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Booze ban: Thailand's one million heavy drinkers face serious health and withdrawal issues


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11 hours ago, stephenterry said:

The point of the ban during Songkran is to limit the amount of drunken or social parties where many people congregate and where only one infected could spread the Corona virus to the others. By encouraging self and immediate family isolation, the risk of new cases is lowered.  


Common sense, really.

Until the 30th of April? Is that still Songkran? Overreacting  by government in my book. I hope Thai people remember when the vote next time.

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12 hours ago, JonnyF said:

It is quite dangerous for a hardcore alcoholic to just stop,

According to alcoholics, who have no medical degree or education in biology, physiology or science. ????


"Quitting can be done safely and is safer than continuing to drink heavily,Dr. Richard Saitz, chair of the Department of Community Health Sciences at the Boston University School of Public Health, 

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Be interesting to see how long it takes then for alchohol withdrawal related deaths to overtake the covid numbers.

But they won't.  Don't you see?  It will simply become that many more deaths recorded due to Covid. 

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Neo-prohibition.  Ever wonder why the same people who shut the country down also are calling for prohibition is one shape or form? 

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

-Henry Kissinger

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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

But if every mom and pop shop still sells it then people can still buy it.

How much stock do you reckon a "Mom & Pop" store carries? Months, years or a few days at best?

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A million heavy drinkers? Sounds like thats just Pattaya alone. Ive been in Thailand a long time, and have travelled all over. Every place iv'e been to has had many heavy drinkers. 1 million seems a low figure. But yes they will suffer.

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2 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

Until the 30th of April? Is that still Songkran? Overreacting  by government in my book. I hope Thai people remember when the vote next time.

Vote? Thailand? The opposition party was just abolished, it's a military dictatorship. Has been since they took over.

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3 hours ago, Mayhem11 said:

It is amazing how the teetotallers dominate a story like this. Give it a rest wowsers.

It's amazing how alcoholics who can't give up alcohol EVEN FOR 10 SHORT DAYS think everyone should be as weak and unhealthy as they are. ????


BTW, I've drank 6 drinks in the past 4 months, so I'm not a "teetotaler", just someone who is a MASTER OF MY OWN BODY and who isn't a DUMB SELF-INDULGENT SLAVE to alcohol. ????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Of these about 5-10% or up to 100,000 people have severe alcoholism, she told PPTV.

100,000 divided by 76 provinces = 1,315 in each province on average.. I'd say that was very conservative.

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10 hours ago, connda said:

But they won't.  Don't you see?  It will simply become that many more deaths recorded due to Covid. 

Arguments to suit the agenda.


Isn't it the case, as been voiced by many, that deaths are so low due to lack of testing and only positive cases are recorded.


The ONS in UK has just released the figures for the first week of April. Statistics indicate that since records began in 2005 that the average death toll for that particular week would be in the order of 10,000.

This year the figure is over 16,000, with about 3,500 being recorded as covid-19 there is around 2,500 deaths in one week over the normal average.

Due to covid-19 or not? Something that will never be proved one way or another.


The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 3 April 2020 (Week 14) was 16,387; this represents an increase of 5,246 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 13) and 6,082 more than the five-year average.


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On 4/14/2020 at 9:44 AM, CraigInBangkok said:

Not a big drinker myself but surely all the "hardcore alcoholics" had plenty of time to stock up. It was'nt like they could'nt see it coming

But not got the money to buy more than they need for that day?

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15 hours ago, JonnyF said:

But if every mom and pop shop still sells it then people can still buy it. Or they can stock up for the party by buying bulk in advance.


Do you think it's only the geniuses on ThaiVisa who have spotted these loopholes?

It's a deterrent for law abiding people, and those who accept that social gatherings - booze or not - could lead to an increased infection rate, especially during the songkran period which is the whole point of the ban. If people choose to ignore what the government is recommending we'll probably be in limbo for another few months. 

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9 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The Rayong/Chonburi border is going to be a riot tomorrow morning if Rayong restarts alcohol sales as promised.

Only with police checking Chonburi registered cars for Alcohol!

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On 4/14/2020 at 9:46 AM, cyril sneer said:

The ban is only for western style stores, people will just buy it elsewhere


It will have zero effect on alcoholics, only the increased consumption from bulk buying days before 

I'm sure the country folk will be drinkin' their Laos Khao... Home made Hooch.

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You know, I see a big problem here...I seen this post come out yesterday and thought, "OK, i'm sure many will post their advice based on there own experiences getting involved in these cheap alcohals here, and their advice on what they did to stop the addiction from taking over their lives". But, I don't see any coming forth. OK, so out of the "millions" of alcohalics here, no one will step forth, and no one offers help? OK, I understand. I would like to offer my experience and maybe it will help someone. I got messed up with the cheap alcohals (poisons) here. It always starts out with laughing and having a good time with your friends..but then, after a few days, it starts to get in under your skin. In the US, pill pushing Drs know it will take only 20 days of taking pain meds, before your body can get addicted and will start screaming out for "more", every day. I know this from experience. I had cracked discs and vertibreas from a couple totalled cars i had been in, when i was younger. I had real pain and about 10 yrs later called a Doctor who examined me, me x-rays, and he presecribed 15mg hydocodines to me. Yeah, after taking the 1st pill, i was a happy camper, and he gave me a 100 pill script WITH 2 more refills. that was 300 pills. Yeah, i got addicted and soon, i was lying just to get more. But soon I had to wake up and see what this was doing to me. If i took 10 of these per day i would be putting 5000 mgs of Tylenal into my kidneys and liver. My body started to swell up and everything began to "plug up". Hard to impossible to "poop", greatly reduced appetite. So less food in, but everything blowing up. I did get off these after alot of research online and through several private online forums. I met many who were up to as much as 20-30 pills a day. Do you know, i could not find any Drs who would tell you how to get off these opioids or sell you something to help you detox? I finally made my own detox plans..i went to foreign online pharmacies, and basically had to buy things "Illegally" just to get help. So I bought a medicine to used for night sweats, then, heart palpitations, low mg pain meds with no tylenal, ect. I did make it, and started taking Omegas 3,6,8 fish oil capsuels. About 7 months later i woke up one day, reaching to rub the pain in my back, and said "What? What? What? Haha, there was no more pain. That was almost 15 years ago, now. 

So, lets get to the alcohal....Its more dangerous, and can "<deleted>$k" up your whole life. I never liked drinking...hated the taste, smell, the effects. I grew up on some nice weed in the 70;s and was more than happy with that. It never made me feel "bloated", or clumsy, or dangerous behind the wheel. ect. But, haven't had any weed since then. Because nows its mostly GmO and way to strong. So, the alcohals are very dangerous..and the Governments prefer it over some weed that might heal your pain, eye problems, loss of appetite, sleep problems, ect. They prefer alcohal because it generates arrests and money, and these keep them busy. Let me speed this up..if you are a alcohalic or just shaking from not getting your next drink, Get yourself some tumeric capsules and some very sugary flavered drinks, because your body is missing  (craving) that "sugar jolt", that you were getting from the alcohal spiking your insulin levels. Try to do some exercise, drink lots of water to flush the alcohal from your body, liver and kidneys, ect. Take lots of the tumeric daily, 4 to 8 capsukes, and you will start to feel better, and probably avoid the shakes..but your sleep will take a couple days. Just be patient. You poisoned yourself, so be thankful you are on your way to recovery. Then set concret goals to help avoid a recourrance. Its hard, I know, but not impossible. And remember this..people will be forced to give up all these "habits",in this NWO coming upon us.  Hope this helps someone.

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I suffered from alcohol withdrawal after a few years of heavy drinking, it's no joke.


The depression is overwhelming. The physical problems (shaking and fits) are frightening. I had 'wet brain' for 2-3 months.


Diazepam probably saved my life.




(1) Being an alcoholic is not a sign of weakness. It is an easily attainable product and many of us have to cope with unavoidable problems ( the death of my wife in my case.)


We are only human. Alcohol is an easy and instant release.


(2) It is not a permanent state. I can now enjoy a social drink or two without the need to be dependent.


I, for one, feel sorry for the impoverished Thai alcoholic with a mountain of problems other than booze who has to go through withdrawal without the help I found necessary.

Alcohol withdrawal is awful and dangerous.


Why do people always have to administer blame? We are the only living species aware of our mortality after all. Escapism is not weakness.


Edited by Beechboy
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