and Israel ☺️  America first makes sense since the other countries are unknown at worst and at best forgotten including friendly and allied countries. I don't know if he's the worst president but he's certainly the most self-absorbed. Without the slightest globalist vision, he only goes from one of his obsession to the next and if they contradict each other it's not a problem he will always explain it very well. ????

He seems to have paid a fair bit of attention to China lately. Try watching something other the CNN and you might have heard of it.

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The Trump government is not well liked by the iranian mullahs? That's disappointing and a real shame. What can be done by the US imperialistic unbelieving dogs to get a better reputation?


Hang homosexuals from cranes, stone unfaithful women, threat apostates with death penalty and, important, convert to the religion of peace.

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18 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


I bought gas today for $2.02. Iran is under constant pressure. Their own people are beginning to rebel. 


That began several years ago...and since around then, there has been an ongoing civil disobedience campaign by women.  Thanks to social media, it works.  (google "White Wednesdays" or search it on Fb.) They post pics of themselves without the hijab, sometimes dancing in the street.  Govt. reaction was to employ about 500 more moral guardian thug police.
When the women get going, you can be sure the ayatollahs' days are numbered.


One main grievance in those demonstrations and riots was the serious economic situation while the govt. spends millions on its foreign adventures, especially protecting the Assad bunch in Damascus and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

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14 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

The Trump government is not well liked by the iranian mullahs? That's disappointing and a real shame. What can be done by the US imperialistic unbelieving dogs to get a better reputation?


Hang homosexuals from cranes, stone unfaithful women, threat apostates with death penalty and, important, convert to the religion of peace.

Yeah you're right about the Iranian regime but logically that can be true and also at the same time the current impeached US president can be among the worst US presidents in history. 

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41 minutes ago, i84teen said:

230mph laser guided Hellfire missiles fired from near-silent US MQ-9 Reaper drones have a habit of "shaping ones attitude", right Soleimani.

 Oh, sorry, you're dead.

You are correct and look at the resulting mess that has caused.

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