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Malaria drug touted by Trump for coronavirus fails another test


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11 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

Yes...Lincoln...Washington...Jefferson...Roosevelt...they all encouraged the masses to clean their lungs with bleach and shine high powered flashlights up their butts....ok, maybe not the flashlights because they had not been invented yet but I am pretty sure Roosevelt was down for a candle up there in a pinch....

Your ability to parrot CNN is mesmerising.  Clever boy!   Now, if you want to try reality for a change, take a listen to what President Trump actually said, and the context in which it was said.

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8 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177


It must be so exhausting being a Trump supporter. Every day you have to figure out how to defend an idiotic comment or insane action just because you can't admit you made a mistake and voted a total buffon into the most powerful office in the world.

What would you thnk is exhausting about winning?

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2 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

― Mark Twain

Calling out your dishonesty is merely intended to inform people who have nor seen the video as to how conniving the left wing media and people such as yourself can be.  Understandable you would want to distract  from that with a quote that could only be applied to you in this conversation.

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On 5/8/2020 at 9:38 AM, frodo77 said:

Trump is most definitely not a clown and history will show him to be a brilliant President as he continues to drain the swamp. Flynn's exoneration is just the start. He was misquoted by the evil mainstream media about the disinfectant. I wish people would wake up to the truth.

Truth is kind of an oxymoron in this case-anything to do with trump that is-considering he’s probably approaching 100,000 lies by now.  I’m curious if the amount of lies matches covid deaths in the end? The 

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what amazes me is the way some people with certain political leanings cannot understand the english language, then when they realize they have made a mistake/fool of themselves they refuse to answer, typical really, doesnt matter which country they are from,  they are all the same. I keep laughing at all these idiots that rely solely on who they vote for as to what they actually rant on about, then again maybe its just because I  can actually read and understand the english language and dont let my political views get in the way of the truth or what was actually said/meant. Also as yet there are no official/recognized  studies done on any corona virus treatments but the drug in question is not a treatment by itself, it has to be taken in conjunction with a second one to work properly, which many doctors are saying it does if taken in tandem, even one of the dem govenors has requested a bigger supply of it so it must have some beneficial effect otherwise why would doctors even be prescribing it. Letting personal politics become the motivational reason for comments is pretty pathetic really but it happens a lot in here, always good for a laugh

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30 minutes ago, candide said:

I'll be more direct than the other posters: do you think a POTUS is right to publicly evoke such ridiculous possibilities in public? Because they look quite ridiculous to anyone with a brain, right? Isn't it ridiculous to even wonder whether it may be a possible treatment or not?


Do you understand the difference between asking a question and making a statement?

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Less of the personal attacks please.


Here is a fact, Trump and his WH team have stated his Trump was being ‘sarcastic’.




Manufacturers of disinfectants failed to see the sarcasm and issued health warnings in response to Trump’s remarks.


As I say, do at least consider getting ‘on message’.



More common sense will result in less pointing out of lack of common sense.

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26 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

Calling out your dishonesty is merely intended to inform people who have nor seen the video as to how conniving the left wing media and people such as yourself can be.  Understandable you would want to distract  from that with a quote that could only be applied to you in this conversation.

So what part of what I quoted is 'dishonest'? These are the actual words he spoke. I didn't make them up. The MSM you love to denigrate didn't make them up; they actually came out of his mouth. If you are infering that the 'dishonesty' comes from people judging him when all it was was Trump musing out loud then don't you think the most powerful man in the world, heading up a country with the highest C19 infections and deaths should be a litle bit more circumspect in what he is saying to a room packed full of journalists and the worlds media?
And I wouldn't even mind if this was his first gaffe but no, this is the latest in a long, long, long list of stupendously stupid utterings that have seen Trump try to minimised this pandemic, politicise it (calling it a Democratic hoax), back false cures (such as this) and generally fly in the face of all reason to deflect from his abismal handling of C19.

My Mark Twain quote was accurate. The man knows nothing and so should just shut up and stop demonstarting how little he really knows.  

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4 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

More common sense will result in less pointing out of lack of common sense.

I’m pointing out that you are offering explanations that differ from the latest explanation Trump and his White House officials are themselves offering.


I never mentioned common sense and have no idea why you should want to take the discussion oof topic by introducing it here.

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On 5/8/2020 at 9:48 AM, RJRS1301 said:

No,none published and I am sure Trump and his ventriloquist dummy , would be there shouting it from the roof tops along with there "strong indications" on lab origin 

I saw a video by Dr Berg saying that this drug works, added with zinc and Vitamin D, he did also mention that the head of the CDC was stopping Dr's from using it, with him saying that because it costs $.50c a tablet is the reason, not profitable for big pharma, just saying what I heard.

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On 5/8/2020 at 7:28 AM, stevenl said:

There have been tests indicating a limited positive effect, but these have been surrounded by criticism.


The indications are more and more it had no benefits.

Trump's big mistake was not travel-ban Europe at the same time he blocked China.  But this is not about Trump - it is about Big Money. 

Big Pharma's paid-partners (universities, etc) have carefully avoided duplicating the Successful French Studies, which used the Drug-Combination of HCQ + Z-Pac (not HCQ, alone) which Trump spoke of, in reference to those tests months ago.  The French had results in a week - then more a week later - now over 1000 tested, and consistently great results.  The results were quick, because this drug-combo wipes out the virus completely in just a few days.


The indications are that Big Pharma really, really does NOT want an "off patent" solution to get in the way of the Huuuge payday they hope to get from this virus.  And, it appears they don't care how many have to die for them to get it.

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3 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Trump's big mistake was not travel-ban Europe at the same time he blocked China.  But this is not about Trump - it is about Big Money. 

Big Pharma's paid-partners (universities, etc) have carefully avoided duplicating the Successful French Studies, which used the Drug-Combination of HCQ + Z-Pac (not HCQ, alone) which Trump spoke of, in reference to those tests months ago.  The French had results in a week - then more a week later - now over 1000 tested, and consistently great results.  The results were quick, because this drug-combo wipes out the virus completely in just a few days.


The indications are that Big Pharma really, really does NOT want an "off patent" solution to get in the way of the Huuuge payday they hope to get from this virus.  And, it appears they don't care how many have to die for them to get it.

BOOM! Follow the money. Why use a drug that's gone generic when billions can be made with a new, patented drug.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m pointing out that you are offering explanations that differ from the latest explanation Trump and his White House officials are themselves offering.


I never mentioned common sense and have no idea why you should want to take the discussion oof topic by introducing it here.

So there is some obligation to keep agreeing with everything Trump says? And you're complaining about lack of common sense? OK.

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