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Foreign diplomats invited to see coconuts being picked by monkeys


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5 hours ago, Paiman said:

They might get promoted to factory jobs, set up unions and finally a government.

Hmmm, somehow I have the feeling that Thailand actually might not be any worse off when compared to who's in charge at the moment.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

A diplomat's assistant to her boss: what on today sir? well, yes.. clear all my appointments for today, i have been invited to see monkeys at work, i'll bring you a monkey harvested coconut as a souvenir...

Government house first then the monkeys - welcome to Thailands economic powerhouse - monkeys at work

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These do-gooders are such hypocrites !

raise cattle, horses, sheep and donkeys, goats for exploitation and absolutely inefficient food production with a huge ecological footprint is apparently acceptable, locking birds in cages to hear them singing, exploit cats and dogs locked up in houses, all fine. 
but some monkeys doing what they enjoy is cruel .


go home and do your homework before creating clickbait and some revenue on the back of monkeys that are having a great time !!

Edited by KKr
Correcting spellchecker
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9 hours ago, webfact said:

He said he has instructed commercial attachés at Thai embassies abroad to clarify the matter, especially with supermarkets that sell coconut products from Thailand

Geeza's missing the point .. it's seen as animal exploitation whether the monkeys like doing it or not and now animal welfare groups like PETA and Boris's bird are on the case it won't go away with pressure going on the retailers of products associated with it .. 

It would create a far more positive image abroad to say they will stop the practice .. trying to justify it will have the negative .. 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Commerce Permanent Secretary Mr. Boonyarith Kalayanamit says that he wants to show that using monkeys to harvest coconuts is a traditional way of life and the practice does not amount to torture.


I did see the Peta video of monkeys being chained up:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBwBjo07fxw

I'd have thought the way forward would be to work out how to educate the owners, refuse to buy their coconuts or prosecute them.


I suppose if coconut collection has to move to humans climbing trees that will be OK until another group says it's too dangerous due to the disproportionate number of accidents and human deaths.


As someone suggested earlier, will we have to stop using sheepdogs? Just have assume at the sheepdog trials the owners will be found guilty.


Next, we'll have to stop milking cows and stealing chickens eggs.

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55 minutes ago, KKr said:

These do-gooders are such hypocrites !

raise cattle, horses, sheep and donkeys, goats for exploitation and absolutely inefficient food production with a huge ecological footprint is apparently acceptable, locking birds in cages to hear them singing, exploit cats and dogs locked up in houses, all fine. 
but some monkeys doing what they enjoy is cruel .


go home and do your homework before creating clickbait and some revenue on the back of monkeys that are having a great time !!

Cattle, sheep and goats aren't domestic animals. They're here for us to eat.Inefficient food production? Maybe. But tell that to the meat eaters who like steak.  Horses and donkeys can be trained to help us, without hurting them in any way. Abuse of them doesn't count. Cats and dogs are better when people own them, as long as they aren't abused and neglected, and are fixed. Left outside to breed and they will cause problems. Birds in cages are not right. If you have a large bird, it should be left to roam in the house, not caged and taught to say Polly want a cracker. Monkeys are wild animals. Sure, you can domesticate any animals, but some aren't meant to be pets. caged, chained and taught to work because they can't or are afraid to climb trees? Wrong. Exploitation and cruel.

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27 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Shep learned to do show pony dressage after being told he couldn't run around a field chasing sheep anymore ..

Get down Shep!

Remember the elephant. It mistreated everyone in sight, Peta would have loved it:


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It's not what they do that's bad, It's where, how & by whom they are kept. This is a complete paradox, where you really do have to talk to the monkey, instead of the organ grinder. 555 TIT.


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Monkey Lives Matter!


White Western oppressive so called animal welfare groups want to force these poor Monkeys out of their legitimate occupations. 


Stand up for Monkeys! Take a knee for Monkeys and their right to work to earn an honest living. 


I expect Lewis Hamilton  and various football "stars" to produce videos supporting Monkey rights and denouncing how these white groups interfering are incapable of understanding how the Monkey's really feel.




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Wondering if those diplomats are allowed to freely converse with the monkeys; some of those excellencies might have learnt Monkish during tenures in Africa .....

Instead of just shutting their big mouth, no, get the diplomatic corps in corpere; assume airlifted to Samui and back with an official dinner by the Ministry of Fair Monkey Business and a coconut souvenir to take home. 

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17 hours ago, CLS said:

Do the monkeys get at least the minimum wage?


       Aliens would be idea for the job , sadly work permits  required ..

         However that said , overstayers  beware ..


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5 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Not when referring to monkeys it isnt 

Especially when referring to them.  We do not refer to monkeys as monkeys anymore.


"He's just monkeying around with it." The term has become degrading and racist.

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