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38 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:

I thought this was about Boats.!


You are too funny. ????



24 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

I would say Thailand is an extremely difficult place to get where you are right now to sobriety & a better mind set

IMO go back to your own country if possible and get the required help

It will be difficult to find here & there are too many temptations 


Problem is that some people bring their home country problems to Thailand and think they'll all disappear.


24 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

You obviously did not hit rock bottom yet. You still can afford that rum and you have a girlfriend and a sofa.

Maybe ask yourself if you care enough to keep what you still have.

If you are out on the street without sofa and without girlfriend and without your rum then I am sure you think: I should have stopped before I lost everything.

Good luck, take care!

Health and mostly financial problems combined with alcohol can easily cause a person to think there's no solution for them.


Maybe this thread can serve as a warning for some younger members to not  move to Thailand before they are very secure financially and mentally.

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Get out and try to be active - Walk, run of get a bicycle.  I think on here you will find many who have been or are in the same boat as you. Do not give up!  Nothing worth having will come easy.


Best of luck.  

18 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:

Maybe this thread can serve as a warning for some younger members to not  move to Thailand before they are very secure financially and mentally.

The younger member can work and make money again.

Old retired guys who give all their money to their honey won't be able to work again and make money again...

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Of all the posts on ThaiVisa.com this is one of the most brutally honest I've read.

Props to the Op for confessing something so personal.

I can't help, but I'm sure there are many forum members who have experienced such issues who can.

Additionally, I'm sure there are many other forum members who are in a similar situation and haven't yet opened up.


One point: I had a friend in a similar situation who was taken to Manarom (spelling?) hospital, this place just loaded him up with medication, it completely avoided the realities of his addiction - Avoid this place at all costs (Manarom hospital).



Would moving back home help the Op? - once you dig a little, there is little to do in Thailand compared to many of our western countries and the booze is an easy slope to slip down.


56 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

 it completely avoided the realities of his addiction - Avoid this place at all costs






Sums up Thailand as a whole.


Nobody "notices" anything.


Nobody thinks they "ought" to intervene.


Co-dependent partners are very easily acquired and cost little to maintain, compared to the West.


Thus Thailand draws, and holds, many "committed" Western drinkers.




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4 hours ago, faraday said:

When you hit rock bottom, the only way is up - back up to sobriety & a happy life.


I know this is true.

Good advice, and the reality is that it's only you who can activate and accomplish change, keep positive, take it day by day and fight like hell to ensure you don't go backwards, and good luck.

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My advice would be to buy a smaller bottle, and don't srart drinking it until you can't take it anymore, but knowing it has to last you until you go to sleep. 

And before you take the first drink of the day, get a shower and put some clean clothes on. 

Maybe later down the line, you can go food shopping before you come home and have a drink. 


  • Thanks 1

The biggest problem of being an alcoholic is owning up to it and that’s exactly what You have done step two is trying to change your current  life style and I think that is going to be difficult maybe your best bet would be to return to your own country and seek help if that cannot be done seek refuge in a temple a lot of Thais who have drug or drink related issues enter a local temple to seek help maybe you should consider this . Whatever your decision I wish you well on your path to recovery maybe you can google the 12 steps , my sister is a recovering alcoholic She has been dry for 18 years every day is a test of her will power.

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10 hours ago, northsouthdevide said:

My advice would be to buy a smaller bottle, and don't srart drinking it until you can't take it anymore, but knowing it has to last you until you go to sleep. 

And before you take the first drink of the day, get a shower and put some clean clothes on. 

Maybe later down the line, you can go food shopping before you come home and have a drink. 


I was brought up in an alcoholic environment I have a son who is an alcoholic and no amount of money has been spent to try and beat his problem . My sister is an alcoholic thankfully she has been dry for 18 years but everyday is a battle even after 18 years . I never realised that my son had gone down that road as he was living away from home , when he came to visit he used to constantly be leaving the house For 5 minutes I used to think it was for a cigarette as I did not allow smoking in the house and I had given up years before due to him being asthmatic but it wasn’t that at all he used to pop out open up a miniature bottle of vodka and down it in one go then place some chewy in his mouth to take the smell away 

apparently he’d been doing this for a number of years he was very clever in concealing his problem to his then partner . Your suggestion to buy a smaller bottle does not work the guy has already admitted he is an alcoholic the only way he can beat it is to stop drinking . I have just googled alcoholic centres in Thailand there is one called “ Dawn “ maybe that would be a step in the right direction for him .Whatever Path he chooses I hope he can beat this terrible illness .


thedawnrehab.com is a centre in Thailand that helps people with addictions . I found it by using google I don’t know your financial circumstances but this might be your best avenue to help you . I also am aware that Thais who have the same issues will go to their local temple to seek help and spend time in there .

9 hours ago, Denim said:

I have a few rules regarding drinking.


1) Never ever drink any alcohol before 6.30pm or after 10.00 pm. Keep busy until feet up time.


2) Never stock up on alcohol. Only buy on the day you drink and a to a set limit which you must not exceed. 


3) Must have at least 2 or 3 alcohol free days a week.


4) If I go over my set limit then the very next Monday I abstain for a week.


5) Never get too drunk. Tipsy is sufficient. Stay in control so that you can still function normally.


6) Don't stay up late. If you are not watching a movie or doing something , go to bed.


A few simple rules like these keep a lid on binge drinking whilst allowing me to drink in moderation.



This is VERY sounds advice! get 3/4 days drink free and drink just at weekends. Drink LOTS of water and take Tumeric for the liver. I would add to the list don't have Spirits in the house - I only drink those when i go to a out. Never before 6pm. Very best wishes.


Look within and ask yourself WHY you want or need to drink..If you drink alone


I worked in bars for 20 yrs and had access to free booze--the lost decade....


After I removed myself from that scene I rarely even desire it as I grow older...hangovers werent worth it


Keep trying...



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18 hours ago, stouricks said:

And then descend to Heineken 0%!

If the poor sod is drinking Thai rum he has already hit rock bottom

Good luck to your fight against booze


First Op


Where do you live.


If you are in Bangkok then there are other things to do besides go drinking


If you are in a small village then that poses different problems 


While I applaud everyone that has suggested AA the issue is are you near an AA.


Also do you have other farang friends that you can talk to that are not heavy drinkers like yourself.


The last choice I would suggest is of course if you really want to straighten yourself out and get a different look at life 



  https://wat-thamkrabok.org/  is always an alternative.



Ive hit the bottom - and I don’t even care..

Well, you posted in this forum, so you do care.  Man up, addiction nothing but an excuse

Life is for living, not complaining.  You are in control of your destiny. Yes only You


Get cleaned up, put on a shirt and pants and get out there. 


Pick up a Bible and start reading in the Book of John in the New Testament. Ask JESUS to forgive you for your transgressions and express a willing heart to turn from the error of your ways, realizing that you can't do it on your own and you need HIS help. HE will accept you just as you are and begin a process of cleaning you up day by day until you are restored to normal health. You must understand that you are created in the image of GOD and HE is your FATHER. HE will guide you and direct you daily with the battles in your mind and show you the way out of your pit of despair. Your new life in CHRIST JESUS will give you confidence that your body is the Temple of the HOLY SPIRIT and you will longer have a desire to destroy it with your alcohol consumption. Your heart will begin to break when you finally realize that you are sinning against the Holy God who created you and all that is.


This is not hocus-pocus my friend! I did it on August 5, 1988 and the Lord radically changed my life. I was alcohol and drug addicted for years, but now I have been clean and haven't touched the stuff for 32 years. I promise you HE will totally take away your desire to drink if you have a repentant heart and are willing to change. Come to Christ with the faith of a small child, in all humility, and he will give you a new life now and eternal life in the hereafter. I will pray for you and ask the Father to rescue you!


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15 hours ago, BobBKK said:

This is VERY sounds advice! get 3/4 days drink free and drink just at weekends. Drink LOTS of water and take Tumeric for the liver. I would add to the list don't have Spirits in the house - I only drink those when i go to a out. Never before 6pm. Very best wishes.


Yes....I forgot the water. Very important. Of an evening , if I am drinking , I have a big glass of water beforehand ( slakes the thirst and slows you down )  plus another glass 30 minutes before going to sleep. Keeps you hydrated .


I have been at the bottom, minus the alcohol, but no money for even a slice of pizza.  Go into the bathroom for a shower and shave.  Put your best dress shirt and trousers on, lift your chin up horizontal to the ground, pull your shoulders back.  Look in the mirror and what do you see?  I hope you see a professional ready to take on the world.  Now, prioritize your immediate problems and write down what steps to handle them.  Each time you feel yourself falling back down, say to yourself, "Oh, poor little boy who has no one to care for him."  Remember, only you can take care of business --feeling sorry for yourself is not an option.  Read some books or look on YouTube for Tony Robbins 'Awakening the Sleeping Giant.'  All this helped me and I am on top of the world now even though a kamakazi bike rider could run me over tomorrow.  Get positive and stay that way.

20 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

It is possible to pay the bills, have a shower and avoid argements, yet still drink every day. No need to give up drinking, just cut it down to a few days a week.

Yes, if your not an alcoholic.

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Yes, there are some people who have managed to give up the booze "cold turkey" and without any help. They are very few indeed.


You must join Alcoholics Anonymous and get a sponsor. No other way works as well to keep people off the sauce. The fact that you are writing to a bunch of strangers on a forum like this should tell you a lot.


Even better would be to do to a clinic first, if you can afford it. That way you could get the psychological help and the other advice concerning triggers, not to mention the medical help that some people need.


If you cannot afford a clinic, you might want to talk to a doctor.


But stop writing to a bunch of strangers and join a chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous and get started.



Others may have mentioned that you need a change of environment. It is a long hard process to pull oneself out of a deep depression and alcohol will do nothing to help. Good luck and try to find a reason to live.

2 hours ago, Skallywag said:

Ive hit the bottom - and I don’t even care..

Well, you posted in this forum, so you do care.  Man up, addiction nothing but an excuse

Life is for living, not complaining.  You are in control of your destiny. Yes only You


Get cleaned up, put on a shirt and pants and get out there. 

There is some great posts and advice on here for an addict but this ain’t one of them.

It’s got f.uck all to do with “manning up” It’s far more complex than that. 



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