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Thailand will be very choosy about who can visit, insists Anutin


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Thailand will not be choosy.



These people seem to forget............ China loves China.  Chinese need domestic tourism to support Chinese.  China will not allow people to visit other countries, they will be made to visit local tourism spots in China to boost the Chinese economy.  


The TAT want Thais to do Thai domestic tourism and then suddenly think that the Chinese will not do the same ??????  China will not push domestic tourism and will let everyone fly around the world to boost other countries ?????


I think they are in for a big surprise when they find hardly anybody comes of their "chosen few".



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1 hour ago, Brickbat said:

Anutin must be laughing at all the comments. Seriously. This guy is a powerhouse in this Admin and calls the shots. We are guests here. If you don’t feel welcome, why stay? Not taking up for him or anyone, but he’s well within his rights to “ choose”, same as other countries are doing. 

And tourists are free to choose whether or not to come to Thailand. I think I know which they will choose. Anutin is in for a rude awakening when his 'plan' spectacularly backfires.

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And bad facts appear in his advantage, as a  defense against his more well willing colleague ministers , as New. Zealand can forget their virus free declaring status , same for South Korea both has  new cases now….., but how he go help his Chinese buddy's now as they also have new cases....?



Edited by david555
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15 hours ago, mark131v said:

China, wasn't they the ones that started the whole thing? where they the ones that continued to cover up their real numbers? second wave you say, but they have been so transparent and open throughout so surely they should be top of the list...


Sarcasm alert for the hard of thinking..

I can only surmise that Anutin only picked up the phone to discuss this matter with the Chinese Ambassador after a well-stuffed brown envelope from the Chinese Embassy had landed on his desk.


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14 hours ago, baansgr said:

Only last year, Pattaya merchants, bar owners etc were begging for more Western tourists as the Chinese and Indians didn't spend the same....He may find Thais are not in agreement with his views

The Chinese were never big on bars in the first place. Their spending habits are more towards luxury goods and food. 

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

He must have been pants and given a swirly when he was a student in the west.  It is the only thing that could drive his hatred for westerners.

"He must have been pants and given a swirly". Translation into English, please?

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China has done an excellent job of controlling covid. Singapore has not. Of course Taiwan has done the best, but TH government pretends they don't exist. How will keeping out those 20 million potential healthy tourists help the Thai people?

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

the Kingdom will restrict the type of travellers allowed into the country, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Monday (June 15).

Perhaps a lot less of the nationality I don't need to name then? Sadly I don't think he's referring to them.

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It is like I have said for a long time Flip and Flop (the general and his health mate) have planed that after they win the next election they will tell the government that Thailand should  become a province of China and Flip and Flop should be the rulers. Will the government fall for such a plain?

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3 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Why? 79 is severe?

You keep saying the figure is 79, its not, well over 100 now.


The next three days will be critical for Beijing to curb the outbreak as people infected with the coronavirus start to show symptoms, according to Wu Zunyou, a top epidemiologist with China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The earliest cases in Beijing were likely infected with coronavirus near the end of May.

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50 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Nothing more xenophobic than the majority on this forum.

It would be a warped mind that did not apply restrictions to countries that failed to handle the pandemic effectively.


Every evening I watch the UK news and my wife was horrified that it took a law to make people wear face masks on public transport, is it any wonder the Thais are reluctant to have people from the UK and US come here at this time. Pure common sense, nothing xenophobic in it whatsoever.

Come on !  " Dirty Farangs should be deported ".......  Say that in any civilized country and you'd be up to your rear end in lawyers for the next twenty years....... 

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