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[ Poll ] If a COVID-19 vaccine was available today, would you take it


If a COVID-19 vaccine was available today, would you take it   

201 members have voted

  1. 1. [Poll] If a COVID-19 vaccine was available today, would you take it

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm confused

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  • Poll closed on 04/30/2020 at 04:59 PM

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Although I’ve never bothered with a flu shot, if a miracle vaccine was developed for China virus I’d certainly take it, as I wouldn’t be allowed to travel anywhere overseas without proof of vaccination. Would be same as proof required for Yellow Fever shot if travelling to South America.

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Taking a new vaccine for something as complex & difficult as this is like downloading Apple's latest big upgrade the day after it arrives. No thanks. Wait several months.


But it does also depend on other risk factors (such as underlying health & lifestyle). I'm almost 71 but healthy & reasonably fit, don't drink or smoke, eat healthy. So for me the risk is in taking the vaccine when it's not quite OK, rather than not taking it.

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10 hours ago, Crossy said:


Tom Clancy in "Rainbow Six" has a world-killing plague spread under the guise of it being a vaccine.




Nice conspiracy theory anyone?


I like conspiracy theories.    The funny thing is........ I have lived long enough to see more than

a few were true !   Actually,  not so funny .


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If it would be available today then the vaccine would not have been properly tested. That is the reason why it takes at least a year.

I wouldn't take a vaccine which has possibly bad side effects or does not do the job.

Let's wait until a fully tested and approved vaccine is available. It will come, maybe next year...

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If it was proven safe and effetive and was the best way to lift the restiction then yes.   I think Thailand needs a staged lifting of restrictions to get the Thai economyy back on a stable footing  If that means keeping the bars closed a little longer so be it.

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is there a vaccine for


aids ? hiv ? herpes ? cancer ?


how many billions were spent on trying to make the above ?


why people put all their blind faith in a vaccine


it contains dangerous & toxic ingredients, even mercury in the flu shot (google it) and dna from animals ...


wait, how did they pretend the corona virus started ? from an animal to human, but it is ok to inject cells grown in brains of animals ...


whole other conversation...


prove that it works and it is SAFE with real clinical trials where they would use SALINE placebo and not aluminum as a placebo which will give you the fever part (oh it's working) of most vaccine's and I might consider it after a few years


not going to be a Guinea pig for Big Pharma profits


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I did not vote because there was no Maybe... 1. I would prefer to be tested first, to see if I already had the antibodies  2. I would want to know the type of microbiological and other content of the vaccine   3. It would also depend upon who was manufacturing the vaccine  4. As an old timer I had Polio as a child, as well as all the usual contagious diseases and last year had both Dengue Fever and Chikungungya Fever, the latter also induced a heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents into 2 of the 3 major heart arteries (Thank you Poland)...

So yes I am at high risk, since I would like to live for many more years, I would intuitively be for vaccination.... BUT  Regrettably, no one knows if having the antibodies actually offers any form of protection.  So those who have had COVID-19 fever may still be at risk, though probably milder... and those who have had it are being dischareged after testing negative, only to be positive again 30 to 60 days later.  This virus is not behaving like any virus of a similar nature according to leading Epidemiologists, EM and ICU doctors, even using Ventilators, to help a patient's breathing, the rule book has had to be abandoned/heavily modified, current discussions between doctors globally are ongoing as they discover more from those who have had to try and deal with it. (EG the lesson from Italy is not to rush to intubation because the intubation is damaging peoples' lungs - the cure is worse than the disease).  The actual mechanics of the progress of the disease inside the body has never been encountered before and the way to treat it is contrarian to the way SARS and MERS were treated, nor is the rate of mutation of the virus known. It really is a "Novel" (NEW) Coronavirus, hence "Novel Coronavirus-19".... Welcome to 2020...

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On 4/27/2020 at 8:11 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Based on the U.S.'s horrible handling thus far of the CV pandemic with now 50,000 plus dead, the erratic, ill-informed Trump Administration and the hapless politics over science regulators at the CDC and FDA under Trump's watch who could have prevented a lot of this but utterly failed in their jobs, I'm just not feeling the trust right now.


What about the leaders of European countries where the deaths per-capita are far higher than in the USA? Did they drop the ball too?

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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

The real surprise is that less than 2% of TVF members admit to being confused. 

I would have guessed that number to be much larger! 


I voted confused, although i am not, perhaps disgusted would be the right word.

In the end, it will be a choice between the vaccine, or being isolated from the society as a public danger.

What's not to like ?


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24 minutes ago, Ryan754326 said:

What about the leaders of European countries where the deaths per-capita are far higher than in the USA? Did they drop the ball too?


I don't think you can judge the performance of the various government and public agencies in the CV pandemic based on a certain area's per capita death rates. Different countries have been impacted very differently by the CV for reasons that aren't at all clear for now, but clearly for reasons having little to do with how well or poorly their governments performed. Just look at Thailand as an example of a late-to-the-party government that's somehow managed, apparently, to avoid mass infections.


I would judge each government and public agency based on their individual track records of responding to the pandemic, what policies they did and didn't enact, how timely and effective they were, were their leaders leading the public to do the right things or dawdling, etc etc.


In that regard, the U.S. response to the pandemic has been widely condemned -- a president who spends most of his time attacking the media and political rivals while dispensing quack "medical" advice, pushing various unproven and potentially dangerous treatments. Federal agencies that refused to use a WHO CV test and then failed for a couple months to come up with a working test of their own, meaning the U.S. was slow and late to begin CV testing. A federal government that saw the crisis coming and did little to nothing to prepare for it until it was almost too late, because the president kept insisting the whole thing would simply disappear, leaving states and hospitals without sufficient supplies of ventilators, PPE and many other essentials. And then in the end, basically abdicating and declaring it was the states' responsibilities to provide such things. Etc etc etc.




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On 4/27/2020 at 7:28 PM, ThaiPauly said:

I would take it for sure


I am over 65 with diebetis and hypertension

I would be a mug not to take it if I ever want any semblance of a normal life back

Would you still take it if Trump recommended it and it was rushed out without proper testing?

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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

I'm going to be very surprised if I find out I haven't already had COVID when I do an antibody test.

A negative in antibody test doesn't necessarily mean you didn't have it. In some cases the antibody response is low, but the T-cells have learned how to produce more if needed.

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17 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

If it was available today then it would not have been through rigorous trials...

There is no way I would be taking anything that hadn't been proven 100% safe over a few years.

Nothing is ever 100% safe.  Vaccines all have a small degree of risk for everyone.

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6 hours ago, SymS said:

I used to be a software engineer, and I know you never install the first release, you wait for the next one.


you write it, release it, get feedback, and then decide whether it's final or needs to be improved? what are you installing? your own beta sh!t ?

or the next one... someones better version?

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13 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Nah, I'll stick to bleach :wink:

yep, you're listening to the guy who knows it all. go trump!

no I meant praise to the POTUS, not fill yr pants with farts. oh well, same same result I guess.

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This question has been raised before and my answer is the same , sure without any second doubt . Does it work , idk , but i'm pretty sure if they put it on the market , the tests have been done and have been proven working in most cases . I've got vaccines against Hep A + B , Tetanus and a few others . Flu shot i did it a few times in the past , and i'm planning now to take it every year . The sooner i got it , the sooner i will get a stamp in my passport and that i'm free to travel again .

And for the anti-vaccine conspiracy people , far more people are killed of not having a vaccine then from the disease they should prevent . I really think some people need to learn a littlebit of science instead of believing the things which go on on the internet ( or have a shot of bleach , with a large UV lamp down your ... ) . I can however relate on the fact if you say no because it is too soon and you want to wait till it's a bit more certain .

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