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Trump considering legislation that may scrap law that protects social media companies


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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Almost every post one reads in this forum is based on little knowledge and is a pavlovian response colored by personal biases. I encourage everyone to actually read Section 230 before commenting.



Assume I've been drinking. Can you summarize Section 230; I'm not in the mood to read a "book".

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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

What does that have to do with law that protects social media companies?

why was such legislation good good all this time that he occupied the white house but it is not now? 

How does fact checking violates 47 U.S. Code § 230

Is it possible that your reply is a Pavlovian response? 


It's possible but unlikely. So, are you saying that every law that is on the books that came into being before Trump became president is a good law?

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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

Matter of opinion, personally I see his latest move adding to trump's politics of division which are harmful to the nation - i wouldn't name that as good political instincts.


It's only harmful if one has a polarized point of view. If your objective is to heal the nation over holding your polarized point of view, then it's all useful. Bear in mind it took us decades to get here and it's going to take almost as long to claw our way back.

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City Journal - Platform, or Publisher?


Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes online platforms for their users’ defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful content. Congress granted this extraordinary benefit to facilitate “forum for a true diversity of political discourse.” This exemption from standard libel law is extremely valuable to the companies that enjoy its protection, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but they only got it because it was assumed that they would operate as impartial, open channels of communication—not curators of acceptable opinion.


Once Jack Dorsey made the decision to become a curator of opinion he switched his business model from an online platform to that of a publisher.  It's that simple, folks.  Hem and haw all you want with opposing opinions that are not grounded in law.


This is a win not just for Trump but for all people, even when they don't recognize it.  Only ignorant people will argue against freedom of speech for in their ignorance they don't understand the importance of free speech.


Edit:  I have no why some of the text is showing as strike through.  I tried to get rid of it but can't.


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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

Almost every post one reads in this forum is based on little knowledge and is a pavlovian response colored by personal biases. I encourage everyone to actually read Section 230 before commenting.



Opinions are like buttholes my friend, every ones got one!

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3 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:


Your belief that Trump is the cause of and responsible for Wuhan virus deaths in America is about as biased and untruthful an opinion one as one could have.  Laughable . . . and sad to see people so easily duped by their own beliefs.


If you can point to one post of mine that suggests that Trump is the cause of SARS C0V-2 I will surrender my membership to this platform. That his actions have contributed to a marginally higher death toll is not quantifiable but he does feed those ignorants that are not taking responsibility for themselves or others and that is unforgivable IMO.


My own belief is that Americans have elected for the past 3 or more decades, leaders that have made the country a laggard in all things for the benefit of a very few. Medicine, education, governance, critical thinking, all in decline in America. My own opinion is that Trump is not better or worse than Biden who would also lead America on that steady downslope. Trump at least is useful in making a change, as long as he doesn't defund whichever agency is charged with protecting us from near Earth astroids, at which point the issue will become moot. 

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