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Youth launch protest against 'deep-rooted Thai dictatorship'


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20 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

They’ll be back in a couple of weeks. And again after that. They want Prayut and his thieving, lying, drug smuggling cohorts gone. 





. and replace with what ? ........ Thaksin and his thieving, lying, drug dealer murdering cohorts

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24 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

It was reported that it was more than several thousand So the headline of 100s could be an inaccurate figure no doubt the government will announce further lockdowns if these demonstrations get out of hand by using Covid 19 as an excuse.




Probably won't shoot them for ignoring social distancing guidelines  -  the again, the current Emergency Decree bestows wide ranging powers.

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The Student Union of Thailand and the "Yaowashon Plod Ak -- Free Youth" group are jointly holding a street protest at Democracy Monument on Saturday evening to express their opposition to what they call Thailand's "deep-rooted dictatorial system".


The Student Union of Thailand and the "Yaowashon Plod Ak -- Free Youth" group are jointly holding a street protest at Democracy Monument on Saturday evening to express their opposition to what they call Thailand's "deep-rooted dictatorial system".

Why repeat only 1 paragraph twice? Better repeat the complete post twice. It will be stronger....


as for the youths - yeah, I'm also against all the covid related restrictions and bad economic situation that it all caused, but guys, read about other places in the world - we are ALL in the same boat. ALL government around the world (well, except for Sweden) did pretty much the same. It doesn't matter who would have been in power at the beginning of the pandemic - we'd still be in the same situation.

As for freedom of speech - do a little history search of about 25-30 years ago and see the difference...... and also to the Taksin era, from 2001 to 2006. There is a lot more freedom now than in both periods. 

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Interesting to see some opposition movement waking up.

The event was reported by the Bangkok post but you could not post any comment this shows how the media is controlled by the puppets in bkk.

Maybe the start of something as many thais lost their welfare the last months and many have nothing to loose anymore 

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1 minute ago, Classic Ray said:

Without protests, the US would never have pulled out of Vietnam, Civil Rights for black people would never have advanced, SouthAfrica would still have Apartheid, Germany would still be separated, and hundreds of other wrongs would never have been righted.


Protests are the sign of a healthy democracy. All very well the Thai government saying protestors must comply with the law, but if that law suppresses freedom of speech, the people will not obey it.

Students protesting is just a thing a student is supposed to do, The forget about it once they have a decent job or can eat a part of the cake.  Who is protesting for the boeren who are killed on a daily base now in South Africa? Oh right they are white only BLM.

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6 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I’m not sure Prayut is any different to Thaksin.


I have no evidence for my statement. Do you have any evidence for yours? 

Taksin started at 3 billion and ended with 36 billion. Prayut , I don't know?

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Reminds me of the animals that wait till a car is almost on them and then run across the road.

Do they not learn Thai history at school?

Should stick to protesting about climate change.

The "official" history taught in Thai syllabus is not exactly authentic anyway. Actually I do think if there's any chance of changes to the establishments, it has to come from the people like this, although it will be very very unlikely. 

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5 hours ago, Thailand said:

Good on ya young uns, just be wary as the ptb have the big guns and they have been known to use them.

If they want Peace they must be ready for War.   Blood will have to be spilt to sort this country out once and for all !

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

maybe he could elaborate, seems to me that under this administration peoples rights in Thailand have greatly diminished, the deck is stacked in every direction, Hong Kong democracy activists think they have problems

Looks like you've done a complete about turn, you used to be one of the military's biggest fans. Come to think of it, the rest of the cheerleaders seem to have taken a vow of silence these days.

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