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Leading Thai doctor in dire warning: Deadly Italian strain of Covid-19 now set to wreak havoc in Thailand


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1 minute ago, smedly said:

yes I'm going to believe something from a website called duckduck


are you (deleted) serious

Mate you better listen to this youngster....yes i'm serious....cuckooo cuckooo


duckduck is much better than google because it won't record EVERYTHING you type into it...google follows EVERYTHING you do on internet, duckduck does not.

Edited by fruitman
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1 hour ago, aqua4 said:

You think?How about a bus load of super spreaders heading for the rural areas. If there was ever an argument against globalism then this virus must be it.



So now international traveling is called globalism?!

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1 minute ago, P Funk said:

So now international traveling is called globalism?!

Yup and some of them are from nakhon cuckoo as well because they don't wear a mouthmask and are going to  be famous as a superspreader soon.


I Europe they have a new law to keep distance of 1.5 meter between people..well look here on the pic...and in the skytrain they want us all to wear mouthmasks.

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32 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

What about medieval epidemics killing third of population?

Yes the black death ,the plague were brought about by infected rats and as you say a third of Europe was wiped out and yet there was not mass travelling then outside of cities. The biggest cities had it and it did come about by shipping though. great fire of London put a stop to it.

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1 hour ago, Yadon Toploy said:

It's hard to remain empathic in the face of such stupidity, but we must try. 

Right attitude , the compassionate thing, as others noted Bangkok sealed would have saved but the rich wont pay the tax to pay the welfare to pay the rent to the rich for the displaced workers.


Added bonus the ladies of the night  returning home to the village will spread their charms etc to widely oriental gentleman in nakhon nowhere who then pass it on the wife, mia noi and the milkman

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5 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:
11 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Yes the black death ,the plague were brought about by infected rats and as you say a third of Europe was wiped out and yet there was not mass travelling then outside of cities. The biggest cities had it and it did come about by shipping though. great fire of London put a stop to it.

That was the second outbreak,the first was around the 1300s and wiped out about half the population of europe

25 years ago i was in India when the black death broke out...planes stopped flying but i was so lucky to be on one of the last planes out.

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6 minutes ago, RubbaJohnny said:

Right attitude , the compassionate thing, as others noted Bangkok sealed would have saved but the rich wont pay the tax to pay the welfare to pay the rent to the rich for the displaced workers.


Added bonus the ladies of the night  returning home to the village will spread their charms etc to widely oriental gentleman in nakhon nowhere who then pass it on the wife, mia noi and the milkman

And after the spread overthere the sheriff will close all shops as well, all out of jobs and the only ones left are the farang with a pension who'll have to feed them all.

Edited by fruitman
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Amazing Thailand only counts people who have been tested and there are not enough kits to test enough people. The real number of infected people is actually unknown.  The lock downs were delayed so tourism was not effected. The ridiculous rules of self quarantine for 14 days for tourist arrivals and the $100,000 insurance will definitely kill off European arrivals as well as the Chinese. 

Edited by JusticeGB
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7 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

There are no reports that the " strain " of Covid 19, is any different than the original " strain " from Wuhan that was first reported by the Chinese Authorities.

Why, are even these prominent Thais saying, and actually believing, that this Corona Virus is different than that of CHINESE ORIGIN.

Since the Virus touched the shores of European Nations, Thailand has gone to great lengths to try and apportion the whole cause of the Corona Virus upon the Western World.

We have had the insane, and sick public rants of the Health Minister calling Farang Dirty Etc, and now this guy.

Thailand can say whatever it wishes to say about the cause of Corona Virus, but the whole World knows where it originated, and in case the Authorities are reading this post, the Virus originated in CHINA, IN A WET MARKET IN THE CITY OF WUHAN


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32 minutes ago, smedly said:

yes I'm going to believe something from a website called duckduck


are you (deleted) serious


... 555, yeah, but wait, it's getting even better:  another quality publication reporting about that eyetalian peroni thingy is called >The Daily Squat< and their motto is "Dumping a steaming pile of news on you daily" ...



Kiddin' you not ...


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1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

More people in Italy died because more people have it, most unknowingly or unable to get tested


Look at the number of professional footballers there that have had it and what percentage of the population these footballers make up of the country 

I don't believe so... I think the reason might be because the virus does not enjoy hot and humid weather.


I think this is the reason that Thailand is still miles behind European countries in terms of outbreak severity. They are certainly not doing better due to any effort they've made as their response has been pathetic so far. Thailand has also had more exposure to China than most of all other countries.




Let's look at the situation among its tropical neighbours:


Thailand: 599 cases, 1 death


Indonesia: 514 cases, 48 deaths

Malaysia: 1306 cases, 10 deaths

Singapore: 455 cases, 2 deaths

Philippines: 380 cases, 25 deaths

Brunei: 88 cases, 0 deaths

Cambodia 84 cases, 0 deaths

Vietnam 113 caes, 0 deaths


Laos and Burma statistics were unavailable... https://ncov2019.live/data?fbclid=IwAR3I1npxj7wavdT6EzOEKTg1hC6t5onF3q-tE1GrFjKEalryCEn0OIyB4XQ


Apart from Singapore the numbers are quite low, and even in Singapore the death rate is low.


Another theory I had about Thailand, although it might seem trivial... they eat truck loads of raw vegetables, so they may have a stronger immune system than their European counterparts.






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2 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

Amazing racist twist of science.

What are you talking about? The article states, "The virus was introduced to a so called "super spreader" after a relative arrived back from Italy."


I took that to mean a Thai person had been in Italy, and contracted the virus to a relative who was asymptotic, or at least not very sick, who went to the boxing event. Where's the racism? I hope you're not referring to the fact that the virus is "Italian ".

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It's great in retrospect to be able to see the sense in shutting the stable door, while you still have a horse, though he is simply uttering what many of us have been saying for nearly two months now, that Thailand should have had a strict immigration procedure in place a long time ago. Keeping the arms open in welcome for so long to save tourism numbers, was bound to have consequences sooner or later.

I didn't see any scientific evidence above to back up his claim this is a different strain, so hope he has that at least partially wrong.

I too have seen no evidence that this is a different strain.  Some scientists in Valencia were investigating the possibility but that's all.  In reality Thailand has no greater number of cases than other countries in the region and they are all less than parts of Europe where the spreading of the disease is far more intense.


Social distancing is imperative but that is down to the people to do.  Hard to do in Thailand but at least they still have the wei rather than the hug.

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