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Average age of COVID-19 patients in Thailand is 40 years old


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Average age of COVID-19 patients in Thailand is 40 years old



FILE PHOTO: People wearing masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Bangkok, Thailand, Jan 28, 2020. File photo Reuters

Back in January, when the first reported cases of coronavirus in Thailand were confirmed as being Chinese nationals aged 61, 74, 68 and 73, respectively, it appeared to reinforce the idea that only the elderly or those with existing health conditions were at risk from COVID-19.


And while it is true that the elderly and sick remain most at risk, many more younger people in Thailand have been confirmed as having the virus.


According to data released by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Disease Control, the average age of COVID-19 patients in Thailand is 40 years old.


The youngest COVID-19 patient in Thailand so far is just 6 months old, while the oldest is 79.


At the time of publishing, Thailand had reported a total of 1136 cases, 1034 of those were still receiving treatment in hospital, while 97 have made a full recovery and been discharged. There have been 5 deaths as a result of COVID-19 in Thailand.




On Thursday, health officials revealed that Bangkok and its neighbouring provinces had the highest concentration of COVID-19 cases, where one infected patient was found to infect an average of 3.4 other people over a one week period. 


Health officials also revealed that Thailand is likely to experience a further spike in cases due to improvements in the testing process, more testing kits being available and widespread screening now being undertaken nationwide, including at more than 300 road checkpoints set up throughout the country.




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2020-03-27
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9 minutes ago, jimmjam said:

Yeah, i think the prediction of 3000 by the end of april is highley unlikely. Probably double that if not more.


Whoever said one person can't change the world …………never ate an under cooked bat before..................:coffee1:

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This age difference of victims does partially explain the lower death rates here in comparison with Italy for example.

The  death rate here might go up once the virus hits areas unlike Bangkok where the elderly folks are living..

Edited by Destiny1990
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12 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

This age difference of victims does partially explain the lower death rates here in comparison with Italy for example.

The  death rate here might go up once the virus hits areas unlike Bangkok where the elderly folks are living..


You betcha.


I've just come back from getting my visa extended to find seven, middle aged plus women, huddled together, gambling, in the matriarchs house.


She, 90ish, sitting out front, watching over her great-great-grandson.


With friends like that, etc.....





Edited by Enoon
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It does not bode well for Thailand. :wacko:


In Italy, 99% of the people who died from Covid-19 are over 80 years old;
and people with an average age of 40, even if they have the disease have no symptoms and are immune to it without needing to go to the hospital.

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35 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

It does not bode well for Thailand. :wacko:


In Italy, 99% of the people who died from Covid-19 are over 80 years old;
and people with an average age of 40, even if they have the disease have no symptoms and are immune to it without needing to go to the hospital.

Interested in where you get your stats for Covid-19 deaths in Italy.


Seem to be rather adrift of these stats:


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10 minutes ago, dabhand said:

Interested in where you get your stats for Covid-19 deaths in Italy.


Seem to be rather adrift of these stats:


Thai statitics ? 


0 + 0,3 + 0,7 + 1,7 + 5,7 + 16,9 + 24,6 + 24 = 73,9 


it should make a total of 100; but that doesn't do it; phony figures as usual ...


What I write comes from here, it is written by a Swiss doctor on his blog;

it's in french but your friend Google traduction will help you 


" We know today that Covid-19 is benign in the absence of preexisting pathology. The most recent data from Italy confirm that 99% of deceased people suffered from one to three chronic pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, etc.) with an average age of victims of 79.5 years (median at 80.5) and very few losses below age 65. "






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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

This age difference of victims does partially explain the lower death rates here in comparison with Italy for example.

The  death rate here might go up once the virus hits areas unlike Bangkok where the elderly folks are living..

I don't think it is that, I think there are two strains of virus, one mutated from the other and far more aggressive. The overall mortality rate around the globe is about 2%, but in Italy is nearer 10%.

Elderly patients almost always have co-morbidities. This allows doctors to choose what in their opinion killed the patient, and these doctors are hardly gods who never make a mistake...and these are not autopsy results we are talking about here at an inquest open to scrutiny and peer review.

I am convinced that Thai doctors signing off deaths of elderly people to put the cause of death as the co-morbidity, not to the virus, so if a patient has a heart issue, say hypertension, the doctor may well be rewarded if he says the death is a coronary event rather than CoVid-19. This will skew the results to show what we see. Very few cases of the virus and the lowest mortality rate in the world.

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3 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

So on their 1 to 3.4 ratio we can expect things to get a lot worse in the coming weeks.  Get ready for an extended "State of Emergency"!

3.4 is high, really high. Try it out here: http://gabgoh.github.io/COVID/index.html


And here's what can be done: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-the-hammer-and-the-dance-be9337092b56


The question is will what needs to be done ever actually done. Too many politicians in the way.

Edited by DrTuner
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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

The 40 years old mostly have a unhealthy lifestyle, work many hours, no sport, no healthy food, lots of pollution in BKK, long traffic hours...so it's not strange.

?? and on what fact to you base this sweeping generalization ??

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1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

I don't think it is that, I think there are two strains of virus, one mutated from the other and far more aggressive. The overall mortality rate around the globe is about 2%, but in Italy is nearer 10%.

Elderly patients almost always have co-morbidities. This allows doctors to choose what in their opinion killed the patient, and these doctors are hardly gods who never make a mistake...and these are not autopsy results we are talking about here at an inquest open to scrutiny and peer review.

I am convinced that Thai doctors signing off deaths of elderly people to put the cause of death as the co-morbidity, not to the virus, so if a patient has a heart issue, say hypertension, the doctor may well be rewarded if he says the death is a coronary event rather than CoVid-19. This will skew the results to show what we see. Very few cases of the virus and the lowest mortality rate in the world.

Alleging Thai doctors are being "rewarded" for forging death certificates is a pretty serious claim to make in a country notorious for defamation actions.


Hope you've got some evidence handy.

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2 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

I don't think it is that, I think there are two strains of virus, one mutated from the other and far more aggressive. The overall mortality rate around the globe is about 2%, but in Italy is nearer 10%.

Elderly patients almost always have co-morbidities. This allows doctors to choose what in their opinion killed the patient, and these doctors are hardly gods who never make a mistake...and these are not autopsy results we are talking about here at an inquest open to scrutiny and peer review.

I am convinced that Thai doctors signing off deaths of elderly people to put the cause of death as the co-morbidity, not to the virus, so if a patient has a heart issue, say hypertension, the doctor may well be rewarded if he says the death is a coronary event rather than CoVid-19. This will skew the results to show what we see. Very few cases of the virus and the lowest mortality rate in the world.



Although 2 strains appear to be confirmed, I don’t think there is any credible evidence for a more virulent Italian strain at this point, there are just exceptional demographics in that part of Italy. Also, with their health system overwhelmed, they have only been testing those presenting with ‘severe symptoms’, so by definition the mortality rate is artificially inflated.


It’s only a statistically tiny sample but the Diamond Princess gave an interesting insight with a full testing regime > 700 cases, mostly older people and less than 20 deaths. 

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3 hours ago, dabhand said:

Interested in where you get your stats for Covid-19 deaths in Italy.


Seem to be rather adrift of these stats:



Those data are misleading... "Mortality rate by age group"...


But.. how many people in each group ?



So here are THE REAL DATA for Italy :



(source = report march 20 from Italy’s National Health Service)




-the average age of infected dead in Italy is.... 78,5 !


-on 3200 deads.... only 36 were younger than... 50.


Other striking fact :

-Lombardy province = 68 % of the dead


-they have analysed the medical background of 15 % of the 3200 dead (= sample of 15 %)


-48 % of the sample... HAD 3 OR MORE prior pathologies...

26,6 % had 2.

23,5 had 1.


-only 6 dead people... had 0.

What to think of this ?


The conclusion (to this date) is inescapable :


1= in Italy, the virus kills old people who are already sick


2= in Italy, the number of dead people from the virus... is statistically insignificant (I remind you that in 2019, a total of 647 000 italians died, and 633 000 the previous year. That's for the scale.)


The medias, the demented politicians and the apocalypse gurus can say and do whatever they want : they cant' beat demographics... and the real hard data.


But I repeat : this is for Italy.


And disclaimer number 2... this is valid on march 20 (they say now that the virus is actually in Italy since january 1. So almost 3 months).


Yes, it's possible that in the coming months, the virus could cull half of the country.

Possible.... But unlikely.


We will have to wait the final "score" in december.


And to be totally openminded, you'll find here other interesting data, but very narrow (from small cities).


They show a clear SURMORTALITY since january, compared to previous years.




But let's remember... Even if the number of dead quadruple compared to the yearly average in a small village... it doesn't mean that on the national scale it could have any impact.


(something is clearly wrong with Lombardy province.... Could be air pollution, and/or massive vaccination done against meningitis... there was a small outbreak in Bergame area).

Edited by christophe75
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"1136 cases, 1034 of those were still receiving treatment in hospital, while 97 have made a full recovery"


weird figures these when we know only a minority of those positive need hospital treatment. It seems to mean a majority haven't been tested and have mild symptoms or asymptomatic

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1 hour ago, christophe75 said:

(something is clearly wrong with Lombardy province.... Could be air pollution, and/or massive vaccination done against meningitis... there was a small outbreak in Bergame area).

Perhaps the famed mediterranean diet isn't as healthy as advertised. It would be interesting to see map of the world with percentages of people that have diabetes, hypertension, etc. The question is, are there any healthy people left at all.

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6 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

This age difference of victims does partially explain the lower death rates here in comparison with Italy for example.

The  death rate here might go up once the virus hits areas unlike Bangkok where the elderly folks are living..


6 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

It does not bode well for Thailand. :wacko:


In Italy, 99% of the people who died from Covid-19 are over 80 years old;
and people with an average age of 40, even if they have the disease have no symptoms and are immune to it without needing to go to the hospital.


Edited by oyster
That is a map of 5G coverage in Italy apparently.
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5 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

Thai statitics ? 


0 + 0,3 + 0,7 + 1,7 + 5,7 + 16,9 + 24,6 + 24 = 73,9 


it should make a total of 100; but that doesn't do it; phony figures as usual ...


What I write comes from here, it is written by a Swiss doctor on his blog;

it's in french but your friend Google traduction will help you 


" We know today that Covid-19 is benign in the absence of preexisting pathology. The most recent data from Italy confirm that 99% of deceased people suffered from one to three chronic pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, etc.) with an average age of victims of 79.5 years (median at 80.5) and very few losses below age 65. "






I dont think the science agrees that this is benign if you get this virus.  There are many cases where people have permanent lung damage after recovery.  I was on top of all the initial pandemic predictions since jan 25 and I believed  it enough to meet my FP amd go 90% cash.   Yes the normal flu kills more but I have never read about any permanent disability if you  were one of the 99.2% who survive.  With the normal flu you could have 1 sick person in the family and no one else got it even if you cared for the sick. 

I never understood  how Thailand escaped an explosion in late February.  I initially suspected  government hiding the numbers but I have a nurse connection who was in contact  with 2 cities and they were not being slammed.   So it must be the two major strains and the Italian strain has now arrived.  

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That's a relief then! 47 going on 48, so I'm "safe". Can leave my self-imposed 14 day quaratine (read she who must always be obayed told me to quarantine for 14 days or I ain't getting back in the house) effective immediately and go join the party. Yahoo! 

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In a few months, or less, many people will be on edge and risk getting the virus to make money and survive.


i think almost all of us will get it.  it's all about WHEN.  I think there will be medicine or something in a few months.   

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45 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I never understood  how Thailand escaped an explosion in late February.  I initially suspected  government hiding the numbers but I have a nurse connection who was in contact  with 2 cities and they were not being slammed.   So it must be the two major strains and the Italian strain has now arrived.  

My guess is that was the heat, the droplet transmission had R0 under 1.0 or close. Then after a few superspreader events it broke out and the density of infected people got higher and it took off.


Or, many were simply asymptomatic while it spread. I've seen estimates of about 50% of infected being asymptomatic, but infectious. We'll likely never get to know, unless somebody has stored samples and does genome mapping and the genome points to some new source: https://nextstrain.org/ncov

Edited by DrTuner
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8 hours ago, sanuk711 said:


Whoever said one person can't change the world …………never ate an under cooked bat before..................:coffee1:


Was it a bat or is it something far more sinisterrrrr 

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  • 10 months later...

Old people ! How long do we have to stop the world for you ? When are you going to feel like a burden for the younger generation ?

Serious question !

After 1 year locking the world it's time to stop ! How many young people need to die or destroy their life to save older people who would die soon anyway ?

don't you think it is enough after 1 year of restrictions ?

I support the younger generation, people should accept to die, especially when they never cared about their health and own life ! You smoke ? you have diabetes, you are overweight ? EVERYTHING is your own fault and we have been locking the whole world 1 full year because of you ! ENOUGH !

Don't you feel like a burden ? Useless people who bring nothing new to the society but because of you the world stops ?

I hope that you understand, even if my parents had to die, IT IS OK !!! because only idiots who do not protect, wear mark and never did anything for their own health die ! and they just deserve it !

Edited by thcosh
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