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Couple who pointed guns at protesters tell Republican convention that suburbs in peril


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3 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

These two speakers have no credentials but waving guns at black people


A cult of personality

Trump admits he can't win a fair election

Extreme nepotism. Sixth close associate facing serious criminal charges

No platform, no policy but hate, exclusion, and the authoritarian security state.

177,000 deaths by covid-19 and climbing

Majority of Americans under 16 years of age "non-white"

RNC 2020 = last gasps of doomed dinosaurs



Yes, but to add to the tragedy, this toxic cult of personality has a decent chance of staying in power. Notice I didn't say they can win fair and square. But still, bad enough. 







The Grand Old Meltdown

What happens when a party gives up on ideas?


Earlier this month, while speaking via Zoom to a promising group of politically inclined high school students, I was met with an abrupt line of inquiry. “I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand,” said one young man, his pitch a blend of curiosity and exasperation. “What do Republicans believe? 



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6 hours ago, Smigel said:

Actually, I find the British security forces extremely professional and effective in what they do. 

I was quite obviously making a snide remark regarding the regular police force. 

In that when policing the first Blm protests in Whitehall, the police, wearing flat caps, white shirts  soft uniform etc. 

Many officers were reported and photographed taking the knee. 

They were also filmed running away when the protests (surprise, surprise) turned violent. 

Perhaps you remember the statue of Winston Churchill being defaced with Blm slogans, how about the scumbag trying to set alight the Union flag at the cenotaph. 

Contrast that a week later when some army veterans and members of the football alliance lads, journeyed to London to protect statues. 

They were met with squads of the spg in full riot gear, with truncheon drawns. 

I also read and heard reports of them being kettled, told where and when  they could congregate, and generally treated like trouble making scum. 

So you're a UK citizen, well so am I, and I can tell you there are very many people in the UK that are absolutely disgusted with the British police and their double standard policing. 

Unfortunately they have now become just like every other public service authority, hamstrung by political correctness and identity politics. 



Police sometimes need to make tactical withdrawals. Police should never support vigilantism. Unfortunately, way too many from the 'right of centre' propose actions contrary to the Rule of Law as do those from the extreme political left, each as bad as each other.

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6 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Support for the extreme left marxist BLM and ANTIFA incited mass destructions of American cities certainly supports actions contrary to the rule of law, however, defending one's own property against a violent mob is not vigilantism, it is self defence. One is not as bad as the other.


One is a targeted campaign of violence to achieve political goals and one is the restrained defence of one's property. To say they are as bad as each other is frankly disingenous. 

There appears to be lack of clarity if the protestors were actually on the home owner's property. In any case pointing loaded weapons at people passing by does, to me, even if they were verballing threats, appear to be an act of total stupidity as they had no idea if armed persons within the crowd would open fire. Highly probably if fire had been exchanged, they would have been killed, as well as unarmed people in the protester group. 


Disingenuous? far right people in the US have so far murdered more than those from the extreme left of US politics. I have yet to read a report from the FBI affirming Anitfa and BLM members being the primary movers for property destruction,. 


BTW which US cities have undergone "mass destruction" in the riots of the past months?

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15 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

I would say the only people who should be allowed to own firearms are responsible, well balanced individuals who know how to use them.

Those two snowflakes are not that.

And Trump got the loons up on a stage to support him?


They gave me a firearms licence......:stoner:,,,,No ploblem....????

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10 hours ago, Morch said:


"I'm glad you don't live in my country! In the USA your innocent till proven guilty! The couple hasn't been to trial!"





Neither has it been proven that the people walking by on a public footpath had an aim of hurting them or their property.


The same comment also applies to many of the incidents where black folks have been arrested / gunned down by the police / and by the 'karen' folks with no proof that they had any ill intent.



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With neighbors like these "people" I'd move... takes "man yells at kids to get off his lawn" to new heights?




The St. Louis couple who threatened Black Lives Matter protesters with guns once made children cry after destroying their beehives, report says


One incident in 2013 involved Mark McCloskey, the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation, and beehives that he smashed, the Post-Dispatch said. The paper said he threatened to sue the synagogue, obtain a restraining order, and seek legal fees if the mess wasn't cleaned up.

The beehives were part of the Hebrew school's curriculum, and the congregation was planning on harvesting honey to partake in a Rosh Hashanah tradition, the paper reported, and the children cried over it, the temple's rabbi said.






The St. Louis couple charged with waving guns at protesters have a long history of not backing down


But public records and interviews reveal a fuller picture than emerged two weeks ago. They show the McCloskeys are almost always in conflict with others, typically over control of private property, what people can do on that property, and whose job it is to make sure they do it.



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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

With neighbors like these "people" I'd move... takes "man yells at kids to get off his lawn" to new heights?




The St. Louis couple who threatened Black Lives Matter protesters with guns once made children cry after destroying their beehives, report says


One incident in 2013 involved Mark McCloskey, the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation, and beehives that he smashed, the Post-Dispatch said. The paper said he threatened to sue the synagogue, obtain a restraining order, and seek legal fees if the mess wasn't cleaned up.

The beehives were part of the Hebrew school's curriculum, and the congregation was planning on harvesting honey to partake in a Rosh Hashanah tradition, the paper reported, and the children cried over it, the temple's rabbi said.




If someone places a beehive next to the wall of your house, it is hardly unreasonable to remove it. 


What is unreasonable is for this Jewish Central Reform Congregation to place their beehvies on property they do not own. Clearly McCloskey could not have known those beehvies were private Hebrew school's project and that the honey was meant to "partake in a Rosh Hashanah tradition". That's completely irrelevant.


The only relevant thing is that some people placed a beehive next to someone's house and it got removed. Hardly unreasonable.

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

By all means prosecute all individuals who committed crimes.


But real crimes please, non of this made up nonsense of ‘looting’. 


Guess you missed all the news reports of countless cases of looting in many American cities since the BLM protests began? Or the vandalism and destruction. 


Once again, a great example of a left wing supporter denying reality and claiming it's made up nonsene.


Fake news - your're right up there!

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23 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

"This is the pernicious, sly and underhand distortion of reality...."


I agree and suggest you desist. 


"we have Kimberley Gardner, the Circuit Attorney of St Louis, who is a prominent supporter of BLM with strong political ambitions, in fact prosecuting the McCloskeys for a felony of "unlawful use of weapons" which carries a 4 year prison term."


Correct, Kimberly Gardner, the Circuit Attorney  of St Louis, is indeed prosecuting the McCloskeys for the felony of 'Unlawful use of weapons' and yes they face the possibility of a 4 year prison term. 


If you have material information that you believe could help their defence get in touch with their defence attorney, but if you do I suggest you leave out all the pejorative language dripping from your comments above. 



Meanwhile, since even you accept the McCloskeys are under protection for serious felony charges, it begs the question what on earth are they doing speaking at the GOP convention. It's not as if there aren't enough crooks in Trumps immediate circle that they have to go looking for more. 


Your attempt to smear this poster and attempt to silence him is noted, but it is futile and will be unsuccessful.


In terms of Kim Gardner, she is the first black Circuit Attorney of St. Louis, and she has just been confirmed as the Democrat candidate for the Circuit Attorney job yet again, which no doubt is meant to be a mere stepping stone for her further political ambitions. Clearly she is just angling for votes among her black constituency by prosecuting the McCloskeys for the ludicrous charge of "unlawful use" of a weapon. They never even fired a shot, and if it is not lawful to defend your home against a violent mob that is breaking the law, then frankly civilised society might as well defund itself.


There is of course no risk whatsoever of the McCloskeys getting a 4 year jail term. Gardner herself has quietely back-tracked and suggested a short counselling session would suffice.


Still the fact that it clearly was a violent mob that broke the law, not the McCloskeys, and they are the ones that are being prosecuted, while those who sought to intimidate Lyda Krewson in her private home face no prosecution at all shows that the USA has become a lawless puppet of the extreme left that can now do as it pleases, protected by sympathetic left-leaning Democrat officials who sympathise with BLM themselves.


The McCloskey's won't need any defence to this malicious prosecution by Kim Gardner, done purely for her own political motives, They are not criminals. The criminals were the BLM mob who broke the gate, trespassed and sought to intimidate and bully the mayor of St Louis, Lyda Krewson, in her private home. That however is of course perfectly fine for Kim Gardner. Since she supports BLM one  hundred percent.

Edited by Logosone
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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


I do believe the DNC had a speaker who was a former prostitute who was part of a kidnap gang the brutally tortured, raped and murdered an innocent businessman for which she served 27 years in prison.


The DNC labelled her "an impactful community leader".


Whereas these two people, faced with a mob illegally trespassing on their property, a mob with a history of looting, vandalism and destruction, choose to exercise their right to defend their property.


A racist divisive radical prosecutors looks to prosecute them, clearly politically motivated, whilst praising the mob. 


But as usual, if it suits your political agenda, your version of "reality" is what you pretend to be real.

Please tell us who amongst the protestors the McCloskeys were point their guns at (a felony) had a ‘history of looting, vandalism and destruction’?


Do you know there was anybody amongst the protestors with such a history or are you making it up as you go?



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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Guess you missed all the news reports of countless cases of looting in many American cities since the BLM protests began? Or the vandalism and destruction. 


Once again, a great example of a left wing supporter denying reality and claiming it's made up nonsene.


Fake news - your're right up there!

I guess you missed the bit that those reports were not referring to the protestors the McCloskeys were pointing their guns at.


Not even in the same State.

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4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Your attempt to smear this poster and attempt to silence him is noted, but it is futile and will be unsuccessful.


In terms of Kim Gardner, she is the first black Circuit Attorney of St. Louis, and she has just been confirmed as the Democrat candidate for the Circuit Attorney job yet again, which no doubt is meant to be a mere stepping stone for her further political ambitions. Clearly she is just angling for votes among her black constituency by prosecuting the McCloskeys for the ludicrous charge of "unlawful use" of a weapon. They never even fired a shot, and if it is not lawful to defend your home against a violent mob that is breaking the law, then frankly civilised society might as well defund itself.


There is of course no risk whatsoever of the McCloskeys getting a 4 year jail term. Gardner herself has quietely back-tracked and suggested a short counselling session would suffice.


Still the fact that it clearly was a violent mob that broke the law, not the McCloskeys, and they are the ones that are being prosecuted, while those who sought to intimidate Lyda Krewson in her private home face no prosecution at all shows the the USA has become a lawless puppet of the extreme left that can now do as it pleases, protected by sympathetic left-leaning Democrat officials who sympathise with BLM themselves.


The McCloskey's won't need any defence to this malicious prosecution by Kim Gardner, done purely for her own political motives, They are not criminals. The criminals were the BLM mob who broke the gate, trespassed and sought to intimidate and bully the mayor of St Louis, Lyda Krewson, in her private home. That however is of course perfectly fine for Kim Gardner. Since she supports BLM one  hundred percent.

There’s a problem with you victimhood theory.


If the McCloskey’s Do go to court they will be tried before a jury.


Your problems with the prosecuting Attorney (which seem to be a mixture of her gender/race and politics) ignore two facts:


1. They can’t be charged with breaking a law that doesn’t exist - either pointing guns at people is against the law or it is not.


2. The prosecuting attorney has zero control over the jury’s finding.

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4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

They all had a history of vandalism and destruction.


Because they destroyed the gate and vandalised it before they all trespassed on private property, with the sole aim of intimidating the mayor of St Louis, Lyda Krewson, in her own residence.


The destruction of the gate was vandalism. It was destruction. So they all had a history of vandalism and destruction.

You mean they all did that.


Do you have evidence that they all did that?


Or are you just making it up as you go.

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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There’s a problem with you victimhood theory.


If the McCloskey’s Do go to court they will be tried before a jury.


Your problems with the prosecuting Attorney (which seem to be a mixture of her gender/race and politics) ignore two facts:


1. They can’t be charged with breaking a law that doesn’t exist - either pointing guns at people is against the law or it is not.


2. The prosecuting attorney has zero control over the jury’s finding.

No, you're completely wrong. The vast majority of U.S. criminal cases are not concluded with a jury verdict, but rather by plea bargain. This case will never go to court, obviously. The McCloskeys are both lawyers and experienced litigators, they will have the best representation funded by sympathetic donors no doubt. 


If this case ever goes to court it would be very likely it would be heard by a judge rather than  jury in any case.


Again, the only reason the McCloskeys were prosecuted by Kim Gardner is because Kim Gardner needs points for her political elections and she panders to a black electorate because she is black herself.


Quite obviously pointing a gun at people is not against the law if you are reasonably in fear for your life, and given the violence and size of this mob it would be very easy for the McCloskeys to argue it was reasonable to fear for their lives, particularly given the deaths and destruction that accompanied mass BLM protests in many other cities only very recently.


And obviously a prosecuting attorney has a major influence on the outcome and process of a trial. 


But again, this will clearly never go to trial.

Edited by Logosone
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1 hour ago, Logosone said:

No. There is no "lack of clarity" at all. A BLM mob had smashed through the gates of a gated community with the aim of marching onto the private residence of mayor Lyda Krewson’s house in order to "protest racial injustice", in other words to intimidate mayor Krewson at her private residence to conform to their political demands. They were on private property and they were trespassing. If you buy a house in a housing development in the US you also get ownership, through a management company, of "common parts" for which the homeowners also pay upkeep. The BLM mob had damaged the gate, poured through onto private property, including the common areas for which the homeowners all paid upkeep. Even if the mob did not invade the house of the McCloskeys or their garden, the mob was trespassing, on property which the McCloskeys paid to keep up and which they co-owned. Even the sidewalk the protesters were on was private property, and common area paid for by all homeowners. As was the gate, which the BLM mob damaged.


I do not think it is an act of "total stupidity" to show that you are armed and willing to defend yourself if a violent mob  (and they were violent as they showed when they damaged the gate) pours into your private gated housing development in an act of trespassing which shows they are willing to break the law. Yes, you're right, of course there was a risk it could have escalated if there had been a full altercation with both sides using guns, however, the situation had already escalated, a large violente mob had broken the law and trespassed private property located directly next to the house of the McCloskeys. Anyone who has ever witnessed a mob and is familiar with mob dynamics knows that is a dangerous situation and that it is quite possible that the fear instilled by seeing the two  armed people in fact was the key sobering wake-up and dissuaded the mob from further violence.


In that situation normal logic is prone to take a leave of absence anyway, as the McCloskeys were justifiably terrified of this large violent mob. Clearly what they did worked. The guns had a sobering influence on the mob who decided to desist from their illegal actions and instead decided to beat a retreat.


What we are seeing is how the left and the very extreme left have harnessed violence and intimidation in the political discourse in the US. This mob came to this private gated housing development with one aim: To intimidate Lyda Krewson. And the reason was not just legitimate political protest against "racial injustice". The real reason was that Lyda Krewson had published the names of all those who had sent letters calling for the St. Louis police to be "defunded". The mob wanted to go to her house to intimidate her at her private home. On a private property.


Legitimate political protest does not take place in your opponents home or on their garden or their property. It takes places in public places. This mob was not in a public place. It had invaded a private place. With the aim to intimidate and bully Lyda Krewson to do what the extreme left wanted, to defund the police.


So it should be very clear, given what we have all seen in the last few weeks, that it is in fact the extreme left which has no qualms about introducing violence, destruction, harrassment and bullying into political discourse in the USA. This mob was violent, it destroyed the private gate and was trespassing on private property with the aim of harrassing and bullying Lyda Krewson to conform to their extreme leftist agenda, to defund the police.


This is the pernicious, sly and underhand distortion of reality by the left, they accuse Trump of being the violent dictator, yet all along it is in fact the extreme left that has, for weeks and weeks now, used violence to harrass, bully and torment their political opponents into doing what they want. 


And when a violent mob violently breaks a gate, breaks the law by trespassing with the sole aim of bullying and harrassing the female mayor of St. Louis, not only do we have people defending this here, we have Kimberley Gardner, the Circuit Attorney of St Louis, who is a prominent supporter of BLM with strong political ambitions, in fact prosecuting the McCloskeys for a felony of "unlawful use of weapons" which carries a 4 year prison term. Not the violent mob, who broke the gate, broke the law by trespassing with the sole aim of harrassing a resident there and bully her to conform politically, ie the very people who precipitated and caused the situation. No. They go completely free and blameless. However, the McCloskeys are prosecuted for a felony by a prominent BLM supporter and would be politician in search of votes. When it was in fact the mob that started the violence.


So that is where we have come in the US, the extreme left not only introducing violence, breaking the law, and destruction of private property and harrassment of political officials in their private home into political discourse, but then vote-hungry Circuit Attorneys who are left-leaning themselves actually prosecute people who defend themselves without firing a shot, ie acting reasonably whilst leaving the violent mob who caused everything go free. 


It is absolutely scandalous what is happening in the US.













Superb post and summation of events. 

It beggars belief, that the Democrats ( an oxymoron if ever there was one) and their supporters, really think that almost 90 days of violence, arson, looting, intimidation and murder, will result in middle Americans voting for them in droves, is beyond parody. 

All they have is hatred and divisiveness. 

Unify the nation, pull the other one.! 

Anyone else heard the screams of MSN, and Democrat outrage over the murder of Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old boy shot in the head from point blank range. 

No, neither have I, doesn't fit the narrative. 

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

No, you're completely wrong. The vast majority of U.S. criminal cases are not concluded with a jury verdict, but rather by plea bargain. This case will never go to court, obviously. The McCloskeys are both lawyers and experienced litigators, they will have the best representation funded by sympathetic donors no doubt. 


If this case ever goes to court it would be very likely it would be heard by a judge rather than  jury in any case.


Again, the only reason the McCloskeys were prosecuted by Kim Gardner is because Kim Gardner needs points for her political elections and she panders to a black electorate because she is black herself.


Quite obviously pointing a gun at people is not against the law if you are reasonably in fear for your life, and given the violence and size of this mob it would be very easy for the McCloskeys to argue it was reasonable to fear for their lives, particularly given the deaths and destruction that accompanied mass BLM protests in many other cities only very recently.


And obviously a prosecuting attorney has a major influence on the outcome and process of a trial. 


But again, this will clearly never go to trial.

Nothing for you to be Grousing about them.


But you are correct about one thing, there is politicking at play.


The Trump campaign think it good politics and a vote catcher to invite two people to speak at their convention who’s only qualification to do so is they pointed guns at protestors.

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1 minute ago, Smigel said:

Superb post and summation of events. 

It beggars belief, that the Democrats ( an oxymoron if ever there was one) and their supporters, really think that almost 90 days of violence, arson, looting, intimidation and murder, will result in middle Americans voting for them in droves, is beyond parody. 

All they have is hatred and divisiveness. 

Unify the nation, pull the other one.! 

Anyone else heard the screams of MSN, and Democrat outrage over the murder of Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old boy shot in the head from point blank range. 

No, neither have I, doesn't fit the narrative. 

It beggars belief that Trump thinks violence and rioting in America under his administration is something he can blame on the Democrats.

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