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I'm starting to find the world a very ugly place to live.


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It's hard not to be pessimistic. As long as we have Capitalism and the relentless pursuit of profit I don't see any long term hope. Humanity is a fleeting blip on the universal timeline and we'll be gone soon enough. The trick is to realise our own lifespans are an even shorter blip, so try not to worry too much, do your best, look after yourself and don't hurt others.

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the younger people i meet are often optimistic.. they see the destruction of some of the old as a new place to start... 


some is better some seems worse but getting older kinda sucks.. more achy than i would have liked and maybe less to look forward to.

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13 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

the younger people i meet are often optimistic.. they see the destruction of some of the old as a new place to start... 


When the youngsters say things like that, I think they're talking about you and me!!!  :tongue:   I'd be worried!

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Well, I agree with you. 

But there are always options. 

Start make the world a better place, maybe only for yourself in daily life or decide to ???? 

Don't give up. Donalds and Bojos will be blown away soon. ????


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23 hours ago, giddyup said:

I won't be around to see it, but does anyone have a positive outlook about the human race and the planet's future.

Living here and far enough away from people provides me with the only positive outlook I am able to have on a daily basis to keep me happy. I sit in our large 48 square metre bedroom located at the very end of our very long single level house with it's 3.3 metre high ceilings, it is also far enough away from the living areas and the kids when they are home from school, it suits me down to the ground, it is my mancave, my space. I could never afford to own a house like this back in the old country, ok wife's house for those who are ready to pounce ????


Occasionally I gaze out of the sun filled windows and glass sliding doors while the room starts to cool around midday as the air conditioner kicks in, typing away on my laptop and what do I see, lush green surroundings at the rear and sides of our house, even the squirrels put on a show some days, and of course there is the clear blue sky's, I then have to pinch myself to make sure it's not a dream. I love moments like this, it's so peaceful, no one to see, no one to annoy me, and no smoke in the distance to spoil my day, I know this is temporary because as soon as the burning season returns, the day will be ruined, they just don't give a rats a$$ about the environment, its shameful, then before I know it, it's time to go an pick up the kids, and as soon as I go outside, everything turns to s-h-i-t, it's super hot and my skin feels as if it's peeling off as I walk to the car, then trying to get out of the village while people double park their cars on the road, farmer Joe returning to his place with his 20 or so cows blocking the road, soi dogs left right and centre, then I am on the main road for the 15 minute drive, that part is good as there is no issues until I arrive at the school, after managing to find a parking spot in the school, and when I return someone will no doubt box me in by parking their car behind me so that I cannot get out, while they go and pick up their kids, I can wait up to 10 minutes while they return with their kid/s and not even a solly or acknowledge the fact that they are selfish morons, fortunately I do not carry a gun, otherwise I would be spending the rest of my days at the Bangkok Hilton, ahhh yes, I know, this is not my country, so biting my bottom lip is something I am used to, my pen rye, Kop Koon Krup, otherwise I will be just another crazy farang.


I left Sydney where the rat race was too fast for me, and life was getting too expensive, I jumped to here, now almost 5 years and until about a week ago was seriously looking at returning to Sydney, mood swings, but when I see what's on offer accommodation wise, I would be lucky to get a house the 3rd of the size of our place with neighbours looking into just about every window and into our backyard, won't have the high ceilings, although the weather will be 4 seasons which I would enjoy for a change, cost of living would be slightly higher than here, and the traffic would be a real spoiler albeit it there won't be any cows or people double parked to annoy me because they have parking cops who pounce on you if you just try and duck out to the shop, ticket on the window as soon as you come back.


So guess what I am saying is I have no faith in humanity, it's every dog, cat and mouse for themselves, all we can do is try to put our heads in the sand and stay away from everyone to have our space, did I mention the shopping trolley idiots who park across the isles ????


Life's short and annoying at times, i.e. if we allow others to spoil it for us, trying to learn the art of letting go because we are all going to end up in the same place no doubt, so try and hold onto that happy feeling for as long as you can, ooops almost time to go out and face the world, because it's pick up the kids time.


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"May you live in interesting times"


Or if you prefer, Dickens:  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."


That old Chinese curse, or blessing as it may be, probably describes your life. So does Dickens. If you're 78, you were born during the most horrific conflict in all of human history. You also witnessed other wars, the rise of international terrorism, environmental destruction, and now this pandemic. The world, however, is certainly less bad today than the day you were born. That's a plus.


You've seen enormous progress in invention and the body of human knowledge. You know things even the greatest minds in history prior to your birth never knew, because they weren't yet discovered.


Life is, and always will be, a challenge. It must be embraced with both hands.  Accept the endless challenge and find out what you're made of. That's the real purpose and beauty of life.


Yes, we screwed up the environment, but we also learn ways to clean it up. We hate each other for minute genetic differences, but slowly learn to relish those small differences and accept each other as equals. We don't like people whose neuron circuitry has them attracted to their own gender, then we learn it is no more a choice than how tall we are going to be, so we come to accept it.  We used to die from things that don't kill anybody today. We had most of the world trying to destroy Germany (war at the time of your birth, so illustrative), now Germany is a proud member of a cooperative economic body, a source of continual innovation, and a model world citizen. "Stuff" happens, but we get over it.


We are human. We take a few steps forward, then we take a few backward. Always have and always will. The trend has been positive, however, even if sometimes we're on that backward path and forget how far we've come. There have been precious few periods of relative calm and peace since we walked out of Oldavai Gorge or the Garden (if that belief comforts you), so yes, we do often revert to the mean and the mean is just that:  mean. Still, we've had it worse than we have it today.


There is so much to know today, that it is almost impossible to be bored, unless one completely lacks curiosity. You can access most all of the world's knowledge without ever having to leave your home. That is pretty cool. Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, even Einstein would be jealous of what is literally at your fingertips.


You can be as sociable as you wish, or you can withdraw and be a hermit, and current technology allows you to live comfortably no matter which path you choose.


There is, admittedly, plenty not to like in today's world, but there is also plenty to challenge and inspire even a 78 year old man.  You just need to choose.


I'm of the view everybody kind of gets what he or she wants, at least in a basic sense, and at least for those who have access to online forums on a medium like the internet. If you were a female born to a poor rural family in Country X (I don't want to offend by naming one) or living in a place like Aleppo, circumstances are against you, but if you're on this forum neither of those is you.


Adjust to your age, but continue to embrace the challenge that is life. Neither a Casandra nor a Pollyanna be, and you can both enjoy the good things and accept the pitfalls to which life is prone.

Edited by Walker88
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22 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Well - if you could wake up anyplace/someplace else tomorrow - where would you be instead.....?

Me, personally, I'd wake up in America in the 1950's. Not being 10 yo again this time. But being 25 again at that time would be great.


I was very lucky to have good parents and lots of opportunity to make any life I wanted and was willing to work for. 


It was not idyllic but humans were just starting to dig ourselves into the holes that have now become too numerous and deep to crawl out of. 


I cannot blame people who are pessimistic now, but neither can I recommend it. We're all doomed to death, but there's not much point in dwelling on it. 


Change what you can and accept the rest. 

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I am old enough to remember when sex was safe, and cars were dangerous!


We all make, and live in, our own reality.  Each of us has a unique world view. It is what makes us who we are, individuals, and why so many differing views may be aired on a forum like this.


There is no right or wrong.  No 'one size fits all', and we should be deeply thankful for that.


We make our own world what it is.  If we don't like it, we do have the power to change it.  Those who have settled into an unhappy existence, either don't have the will, or have a 'wishbone' and not a backbone.  Criticism is the easiest option, the least difficult route.


The world is, and always has been, a challenge, for those living in it during any era or age.  Some of us have been (often considerably) luckier than others.  This may be described as an accident of birth.  When I look at poverty-stricken Indians, or repressed Chinese, millions or the lives of rural Africans (not necessarily unpleasant, in their own world view), I give thanks, daily, for my corner of luck in the draw (lottery) of life.


I have made my own bed, which I cannot then blame on any person or thing, and take responsibility for it, knowing, at any time it doesn't suit me, that given sufficient nous, and toil, that it can be changed.


There are many things about the modern world that I do not like, and I don't see any improvement around the corner.  But, at my advanced age, particularly with the technology which is in my grasp daily, I feel fortunate to have been born when I was, as well as where I was, and would not trade it for any past period in time that one cares to mention.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

and when I return someone will no doubt box me in by parking their car behind me so that I cannot get out, while they go and pick up their kids, I can wait up to 10 minutes while they return with their kid/s and not even a solly or acknowledge the fact that they are selfish morons,

Pick 'em up on a scooter ...... never any parking problems.

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21 hours ago, giddyup said:

 Are you talking Bubonic plague? Try and keep it within the last 100 years. Now we have Covid and that's really made life worth living hasn't it? There are still conflicts going on every day, war is part of the human condition. You want some photos of islands of garbage floating in the ocean? Who wants to live a long life if it means being on a dole queue.

How about Spanish Flu of 1918-19, Covid has infected aproximately 12 million worldwide and killed about 545,000, Spanish Flu infected 500 million worldwide and killed over 50 million people.  Why worry over things you have absolutely no power to affect or change?  Is there anything in this life that bring you joy makes you happy anymore? I say this as I have seen your past posts about searching for euthanasia drugs or an easy way out even though not suffering from any painful terminal disease , just depressed and tired of existing. Was there ever a time you enjoyed life and were happy? Maybe try to do those things again if you can.

The world will go on or not nothing can be done really, empires have risen and fallen over the centuries to be replaced by others. Wars have existed and killings of one another since cave men fought over hunting grounds/women. A war or pandemic can wipe out most of the worlds population and overcrowding would be cured, those left would simply start over again. An astroid could hit the earth and end all or most life on earth  what good does it do to worry about it?  Can plan for  a way to prevent it but not all plans succed. Que Sera, Sera ---Whatever will be will be


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In answer to your query...No. Only real shocker here is that it took you so long to realize it. That said...make the best and most of it. Treat every day as precious and concentrate on that and those which/whom you enjoy. Don't let it/them get you down. Just because most people SUCK certainly doesn't dictate that your remaining years have to. :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

   Is there anything in this life that bring you joy makes you happy anymore? I say this as I have seen your past posts about searching for euthanasia drugs or an easy way out even though not suffering from any painful terminal disease , just depressed and tired of existing. Was there ever a time you enjoyed life and were happy?


Please don't use your dime store psychology on me. I researched Nembutal as do many people when they reach my age, as a standby if an illness became unbearable. Doesn't mean that I'm contemplating suicide, nor does it affect my opinion about this being a f*cked up world, and many here seem to agree with me. So comment by all means but keep your 2 bit diagnosis to yourself.

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It all depends in which fase is your life. I can relate to the op, all though im not yet his age.

Probably i wil not get there and dont even mind getting there. 

When you are younger you have other prio's and not even see the bad things for real.

Events in your past life affects your point of view, also your status and the changes all around.

At 50 I was thinking, what im a doing? Just go to work and back home again, empty way of life. 

Yeah yeah, it was good for Bking , a car, travel and so on. But happy? Didnt know what i missed, midlife crisis? 

Then it changed some later, you loose your job. Can say that made a really impact on my life.

But managed somehow after that and im still alive, retired now.

I know a college, had problems with high position job and divorced, but committed suicide. I never thought he could do that. 

You use internet, so confronted with many stupid things in the world. It makes you think, yup we are screwing up.

Those are my thoughts at my age. The newsters on this world may have another vision. They are young and just have to make their ways.

Sometimes i think, im an alien on this earth, i dont belong here. Or wished i would have been something else then a human, like an albatros or so. I love water and sea. The complexity of humans is big and we make it more and more complex. Civilisation ?

Just worthless leaders and co's screwing you in life. THey have the money, they have the power, listen , obey.

2000 , the world really started to change, a new system. The financial crisis 2008 was implemented for that change.

ALso now corona helps to make changes, coincidence? 

I think all those hippies form the 60-ties, they became again a part of the system. No more love, peace and freedom.?

THey all changed.

The youtube channel helps me so now and then and i watch movies with naughty or funny kids, or domestic animals doing things.

See this one, this one is so great.



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Pick 'em up on a scooter ...... never any parking problems.

Not to argue with your logic, but it's a lot safer with kids buckled in a car than taking chances on the roads of blind drivers with them on a scooter.

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Just now, fredwiggy said:

Not to argue with your logic, but it's a lot safer with kids buckled in a car than taking chances on the roads of blind drivers with them on a scooter.

Both of mine have survived on a scooter, no helmets.

Aged 8 and 22 now.

I put my trust in god.

Edited by BritManToo
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Just now, BritManToo said:

Both of mine have survived on a scooter, no helmets.

Aged 8 and 22 now.

I put my trust in god.

Only takes one time, especially in this insane drivers country, and if you hit your head without a decent helmet on, you'll either end up dead, or walking around all day picking up firewood, like my wife's brother does, living with mom at 43 because that's all he can do now.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Pick 'em up on a scooter ...... never any parking problems.

All 4 of them and then ride for 20 minutes up a country road, I don't think so, although I would imagine it would be fun if the heavens opened up....lol

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