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Four types of foreigners to be allowed to enter Thailand: CCSA


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1 hour ago, Keesters said:

Sounds similar to UK and its legal/illegal immigration policy. Only difference is with UK you get a shiny new British passport after a few years, and plenty of freebies to help you settle in. Just scream "racist" and you get everything you'll ever need. 

Right wing garbage 

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I think this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8550943/Britons-wear-facemasks-takeaways.html and its photos depicting the helpless 'elite' made me do the following. 


Let me speak to you in my presidential face mask (best effort): 


'My fellow [whoever]. You wonder when we will return to life pre-covid, or if at all. The short answer is: We could do it in a few months, but that would require everyone's cooperation, also that of me and my colleagues, and given the irrationality of mankind (here also of white christians), I just don't see this on the cards. 


You know, when I said that covid was not worse than a flu, I was basically right, but I forgot to tell you one thing. See: We trust our immune system to preserve our health much more than most of us are aware of. We take its tireless and reliable functioning anytime for granted, even if we treat it bad. And yes we treat it bad much of the time: If we eat and drink the way we have got used to, most of all too many carbohydrates (sugar and starch), our body produces lots of excess fat, because our metabolism doesn't flush excess carbs out but converts it into fat and stores it. The more fat we accumulate (apart from the ridiculous looks), the more we make working conditions difficult for our immune system. If we then also rather sit and watch TV (on top possibly consume tobacco and alcohol) plus put all our confidence on medication should we get sick, we are virtually guaranteed that nothing changes - thus things won't get better in society, and thereby for ourselves. 


Understand: We politicians are not in a very different position from you yourselves. We can only choose from a very small number of alternatives that our self-produced system allows us to take. Here is where you could play a decisive part: If all of you slim down thus make things easy for your immune system, then my prediction could come true: If attacked by covid (or any other microbe), our immune system would in most cases beat the aggressor all by itself (no medication needed) within days, or even hours. Scientists would become encouraged to put more research into this path, and this would encourage also me and my colleagues to slim down ourselves, by eating only the right thing and not pretending that some golf-playing were real exercise. Even if it would mean that the fast food and pharmaceutical industries would express their profound unhappiness at such a turn of events. 


This would be the moment where we could say: We can lift all the bans and return to permit our previous lifestyle, the one we all appreciate. But we need your cooperation, and permanently. So basically, your choice is to be weak and keep on eating and drinking as you have become used to and henceforth wear a mask plus cannot travel, or be strong and change your eating and exercising habits to get rid of your excess fat, and be allowed to otherwise live the life you used to live. Let me know your decision.' 


PS after taking down the face mask: It can be done. Don't smoke/drink. Eat/drink low-carb (there are other methods, I know this one). Get half an hour of fx swimming (don't float - feel your muscles, raised heartbeat and breath frequency) five days a week. You will look and feel great again, also past 70. So much that you will no longer feel yearnings for what you used to eat/drink. And you will save lots of money.  




Edited by visacrack
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Migrant workers with 100k insurance...yeah right. Probably bringing them in so they have people to blame for an outbreak.


Elite - Good, they paid for the privilege. 


Tourists - “Hey honey, want to go on vacation and spend the first 2 weeks in a hotel quarantine room doing nothing but being constantly monitored and tested?” “But...I only have 2 weeks of vacation time....”.


A corona free country OR selectively let some people in which will ultimately result in out of control local transmission. Can’t have it both ways.



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19 hours ago, lee b said:

Medical tourists will still have to stay in state quarantine for 14 days? 


What if an appointment is before, what if the condition is serious?



The quarantine is at the hospital where treatment is obtained and can include the treatment period


In order to come must have letter from the receiving hospital stating they can provide the 14 day quarantine

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1 minute ago, Sean60 said:

Migrant workers can afford to pay insurance for coverage of $100000 ???? 

not required for migrant workers.


Migrant workers are eligible for cover under the "30 baht" scheme for an annual premium of about 1800 baht.

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1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

Yet again, the Government has not thought this through.  It would be well worth checking the Educational Qualifications of all the MPs.............oh wait, we are in Thailand, sorry forgot!

Thailand is, and always has been the polar opposite of a meritocracy. They choose ministers and advisors from the bottom of the barrel. 

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32 minutes ago, thairookie said:

So Thailand is going to let the migrant workers enter Thailand in order to jump start the food industry. But most would be sitting around in empty restaurants and swiping on their mobile phones if they refuse to let the foreign patrons into Thailand.




The food processing industry.


refers to foods products prepared in factories and sold in supermarkets and exported.


nothing to do with restaurants and even less to do with foreign restaurant patrons.

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11 minutes ago, ExpatOne said:



Tourists - “Hey honey, want to go on vacation and spend the first 2 weeks in a hotel quarantine room doing nothing but being constantly monitored and tested?” “But...I only have 2 weeks of vacation time....”.




Tourists are not included. No tourist visas being issued. these rules do nto concern tourism, which is still completely on hold.


it is understood that tourism will nto be possible if 14 day quarantine required. Hence the interest in establishing "travel bubbles" but as yet they have not been able to develop a viable scheme for that. Not least because most of the possible countries wil nto let their citizens back in without quarantine on their end.

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23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

not required for migrant workers.


Migrant workers are eligible for cover under the "30 baht" scheme for an annual premium of about 1800 baht.

It could be similar situation happened in Singapore.


Migrant/foreigner worker (some even their family members) who being approved to go back to work.

Either they pay for all necessary Covid-19 prevention measurements (quarantine/insurance) by themselves or their employers will bear it all or 50%-50%.

If employers saw justification need to bring back their foreign workers, they will consider to pay.

Foreigner work cannot apply to go back to work by themselves. Employer will apply and get approval from respective gov authority.

There might be some sort of tax incentive/deduction for employers who pro-actively helping to get their business back to normal.

It also depends on which work industries also, some industries had advantage like medical, transport...


Edited by Calvin1976
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3 hours ago, MrMo said:

I would have thought that there are enough Thais out of work that it would be unnecessary to import labour for what are not exactly highly skilled tasks.


Because even though there is no work, Thais would sooner do nothing and prefer to beg, steal or borrow, rather than do construction work or be in the fishing industry 

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18 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


Because even though there is no work, Thais would sooner do nothing and prefer to beg, steal or borrow, rather than do construction work or be in the fishing industry 

Why are you so desperate to return then if the people are all so lazy and worthy of your disdain?

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On 5/14/2020 at 9:01 AM, keith101 said:

I am a huge boxing fan but wouldn't pay 1 satang to go and see this Ahole fight after biting off an ear .


And as a convicted rapist should not be allowed into Thailand .



Well well well land of hiding 

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

So they will let in migrant workers even though unemployment in the country is through the roof, and pretty much deny anyone who is going to come in and spend money? I wonder what school of economics they attended? Obviously must have been local as they would have failed miserably anywhere else.

They might not find Thais that for a minimum salary want to do the same work that migrant workers do for a minimum salary.

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Honest truth no foreign tourists for rest of this year and probably next year as well. Bangkok Airlines must be in dire financial difficulties as both its passenger and airports income must have almost completely dried up. Koh Samui will go back to Coconut Farming which will be good for the environment although quality of coconuts will make them hard to sell and most inhabitants will have to go back to Isaan. If you are prepared to invest for the future 2 or 3 years ahead plenty of property for sale at knock down prices but better wait until next year.

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

So they will let in migrant workers even though unemployment in the country is through the roof, and pretty much deny anyone who is going to come in and spend money? I wonder what school of economics they attended? Obviously must have been local as they would have failed miserably anywhere else.

I see the potential for a future race war between Thais and foreign guest workers from these neighboring countries brewing if the former see the latter as stealing their jobs. It would make sense to bring in foreign workers if there was a labor shortage, but with all the unemployed Thais now, it makes zero sense. Just the cost and bureaucracy involved should be enough to dis-incentivize any employer to do this right now.

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1 minute ago, drbeach said:

I see the potential for a future race war between Thais and foreign guest workers from these neighboring countries brewing if the former see the latter as stealing their jobs. It would make sense to bring in foreign workers if there was a labor shortage, but with all the unemployed Thais now, it makes zero sense. Just the cost and bureaucracy involved should be enough to dis-incentivize any employer to do this right now.



You do understand that the Thais are content to have lower caste Burmese, Khmer and Laoation workers undertake the jobs that they look down their nose at. 

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6 minutes ago, khunPer said:

They might not find Thais that for a minimum salary want to do the same work that migrant workers do for a minimum salary.

True argument during normal times but right now desperate Thais who are out of work would surely work anywhere they are being given a job.

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2 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



You do understand that the Thais are content to have lower caste Burmese, Khmer and Laoation workers undertake the jobs that they look down their nose at. 

No. Not if millions of Thais remain unemployed.


In the past it worked out alright because Thailand apparently had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world.


IF they perceive foreigners, especially those from poorer neighboring countries as taking their jobs the results will be dire.

Think something similar to the anti-Thai riots in Phnom Penh back in 2003, but this time the Thais will initiate it.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


The food processing industry.


refers to foods products prepared in factories and sold in supermarkets and exported.


nothing to do with restaurants and even less to do with foreign restaurant patrons.

Thais should be doing that work assuming there really is as big an unemployment problem as is being stated. Cambodians and Burmese can find work in their own countries.

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1 hour ago, Expat Tom said:

The mere fact that the Thai authorities would even consider letting Chinese back into this country is idiotic. In 1957 the Chinese gave the world the Asian Flu followed by the Hong Kong flu, the Bird flu, SARS, Swine flu and the CCP Wuhan,China ( Incase you don't know where the current pandemic came from....Wuhan) coronavirus. Now there is acknowledgement from China that there is a new Swine flu and Bubonic Plague in the country. Additionally, on one in the WORLD accepts the numbers from the CCP as fact. A recent French study states that the likely true number of CCP Virus cases in China exceeds 4,000,000 and the deaths in the 100's of thousands.  


There are a few possible answers as to why the Thai authorities would consider letting Chinese back into Thailand:

1) They are woefully uninformed 

2) They are ignorant

3) There is huge money interest either in pretutating the counter productive destructive "mass tourism model" in the which the country receives more environment and infrastructure damage than monetary benefit.  

4) Someone or some group is receiving direct payments to promote Chinese tourism...aka, bribery.

5) Thailand is truly a vassal state to China.


When the majority of the members of ASEAN are lining up to confront Chinese bullying and aggression throughout the region, why does Thailand want to throw the doors open and welcome their "Big Brother's" from the North.

Thailand will soon find itself as the "Odd man out in ASEAN"

Not quite true. Laos and Cambodia are courting China as is Myanmar. They are basically colonies of China now.

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3 minutes ago, drbeach said:

Thais should be doing that work assuming there really is as big an unemployment problem as is being stated. Cambodians and Burmese can find work in their own countries.


That is a huge assumption. Unsupported by any data I have seen.


Do you really think employers would be pushing to bring in migrants if they could find Thai workers? It costs over 20,000 baht per worker just to arrange the visa, and is a huge hassle in terms of paperwork.

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