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Thailand keeps doors open to Chinese tourists


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Thailand government greed may possibly  (hope may not) kill a lot of it's citizens & residents. Poor than Thailand countries have close their borders to any flight arriving from China but to save face and please the Chinese government Prayut is keeping the country open.... sad but true, kissing a** to the Chinese is more important than a Thai person's life...

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Time Gov't changed focus of heavy reliance on Tourism.

Tourism can be unreliable, as occurring now; can change v quickly, need to focus on spread of stronger industries, i.e. manufacturing, technology, Medical,Education, etc.

They should have enough expertise to work out a strong economic focus; what's Economic Expert, Somkid, doing, he's probably paid a fortune & under utilised!!

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3 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Any doubters only has to visit a government hospital - as I have done recently - there are hundreds of old and sick passing through or waiting to see a doctor, and most will only be given meds and told to go back home.

Same as most hospitals world wide.

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4 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Same as most hospitals world wide.

Well I don't live world wide - I live here in Thailand - and that's an issue for me. Hundreds of potential Coronavirus victims. I would suggest the hospitals in the UK and USA are far better equipped to listen to 'flu-like' symptoms than here in Thailand - as I actually experienced. 

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1 hour ago, MichelM said:

I didn't even need to open the linked web page to see the all-telling word 'rumours'.


At least you lot are consistent.

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

I hope you have advised the Singapore government that masks are useless in stopping the spread of the virus lol

You're not quite correct. The purpose of the mask is to prevent spreading possible infection to others, not to avoid getting it yourself. You are only supposed to wear it if you feel unwell. To avoid infection, they recommend avoiding crowded places, washing one's hands frequently, and not touching one's face. 

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4 hours ago, EricTh said:

Thailand is doing the right thing unlike some 'more developed' countries. 


What goes around comes around. 


In the future, if you are sick of infectious disease and the doctor shuts the door on you, you get your karma on the way you treat others in the past i.e. by closing the doors on them.


I wonder whether the forummers here would protest if there is a virus outbreak in New York and all Americans are prevented from entering Thailand.


Double standards as usual...


Maybe the Post Of The Year  ( POTY 2020 ? ) :cheesy:

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1 minute ago, nuckyt77 said:

Fortunately I did exactly that. Flew out last week AND am very very glad I did. I not say that the measures other countries take are all better or are going to help but at least they do something. Thailands Pinokio does only one thing: kiss the Chinese Bosses ..ss. When I read your last posts I think you are in for an award too: the kiss Pinokio-.ss award should go to you.

My newly engineered virus is doing it's job... ????

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In the case of SARS in 2003, a single traveler brought the virus to Hong Kong from China, where ihe went on to infect people from Canada, Singapore and Vietnam,  who then travelled and took it back to their home countries......turning it in to world epidemic.

Several post Sars medical papers point to International travel as a major cause of the virus spreading (particularly amongst other passengers and crew).

Incubation time was 6.4days, death rate 15%, of which 50% were 65yrs or older.

Worst peak months were April and May....Mr Trump may be out slightly on his (uneducated) guess of it ending in April.


Don't know where any Chinese tourists are coming from in China to here. My friend is not permitted to fly from Nanjing to Thailand.....even as a solo traveler. Says the city/province (Jiangsu) is in Lockdown,  even though it's a long way from Wuhan.


Hong Kong shopping crisis....forget about buying masks, cant buy toilet paper or tissues!

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7 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

In case y'all haven't been paying attention, the number of cases in Singapore (Population 5.6 million) is 1.5 times as many as the number of cases in Thailand (population ~ 70 million)

Yes but they are sitting on each others doorsteps in Singapore as opposed to the great distances of Thailand. You cannot judge by population numbers.

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1 hour ago, Assurancetourix said:

Maybe the Post Of The Year  ( POTY 2020 ? ) :cheesy:

I wonder whether the forummers here would protest if there is a virus outbreak in New York and all Americans are prevented from entering Thailand.


Not all Americans,   but those from New York State in the US of America would be a good idea 


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51 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

The PM should have to stand at the arrivals gate daily and physically welcome all arrivals from China, preferably with a handshake.

I think a Honecker kiss would be better. Use a lot of tongue, too. Get that sweet China feeling. Cough cough.

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5 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Go ahead and check the medical or health professional qualifications of various, western government's 'health ministers' and get back to us with the results.

You can guarantee that all western health Minister will have highly qualified health professionals to advise them.

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2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Can't paste the link because it's in Finnish, but duodecim states direct deaths from influenza are very rare and about 500 people a year die due to complications caused by underlying preconditions. About 10% or 550k get the infection yearly. So directly, 0%, indirectly, 0.09%.


Coronavirus seems to be both more infectious and far more deadly.

It's something that I've not seen voiced anywhere yet, as everyone is so caught up with this pandemic in its current form. But right now - with the coronavirus in only a mildly-aggressive form - there is no vaccine. And people are recovering quickly despite this.


But all viruses mutate naturally. This worries me. Particularly with China now having totally isolated and quarantined 50 million people in their cities, and have an unknown total of cities (15 at the last reported count) in total lockdown with the military preventing anyone from entering or leaving. 


Edited by robsamui
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1 hour ago, Traubert said:

Asia for the Asians. Asia has had enough. Its the New World Order boys. Didn't you read the runes when ASEAN was formed?


You had your day.

Yeah, it was good while it lasted. Now let's let them stew in it and come back only when they get on their knees and beg.

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5 hours ago, Ned said:

I haven't read all the comments on this topic and the question might have already been asked but is it possible that many countries will soon ban flights arriving from Thailand? 

It will happen for sure as other countries cannot afford to be as frivilous as the Thai government.


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