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POLL....Are you ok with having a Contact tracing App on your phone?


POLL.....Are you ok with having a Contact tracing App on your phone?  

293 members have voted

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3 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Not really fussed either way, in saying that I seem to get weekly emails from google telling me of the places I have visited in the past week !!

Do you get the ones asking you to tell about the photos you have taken so people can learn more about an Area....it does get annoying.

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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

Do you get the ones asking you to tell about the photos you have taken so people can learn more about an Area....it does get annoying.

I do ever since the phone updated to Android 10.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you have a smartphone?     Yes

Does it have a GPS receiver like most (all?) smart phones?   Yes

Did you switch that GPS receiver off? Yes  

And are you sure it is off?   Yes

And how many apps do you have on that phone which use your location?   None

Wifi is always off.

Location is always off.

No data package. Just voice and SMS.




Edited by Tropicalevo
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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you have a smartphone?

Does it have a GPS receiver like most (all?) smart phones?

Did you switch that GPS receiver off? And are you sure it is off?

And how many apps do you have on that phone which use your location?

All of that is a completely different story, than giving the government a free ride and a license to track your every move.

No thanks. 

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14 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:
1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you have a smartphone?     Yes

Does it have a GPS receiver like most (all?) smart phones?   Yes

Did you switch that GPS receiver off? Yes  

And are you sure it is off?   Yes

And how many apps do you have on that phone which use your location?   None

Wifi is always off.

Location is always off.

No data package. Just voice and SMS.

Thanks for your message.

Finally we traced your IP. Good work! ???? 

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59 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Fine by me. My phone lives on my patio. I never, ever take it out with me.

But the powers that be have covertly managed to have a distance of 10km from your telephone upto a period of 24 hours...not safe anywhwr, the aliens, Elvis and JFK are all watching us at present and always

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3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"We are the Thailand Anti-Tourist Anti-Fun Task Force. Your mandatory contact tracing apps have recorded unusually high levels of increased heart rate and sex with bodily fluids being exchanged. You are all under arrest for crimes against the state. Which one of you is super spreader NCC1701A?"    


But, But, we are wearing masks, what's the problem sauceiflur(Hiccup's)

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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

All of that is a completely different story, than giving the government a free ride and a license to track your every move.

No thanks. 

There's a subtle difference between tracking your phone and tracking you. Its not an implant.

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

But the majority of the high end phones as well as Apple products do not have removeable phone.

yet another good reason not to lower oneself with an Apple ???? 


Old Samsungs Rule OK! 

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3 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

There's a subtle difference between tracking your phone and tracking you. Its not an implant.

Not really. If charges are to be brought by the state for something silly, they will not arrest and charge my phone. 


Or, if I inadvertently engaged in lese majeste, I do not think my phone would be deported. Enough of a distinction for me!

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Not really. If charges are to be brought by the state for something silly, they will not arrest and charge my phone. 


Or, if I inadvertently engaged in lese majeste, I do not think my phone would be deported. Enough of a distinction for me!

If you don't have your phone with you, they will be tracking your phone, not you, ergo they will have no idea where you are. But i think you knew that anyway.

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2 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:
1 hour ago, tifino said:

yet another good reason not to lower oneself with an Apple ???? 


Old Samsungs Rule OK! 

Or an indication your hard up.

I also abhor Maintenance-Free (aka throw away) Car batteries 


just don't fancy the idea that a $2000 phone becomes a plastic brick, for the sake of a $50 battery that can't be user-replaced... 

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12 hours ago, redwood1 said:

Taweesin Visanuyothin, confirmed this afternoon to the associated Thai press that a contact tracing application is indeed coming VERY soon




Edited by NCC1701A
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13 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The question should be: Would you accept another location tracking app?

Because most of us have many applications installed which use the location. And how many of us read the small print of all those apps how our locations are used?


It's almost funny when many people who never cared about their phone sending location information now protesting that they don't want that. Easy: Switch off your phone. Otherwise you can and will be traced.

0r leave it at home while going out

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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you have a smartphone?

Does it have a GPS receiver like most (all?) smart phones?

Did you switch that GPS receiver off? And are you sure it is off?

And how many apps do you have on that phone which use your location?

And continuously gather and analyse and report all sorts of data in relation to your actions and movements? The answer is many, and some are potentially much more invasive than the COVID 19 app.


If you test positive the gov't. office concerned can very quickly get a list of phone numbers of people near you at a specific date/time in the past 2 weeks (I think It's 2 weeks) and quickly contact them and discuss whether they have symptoms and or tell you where to come quickly to get a test.


If I was contacted by the tracking team I would be grateful to know that I might be at risk and get a test quickly. Grateful for several reasons, just one being knowing there was risk that I might infect my family.


Yes quarantine for 14 days is possible but not 100% automatic.


If I test positive I see it as my responsibility as a good citizen to help locate others who I might have infected. Both to alert them that they might be a carrier and to help to stop / reduce the overall spread of the virus. 


Sorry not interested in conspiracy theories. 

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I have a couple 2 sim smart phones & I don't use any "smart" features. So if I put tracking app on one phone, could I take sim out and put in other phone and have it function without tracking? I could imagine gov would find some way to check to see if app on phone when trying to make a call: no app, no call.

And how about putting sim in old pre-smart phone with no blue tooth, no internet capability?

Would those still work, or tech too old?

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