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Emergency extended for one more month, night curfew to remain

Jonathan Fairfield

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16 hours ago, connda said:

Keep it locked down Thai leadership.  It's amusing to watch you all implode your country's economy and impoverish you average citizenry.  This story ain't gonna have a happy ending.

The western countries are all doing the same.

It's almost like aliens from outer space have taken over the world and are readying the population for a cull.

 ....... or there's an asteroid about to hit the earth and kill us all.


Just trying out a few scenarios in my mind where the world economy/commerce would no longer matter to governments.

Edited by BritManToo
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49 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

How much you want to bet that the instant any restriction is eased, it will be abused by almost everyone around the country ?

you think it is not being abused now, we are mostly focused on main cities/tourist spots and the police are mostly focused on foreigners just as they usually are - even in pattaya I know for a fact there are secret bars open frequented by Thais - all behind closed doors, it is going on up north but more openly

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16 minutes ago, pizzachang said:

What emergency? Are the hospitals OVERWHELMED?  No. Are the number of cases going down? Yes. Is there a significant risk to 85% of Thailand's population? No. What is the emergency?

you are missing it - here is a clue about the Thai way - how many care homes are there in Thailand - then when you've answered that ask yourself why, there is a misconception that Thailand is like a western country were we generally look after our elderly and sick 

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Here is how it seem to work here and remember Puppet O-Chan just does what he is told to do and say he just wait for his cut.


If many of the world leaders don't have much of a clue why should Thailand be any different. They just wait and pick what they believe would make them look like they do which is the big ticket items.  Continue down May 30th, keep airport closed to International flight, keep the curfew in place, can open up flight domestic but not O.K. for others to travel by car to another province. While they speak of these big ones " easing up " means as soon as they see the lobbying money like from the Booze companies there is enough to go around then it will ease up. I expect this one to come soon so ease up boys there is just too much tax money for it not to open? You will be able to buy but drink at home during the curfew? ????


Then expect all the hair salons to open again to continue to shut them down another 30 days would mean a huge lost of face for all their leaders hair dying is a national past time another month no one is going to be willing to do a news conference.????

Edited by thailand49
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If this man (Government) had to lead this country to war.. I dread to think the consequences.. one step forward twenty back. Could not organize a pizz up in a brewery even if they were open.

Thai logic, Thai contradiction

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No alcohol as boozing dulls the senses and is done in company. They don’t want folks congregating. Responsible. I am sure the big beer barons are not happy too. 
obviously, Thailand too appreciates the dangers of the spread of this virus. God help the economy when it does restart. Stocks are up. That’s because the Central Banks are now buying stocks. And bonds. Zombie market! Wise to stay out . 
well, back to twiddling my thumbs! 

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5 minutes ago, Mark17AA said:

If this man (Government) had to lead this country to war.. I dread to think the consequences.. one step forward twenty back. Could not organize a pizz up in a brewery even if they were open.

Thai logic, Thai contradiction

Thailand have participated (capitulated actually) in several wars - they remind me of the French for some reason and I'm not being funny when I say that

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18 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems odd that the virus might get spread more when there are less people about.

Tell that to the stall holders in the Street Markets in East Pattaya who have hundreds of customers daily many without masks & you cant buy one beer its a joke

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If everything is closed and no drink is allowed to be sold then what is the purpose of the 10-4 lockdown ? Nobody is going to be wanting to go anywhere at that time as everywhere is shut !! For people needing to travel by car for a reason or delivery companies it makes long distance travel pain . 

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9 minutes ago, Brickbat said:

They don’t want folks congregating

there is a way to address that, like I said before - it's like like closing all the roads to improve road safety, you only remove peoples freedoms for so long and it has to make sense otherwise discontent will rise and stronger measures are needed and before you blink you have N Korea\China measures of control

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1 hour ago, TheFishman1 said:

The Cabinet also decided not to postpone public holidays in May.  Well that makes a lot of sense how about when will I be able to get a haircut TITWell that makes a lot of sense how about when will I be able to get a haircut TIT

How about going to a hair dress salon, because as far as I know they are not closed. At least not here

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18 hours ago, steven100 said:

what about the booze ...

State of Emergency to remain - another one month alcohol ban? Bars will certainly remain closed. Possible sale of alcohol by shops, but remember "social distancing", face-masks and curfew WILL still be "the norm"! Forget your favorite bar stool!

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18 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

The provincial governors take orders from the government.

It will probably stay as it is, but, whichever way it goes, it will be the same across the board (or in this case bored !).  ????????????

you're not alone with the boredom my friend. Thailand is kidding itself about tourism in the near future but at least you can console yourself that you are in Thailand that looks to be getting pretty clear of the virus. I hope that is the case for the sake of the poor locals getting back to work. stay safe,,,

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

How much you want to bet that the instant any restriction is eased, it will be abused by almost everyone around the country ?

1 hour ago, smedly said:

you think it is not being abused now, we are mostly focused on main cities/tourist spots and the police are mostly focused on foreigners just as they usually are - even in pattaya I know for a fact there are secret bars open frequented by Thais - all behind closed doors, it is going on up north but more openly

Exactly my point.
The restrictions have been abused since the beginning. Once they ease, it will get worse. Like they say about giving an inch and taking a mile. Allow a pet salon to open and see if that doesn't result in dozens of other places deciding they have a green light to reopen as well.

I think it'll end up in one of two ways. Everyone will start reopening and there won't be a spike in new infections, in which case the government will just (quietly) ease the restrictions further.
Or everyone will start reopening, new infections will suddenly spike (not just in Pattaya but everywhere) and they'll have to clamp down hard - again - to control it (and you can bet if that happens it will be a long time before they start to ease them again) !

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3 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Ouch! Always had my hair cut close to the scalp. Now I'll have to think about buying hair shampoo.

Quality hair clippers THB400...I had some that lasted twenty years, brought from UK, they expired and bought new ones from street stall here last year. Work a treat for anything from monk-close though number one to longer....no head massagae on completion though



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I know it causes lots of trouble for many people, but I like the curfew. Finally no drunken <deleted> brawling or motorbikes racing up and down the road, no road works and no repetitive isaan music blasting from the "win stop" across the street all night. Enjoying the silence. May it last a little longer...

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19 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems odd that the virus might get spread more when there are less people about.

I love this curfew. It has stopped dead all the street racers along the road in front of my house.....long may it remain. 

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Flea and wet markets: All usual products can be sold.

Social distancing will be impossible !

They quote in restaurants a distance of 1.5 metres between customers... flea markets it usually 1.5 inches !!

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In BKK you can now go to markets (where did the virus start?); have massages (social distancing?); hairdressers (all instruments sterilised of course); you can go to Immigration Offices in the company of many in the at-risk age group;

BUT you can't drink a beer in your own house; run in alone in a park; walk alone on a beach (except for the company of predatory police).

CONTROL is the name of the game.

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According to what we read, the death cause in almost all 'covid cases' is some other (mostly life-style) disease. These are being generated by faulty nutrition patterns and lack of exercise, which lead to excessive body fat. 


So a reasonable solution might be to encourage correct nutritonal habits (even if it would mean the end of McDonald's & co) and sufficient sporting activity. Things like closing pools and even beaches for swimmers, plus surveiling them with drones (!), is apparently counter-productive. 


Those who refuse to open up to evidence might in fact pursue some different agenda...

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