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Nearly one-third of tourism-related businesses 'may shut down permanently'


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Let's refresh memories, 3 months ago Gen. Prayut said "everything is under control" Yes?

I didn't vote because I am not allowed, but the ones who voted for him must be kicking

themselves and I would add, they deserve what they wished for.



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27 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Tourism is definitely more than 40% of Thai economy. Almost everything depend on tourists except for the topmost government officers.

So we can expect a 40% fall in GDP then Eric, right?

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2 minutes ago, EricTh said:




A lot of tourist receipts are not recorded to evade taxes eg. Tuk-tuk drivers, ordinary traders etc. Then there are immigration agents involved in 'under the table' money for officers.


Yes, a 40% is quite the correct figure.




Soooo, if tourism is 40% and exports are 60%, where does private consumption, inventories, services, investment and government consumption  fit, remember they all have to add up to 100, not 140 or so!

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10 minutes ago, EricTh said:

All local consumption, exports, services etc are in the figure of 60% and it adds up to 100%.


Remember there are many hidden income not reported to the government. This include bar fees, 'special services' which is a huge industry catering to mostly foreigners etc. 

Um, not really, those things are not exports!


Here's some light easy reading that may help your understanding better:

https://www.nesdc.go.th/nesdb_en/article_attach/eng Q4-62_NEW.pdf


EDIT TO ADD: International Tourism Eric is classified as an export so it sits inside the 60% figure. What you're saying is that international tourism at 40% of GDP is worth more than the sum total of everything that Thailand exports which represents only 20% of GDP! You need to read that link mate.


Edited by Trillian
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If they opened the airports tomorrow I doubt very much there would be a huge flood of Tourists, possibly people like myself with a Thai partner and son stuck in the U.K. and unable to jump through hoops to return. My biggest concern is my partners Visa expires on the 4th of September and if the U.K. Immigration will treat with sympathy to extend it.

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10 hours ago, CLS said:

“considering moving the schedule up to open the country to foreign tourists under a practice similar to the travel bubble scheme”


Only the urge to make money brings them to reason.

Or perhaps to help working people who are suffering terribly?

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9 hours ago, overherebc said:

In addition how long will the 100,000 US dollar Covid insurance requirement stay 'on the books'?

For genuine tourists, ie not people using tourist visas to stay long term in Thailand, that is NOT the issue.

There are loads of companies offering it but one must be resident in the country of issue...eg UK


See my topic:


What ARE issues is this illusive / non-existent "Covid-free" letter and being forced into quarantine for 14 days

And that's when flights resume and Tourists are even allowed in!


And @ThailandRyan I agree  - the insurance requirement is probably here long-term - but from the above...does it matter?

Just choose your insurance company more carefully

Edited by VBF
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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You're assuming significant numbers of foreign tourists will ever be allowed in again.

You're assuming there will still be plentiful international flights ever again.

Which is a bet I wouldn't spend any money on. 

Disagree on both.

I believe tourists will be allowed, but the conditions may be more or less onerous - see my post #142 above

Flights will simply be the old law of supply and demand - the airlines are monitoring this world-wide - they have the capacity and will unleash it when it becomes commercially viable.

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2 hours ago, fraggleRock said:

the gold reserves are going to run out soon and the Bhat will collapse with significant inflation


2 hours ago, fraggleRock said:

sell your assets now and get your cash out of this doomed state

Is it me or are those two opinions completely at odds to each other? Sell your assets because the currency will be worthless soon.

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6 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Gross mismanagement, unregulated tourism, mass tourism for max. profit has led Thailand into human bondage, disease, murder and environmental catastrophe. The lure of drugs, sex, alcohol, on the cheap has virtually destroyed this paradise.  So... it's good that these businesses are dissolving.  Now is the time to repair and move forward, not an instant fix, but real sincere reparation, a new normal. Yes, it's time to weed out the drunken ex-pat mongers, send them home, stop the party venues (Full Moon etc.) Embrace eco-tourism, limit tourism and in the long run, revenues will increase. Young people, not foreigners will have opportunities that lead somewhere, not to debt and poverty, which lead to crime and self hate. NO, I'm not missionary, I'm a realist. 

And something of a killjoy? 

Just because you don't enjoy the things you mention, doesn't mean other consenting adults don't! 

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7 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

The lure of drugs, sex, alcohol, on the cheap has virtually destroyed this paradise.  So... it's good that these businesses are dissolving.  Now is the time to repair and move forward, not an instant fix, but real sincere reparation, a new normal. Yes, it's time to weed out the drunken ex-pat mongers, send them home, stop the party venues (Full Moon etc.) Embrace eco-tourism, limit tourism and in the long run, revenues will increase. Young people, not foreigners will have opportunities that lead somewhere, not to debt and poverty, which lead to crime and self hate. NO, I'm not missionary, I'm a realist. 


So basically make Thailand as fun as Minsk?

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1 hour ago, Time to grow said:

I wouldn't be so sure. The sooner the masses come to realize that it is a new paradigm, the better off they will be.

Where do you obtain your information I want to be at the same level of knowledge as yourself?

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2 hours ago, Moo 2 said:

Let's refresh memories, 3 months ago Gen. Prayut said "everything is under control" Yes?

I didn't vote because I am not allowed, but the ones who voted for him must be kicking

themselves and I would add, they deserve what they wished for.




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