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Idea for PM about farangs in Thailand - an Alien Id card for all ?

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4 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Then you should have no immigration issues elite visa for you



Or just going on with my extension based on marriage which i currently have, which is a lot cheaper.


But what is your point?

If i dont have a personal problem i should not think about improvements and try to make it better for others and the country as a whole?

Strange reasoning



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17 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

I think PR is worth the effort.


So is pink card, which was the easiest thing to get that I didn't even want. I went to register at khet and they asked me if I want one. 60 baht + 5? baht for a sleeve. 15 minutes to take photo, punch in my details and they printed it out right in front of me. Obviously one thing about pink card - it is only valid in the province where it's issued.

Luxury! I DREAM of pink card. Ampur want full validated translation of passport pages, proof of address, 2 accompanying government employees to vouch for your good character, 2 photos, all in duplicate, one for Kamnan, one for Ampur. And an updated tabian baan as it doesn't show my daughter as house owner. For that I need power of attorney from her back in UK. It's gold dust where I "live". Proof of address? I might as well be on the street. 4.5 million for house and land. All meaningless to immigration.

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2 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

Or just going on with my extension based on marriage which i currently have, which is a lot cheaper.


But what is your point?

If i dont have a personal problem i should not think about improvements and try to make it better for others and the country as a whole?

Strange reasoning



My point is really quite easy to follow, I fully understand that there must be immigration controls in place.

Making 'it', (I guess you mean the 'long stay process') easier? is not in my opinion favourable or essential to the prosperity of Thailand. 

I will cope with the immigrationprocess the way it is, with a smile, and be happy that I am offered the opportunity to live in Thailand with my family.

Again economically the farang input is frequently way overstated, thus not a valid reason to lower the standards or streamline the process. Plus I never met many citizens anywhere who appreciate being told how things should be in their own backyard!!


Tourists, VOA simple and efficient, people arrive - they leave - no expectation other than to enjoy Thailand - to stay a little longer takes time and effort as it should be.


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31 minutes ago, Big Joke said:

An ID card for foreigners, great idea. We will change the law so that all people who stay more than 180 days per year in Thailand pay Thai tax in exchange for the ID card

To make sure you are assimilating into Thai society, when renewing your yearly permission to stay we will introduce a Thai language test.


Don't forget the mandatory tracking app on your smartphone. Don't have a smartphone? Have to get one.


That's pending development of the microchip that all long stay foreigners must accept.


Seems perfectly reasonable.

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5 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Again economically the farang input is frequently way overstated, thus not a valid reason to lower the standards or streamline the process.

I think here we differ, in my view there is no reason whatsover to NOT streamline a process. 


If you were an employee in my company saying you see no reasons to streamline something, you could pack your bags that same day. But i know its normal in Thailand: big companies only survive here because they got a monopoly and are able to milk the country for decades at the cost of the people in exchange for some bribes. Outside of Thailand they are nothing, simply because they do not try to be streamlined and efficient.

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Unfortunately, Thailand is not keen on letting more and more foreigners own land , become PR, easy visa approval, alien ID, no 90 days report etc.


The only thing you can do is to dream it at night but tomorrow morning is the reality when you wake up.

Edited by EricTh
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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

3 week holiday at 10k a day is 210k per year in my book. As a long-stay farang i can share with you that i spend that on a monthly here in the country with my family (including mortgage payments, car payments, utilities, food, and schooling for the kids).

Not sure putting up an outlier as an argument long term foreigners contribute more to the economy than tourists is valid. 

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18 hours ago, elliss said:


 PM , should make it law , that all aliens visiting the kingdom ,

     should be on isolated and on lock down , for a long time , forever ...

Hey, we found the clown.

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Had a registration card in Korea and have one now in Japan. Got a five year visa here so no trips to immigration until it's time to renew my visa. Developed countries do have their advantages at times.

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18 hours ago, 473geo said:

There is of course the pink ID card in existence


But guess what? it appears to be far too much trouble for many to obtain, so they whine about the time and effort it takes to be processed and about it being of no benefit

Add an approximate price of 60 baht well no chance that is just the final straw!!! No way Jose over a a quid/ a couple of dollars surely taking advantage!!


My wife set it all up for me yellow book and pink card - considered it might be a good idea - is it? don't really know, but it means I am on record at the local amphur, having got married there also, a 'known' person so to speak which is always a good start


Permanent residence, why do you need it? comfort blanket? oh to resolve the hardship of immigration controls, give us a break, if it's not worth the effort then..... do one!!



Have to be married to get a pink id card according to my amphur why go through all the hassle of that

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19 hours ago, evadgib said:

Why not grant PR to all long term residents after 3 trouble-free years in the Kingdom on Married, Retd or work extns & include a 'no drink driving' clause to ensure compliance by those that routinely do it here (we all know them) but wouldn't usually dare at home?

Just my 2p ????

They would have to actively enforce existing laws first!

It seems to me that most of the people that do obey the laws are farangs!

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18 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Big Joke did a lot to get rid of that, he's now gone and it's all back

to normal,too big a money maker to get rid of.

regards worgeordie

raises a good point, where is Big Joke -

maybe still waiting in the wings .....

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19 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

I think PR is worth the effort.


Obviously one thing about pink card - it is only valid in the province where it's issued.

Not true, I have used my pink ID card all over Thailand checking into hotels and even using it for domestic flights.

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19 hours ago, 473geo said:

There is of course the pink ID card in existence


But guess what? it appears to be far too much trouble for many to obtain, so they whine about the time and effort it takes to be processed and about it being of no benefit

Add an approximate price of 60 baht well no chance that is just the final straw!!! No way Jose over a a quid/ a couple of dollars surely taking advantage!!


My wife set it all up for me yellow book and pink card - considered it might be a good idea - is it? don't really know, but it means I am on record at the local amphur, having got married there also, a 'known' person so to speak which is always a good start


Permanent residence, why do you need it? comfort blanket? oh to resolve the hardship of immigration controls, give us a break, if it's not worth the effort then..... do one!!



The PINKY is half-good...problem has been it does not have a magnetic stripe or chip so it is really just a piece of printed plastic (often valuable, though)


one more thing: it is issued by your local amphur not by the government so often it is looked at as a "local card --- means what?"

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19 minutes ago, Mbaki said:

Not true, I have used my pink ID card all over Thailand checking into hotels //

Most good hotels in Pattaya will refuse it. They need to record you online for TM30, and for that they need your passport. 

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9 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

Most good hotels in Pattaya will refuse it. They need to record you online for TM30, and for that they need your passport. 

That only came about with the crackdown a couple of years ago, prior to that it was ok.

The post that you responded to was quite right, it can be used all over Thailand.

i have had mine some time and when I got it very easy and no charge. The woman went to great lengths to point out I couldn't leave the country. Apparently a falang had been in the week before complaining that they wouldn't let him cross into Cambodia with it.

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I have the Pink Thai ID Card issued in Phuket. Easy to get. Take your Yellow Book (Tambian Baan) for your house down to the local gov’t office, have a chit-chat, and you’ll be issued your card. The Pink ID # will be the same # as in your house registration book. Great “Supporting” document to show Gov’t Officials, Immigration, etc....that you’re not a Tourist. 

Edited by verticalift
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21 hours ago, evadgib said:

Why not grant PR to all long term residents after 3 trouble-free years in the Kingdom on Married, Retd or work extns & include a 'no drink driving' clause to ensure compliance by those that routinely do it here (we all know them) but wouldn't usually dare at home?

Just my 2p ????


20 hours ago, fishtank said:

Why not PR to all that have been married to a Thai woman for 15 years?

Not going to happen.

But for  foreign woman married to  Thai Man?

Piece of cake.


20 hours ago, 473geo said:

There is of course the pink ID card in existence


But guess what? it appears to be far too much trouble for many to obtain, so they whine about the time and effort it takes to be processed and about it being of no benefit

Add an approximate price of 60 baht well no chance that is just the final straw!!! No way Jose over a a quid/ a couple of dollars surely taking advantage!!


My wife set it all up for me yellow book and pink card - considered it might be a good idea - is it? don't really know, but it means I am on record at the local amphur, having got married there also, a 'known' person so to speak which is always a good start


Permanent residence, why do you need it? comfort blanket? oh to resolve the hardship of immigration controls, give us a break, if it's not worth the effort then..... do one!!




Can it have anything to do with Thailand not really wanting falangs here on a long term basis at all?


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Uh, hate to bring this up again but the Pink Card ???? is the most useful ID the Farang can have. 

Perhaps it may take a little effort but the fact of the matter is that we already have an ID 


Longduu... ???? 

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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

I think here we differ, in my view there is no reason whatsover to NOT streamline a process. 


If you were an employee in my company saying you see no reasons to streamline something, you could pack your bags that same day. But i know its normal in Thailand: big companies only survive here because they got a monopoly and are able to milk the country for decades at the cost of the people in exchange for some bribes. Outside of Thailand they are nothing, simply because they do not try to be streamlined and efficient.

Why would I work for a company that would allow the customer to streamline a control process producing an unsatisfactory conclusion for the company as a whole?

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7 hours ago, donnacha said:

I just wish they'd introduce a monthly version of the Elite Visa at 10K per month. It should be as easy as applying for a 30-day tourist extension at any Immigration office for 1,900 baht, just more expensive, and you should be able to pay for as few or as many months in advance as you want.

I am certain it would turn out to be a massive seller. Everyone grumbles about the price of the 5yr Elite visa, but the real problem is paying for 5 years upfront in such an unstable country and such uncertain times worldwide.

If the government want to quickly build back up the number of Westerners spending money in Thailand, along with a windfall in visa fees, that is what they should do.


I'm sure I won't be paying anybody 10.000 per month for just about nothing.

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22 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

the 400k/800k in the bank method, no VISA agent SCAMS ...

the money in the bank is proof that you are not destitute...


My visa agent is not a scam. They provide a legitimate service - yes, I can do it myself and did for many many years but now that I am near an agent, I love that they do all the paperwork for me... and make the appointments.. 

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24 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

It is the IOs who are making the most money out of these "scams", the agents only get a cut.

There are known costs for visas - There is a known price for an agent... 


Where do you see a scam? [ being cheated ] I choose to pay an agent to fill out all paperwork and make the process easy for me which includes paying the costs for a visa... Even when I used to do it on my own, Imm Officers were always very polite and helpful. 


You are making some pretty heavy accusations.  

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It is a wonder thought and from day one should of been in forced, however it will never happen as it would take away source to steal money from foreigners. Ever ask your self a Government Office not have a proper cashier? Register to take and book all money coming in to Immigration? Hospital have them and even Bars have them cashier, but not immigration! Normally Embassy vet everyone to entry Thailand, but Immigration think they need to put a watch dog on everyone entry Thailand. They not trust Embassy or foreigner with all the papers required for re-new Visa, anyone! Has anyone see ladies stamp all the papers while we sit back to asked WHY? It will reduce work load that mean that staff would have be cut back, where will Thai people go?

Thank you

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2 hours ago, Mbaki said:

Not true, I have used my pink ID card all over Thailand checking into hotels and even using it for domestic flights.

Did you read the back of the Pink ID card? That scribblings in Thai... which state you're not allowed to leave the province of issuance? And lately added that you can leave the province but only if allowed by officials or something like that... basically if police stops you to identify yourself, pink ID should be sufficient in your province. If they stop you outside province, you must show your passport. Hope this makes it clearer.

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