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Anybody got it yet??


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12 hours ago, riclag said:

I could be wrong! Can the doctors test you to see if you already had the virus! It would save a lot on stress and ...

Yes they can, they will be able to see if your body has built up the anitbodies for it.

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13 hours ago, riclag said:
14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I think I had it in January when I travelled to Vietnam and back.

My misses and son caught it when I came back.

Didn't affect me much (cough and blocked ears), laid them both out for a week or more


But there was no testing to be had then, so who can say for sure.

I guess the rich and famous can afford to pay for tests.

I could be wrong! Can the doctors test you to see if you already had the virus! It would save a lot on stress and ...

 It has already been shown from some examples; that if one Tests +ve but doesn't ever show Symptoms and never got sick; that Long after the accepted time period of your 'infection' - you end up Remaining +ve with future tests!

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Yeah, yeah. Everybody "thinks" they've had it (the covid virus).

"Oh, I had a cough and when I put my hand to my forehead it was hot so it was definitely covid."
"Did you go to the hospital or see a doctor (at a clinic) ?"
"Oh no ! Why would I do that ? I've read some stuff on the internet and that makes me an expert. Don't need no doctor or expensive tests when I can diagnose myself !"

You have NOT been infected just because you THINK you were. And the vast majority of you would be in the hospital if you did in fact get infected as the worst affected are men who are 65+ and/or have underlying health issues (like diabetes, lung cancer, liver problems or various auto-immune diseases). 

Let us NOT forget that the normal flu and cold bugs haven't suddenly disappeared and 10s of thousands of people die from those - every - year.

Yes, SOME people experience milder symptoms than others but it seems that most people (who've been actually diagnosed), even those who are not "high risk", claim that the symptoms were worse than any other illness they've had. (I suspect some of them were more concerned about getting their faces in the news though. As they say "any publicity is better than no publicity" and there will be loads of book and movie deals coming out in the near future. Got to play things up to look good for the press.)

I suspect the vast majority of TV members are not all healthy, fit, non-drinkers/smokers in their 20s/30s (despite their claims otherwise). From what I've seen, most of the expat population in Thailand are ideal candidates for hospitalization if they were infected and there's no doubt that includes most TV members as well.

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15 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Yes, SOME people experience milder symptoms than others but it seems that most people (who've been actually diagnosed), even those who are not "high risk", claim that the symptoms were worse than any other illness they've had.

Yes, but the only ones getting tested are the ones who have severe symptoms. 


The experts seem pretty unanimous about the fact that the vast majority (I read 80%) of people who get CV19 will show no or mild symptoms so from that we can assume that there are possibly/probably a lot of people on here who have had it.


My own "Tale" is I came back from Singapore on 19th Feb & came down with a cough & high temperature, I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a "fever", but I was in & out of sleep for 3 days & each time woke up drenched in sweat


Have I already had CV19? Who knows, I would only get to get tested if I was really ill so I'm treating things as I haven't had it (yet). 







Edited by Mike Teavee
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5 minutes ago, fred110 said:

Does Thailand have the antibody test yet?

Nope, and i stand corrected. Uk government has admitted the antibody tests dont work. There are conflicting reports as to if it works or not.

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14 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

True but have you noticed no one has a bog standard cough cold or flu these days, it's always CORONA. I think people are obsessed with it

It is doing my head in I can tell you that much and I am sure a few others.


I mean just to go shopping you are at risk of getting it, so you put your mask on, sanitize your hands, trolly handles, and do your shopping, anyone around you with the slightest cough, including check out staff, add to your already stressful day, no not overreacting, then you load the car up, get the water out and wash hands with soap for 20 seconds in 40 degree heat, then sanitize your hands for extra care. Get home unload everything then wipe down everything your purchased, yes wipe down everything from plastic bags, glass and the shopping bag handles, then repeat, wash hands with soap and water and sanitize, in the meantime kids ankle biting you, what did you get me, did you get me some snacks, what did you get me, ha ha, (anyone want some pups) ?


Change of weather, cooler in the mornings, what a relief, then comes the soar throat, slight deep cough every now and again, followed by the headache, oh shhhhhhhhht, muscles starting to ache, oh F off.......couple of Sara, grab the juice (alcohol) and make a stiff drink, next day after a good night's rest, feet on ground, still alive, here we go again ????


Edited by 4MyEgo
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My best friend and his wife got tested positive in Singapore and were quarantined in a hospital. Symptoms, no cough, more like an ordinary flu. Wife was dismissed yesterday, friend the next 24 hours. Ages 67 /70

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

You have NOT been infected just because you THINK you were. And the vast majority of you would be in the hospital if you did in fact get infected as the worst affected are men who are 65+ and/or have underlying health issues (like diabetes, lung cancer, liver problems or various auto-immune diseases). 

You're wrong, most people who get it don't go to hospital.


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14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I never get the flu.

I have always received a flu shot and the pneumococcal shot as well annualy, and never have I had the flu, except when I was a young lad.  Over the years I have had many virus's and of course having allergies, I get hay fever.  However, this past February, I had a fever for 2 days, chest tightness, and a cough that lasted about 2 weeks, and of course fatigue, but eventually that went away.  So who knows if it was seasonal allergies, a cold or whatever....I will never know.  However, I have kept myself away from the masses and worn a mask, and continually wash my hands.

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

Yeah, yeah. Everybody "thinks" they've had it (the covid virus).

"Oh, I had a cough and when I put my hand to my forehead it was hot so it was definitely covid."
"Did you go to the hospital or see a doctor (at a clinic) ?"
"Oh no ! Why would I do that ? I've read some stuff on the internet and that makes me an expert. Don't need no doctor or expensive tests when I can diagnose myself !"

You have NOT been infected just because you THINK you were. And the vast majority of you would be in the hospital if you did in fact get infected as the worst affected are men who are 65+ and/or have underlying health issues (like diabetes, lung cancer, liver problems or various auto-immune diseases). 

Let us NOT forget that the normal flu and cold bugs haven't suddenly disappeared and 10s of thousands of people die from those - every - year.

Yes, SOME people experience milder symptoms than others but it seems that most people (who've been actually diagnosed), even those who are not "high risk", claim that the symptoms were worse than any other illness they've had. (I suspect some of them were more concerned about getting their faces in the news though. As they say "any publicity is better than no publicity" and there will be loads of book and movie deals coming out in the near future. Got to play things up to look good for the press.)

I suspect the vast majority of TV members are not all healthy, fit, non-drinkers/smokers in their 20s/30s (despite their claims otherwise). From what I've seen, most of the expat population in Thailand are ideal candidates for hospitalization if they were infected and there's no doubt that includes most TV members as well.

Take a look at this recent study by ICNARC, it shows the Flu stats and COVID Stats, discusses co morbidity rates, and ages infected, and whether or not they were of the class you suggest is the most susceptible.  You may be surprised to see how wrong some of your opinions are.




Edited by ThailandRyan
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15 hours ago, riclag said:

I could be wrong! Can the doctors test you to see if you already had the virus! It would save a lot on stress and ...

There are 2 types of tests.  Those that test for the actual virus and those that test for antibodies to it.  A positive on an antibody test would not necessarily mean you have it now  but that you were exposed to it at some point.

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I've just seen this on another forum, even a broken neck is now being dismissed in favour of the much more fashionable virus........  Nasty implications in this letter, "Bloody farangs" go home........


The version of this story published by a doctor at the Vachira tells a different tale. 


He clearly stated that the guy died from the injuries sustained in the accident. 


But he also lamented about bad farangs coming to Thailand, not mentioning having been to a high risk country (Malaysia) or a high risk area (Bangla Road) and therefore putting doctors and nurses at risk of contracting the virus. 
I mean this guy broke his neck, even if he was still able to speak, Covid probably wasn`t very high on his list of priorities.


Anyway, story is currently going viral on the Thai Phuket FB pages and the overwhelming tenor is:
The doctors should have left the tourist to die in the first place. And now lets send all of these bloody farangs back to their own countries... Thailand for Thais...

We ain`t getting more popular here...

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15 hours ago, Brigand said:

I suspect this virus has been doing the rounds since November or so and many will have caught it and just had mild symptoms and passed it off as the flu. It must have been around for sometime before they identified it and got through China's misinformation.

This! I and most everyone I knew had a bad bug in November. Fever, bad sore throat and cough. Lasted about 2 weeks.
I guess it could have been a regular virus “whatever that is these days”, but seemed ultra contagious. 

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16 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Everyone thinks they've had it already, even if symptoms were diarrhea...


15 hours ago, Brigand said:

I suspect this virus has been doing the rounds since November or so and many will have caught it and just had mild symptoms and passed it off as the flu. It must have been around for sometime before they identified it and got through China's misinformation.


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To my knowledge i have never in 71 years had flu, man cold but not flu, but 2 weeks ago after diarrhoea i got the shivers and a headache and shot of to bed for 3 days with a temp of 38.5, the rest of family were fine, you  assume you have the dreaded but without testing who knows, maybe i had it mild but again without testing ?

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16 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

True but have you noticed no one has a bog standard cough cold or flu these days, it's always CORONA. I think people are obsessed with it

Well I have had a cough but it was productive (produced sputum). I also had terrible sinus pain, caused as it always is by pollution from burning garbage and spoil in the rice fields. But I did not have Covid-19. I know this for two reasons: first, I did not have the right symptoms - no dry cough, no fever, no loss of sense of smell. But of course it is also possible that I am one of those symptomless cases. And that brings me to the second reason - I am isolated and therefore cannot catch it.

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16 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Exactly, it's impossible to know without a Covid-19 antibody test. A fever and/or cough could be caused by half a dozen other things. Plus the asymptomatic ones will probably never know.

Living in Chiang Mai a cough can easily be due to the “hazardous” or “unhealthy” air pollution. The sweating due to higher air temperatures. I have followed the reasonable recommendations being cognizant of my pre existing health concerns.

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The symptoms are different for everyone.

For me it was difficulty to breathe for 1 week and a dry cough.


If you exercise you feel a temperature and loss of energy.


You get tired easy.

This is a virus, not a flu.


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1 hour ago, Almer said:

To my knowledge i have never in 71 years had flu, man cold but not flu, but 2 weeks ago after diarrhoea i got the shivers and a headache and shot of to bed for 3 days with a temp of 38.5, the rest of family were fine, you  assume you have the dreaded but without testing who knows, maybe i had it mild but again without testing ?

Hard to believe

No flu in 70 yrs

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48 minutes ago, snapbkk said:

The symptoms are different for everyone.

For me it was difficulty to breathe for 1 week and a dry cough.


If you exercise you feel a temperature and loss of energy.


You get tired easy.

This is a virus, not a flu.


Flu is a virus

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