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Democrats oppose Trump Wisconsin visit, president says 'strength' only answer


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6 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Mama Noodle just pointed it out in black and white for all to see.  That line is pure, unadulterated propaganda purposely written to promote a reality that doesn't exist and fool people into thinking it's true.  And as W.C. Fields famously and astutely quipped, "There's a sucker born every minute."  Crooked politicians and other corrupt people understand W.C. Fields full well and know they can count on the unthinking and uncritical portion of the population to be easily fooled.


We all remember the professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber's famous admission, "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass."


You can thrust this type of evidence right in people's faces time and time again and still they refuse to recognize that they're simply fools being played.

Love darksidedogs post unfortunately trump is what he is he will do whatever benefits him any thing that benefits the country is accidental.now this post I’m truly amazed that you as a non American are such a voracious critic of our system and such a strong supporter of the man who is destroying our institutions and safety nets as he stokes racial divisions curious that.the mayor is correct imo trump isent going there to lead he’s going there as a campaign stop and is likely to creat more anger and un rest plus they have their hands full without having to devote time energy and resources babysitting trump

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

It says the population doesent trust and or respect the guy put in power by the electoral college with outside help who exacerbates racial tensions for political gain it says America is trying in her imperfect way to rectify the problem created by her history and by this potus who fans the division for political gain there would be a very different reaction if trump was a unifier as far as vote rigging that is another reason folks don’t trust trump it’s obvious that’s exactly what he’s trying to do by suppressing and  solicitation of foreign interference he is what he is

Will be interesting to see what the majority say in the next election. That's the thing about democracy, you get the chance to vote for your preferred individual/party again - not sulk like a child for a few years. As for outside help, I thought that had been disproved and the vote rigging proved which is why the US President is looking to do something about it. Guess all this it depends on which news source one considers as accurate and as most have now been shown to lie its difficult to pick out the bias. For example, the BBC has now been totally disregarded by most folk who now seek alternatives and or varied news sources - just saying

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I haven't heard why a 17 year old kid, too young to buy a beer, too young to vote and too young to buy a gun, was wandering around with no parental supervision. Did his mommy and daddy even know he had the gun?

Seems an issue.

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The guy who hid in a bunker because there were protests outside the WH talking about strength.  That's funny.????.


Then he went across the street surrounded by the military firing tear gas just so he can have a photo op holding a bible in front of a church he never goes to. 

Edited by shdmn
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11 hours ago, Donga said:

I'd be very careful with polling, which was wrong in the 2016 Presidential election, Brexit and Australian federal election. On each occasion the centre/left media took their own bias too seriously. Buddha knows how the polls were constructed, but they were wrong. In any case, here's coverage of another poll just released, which shows Trump rapidly gaining on Biden due to the Law and Order issue.. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/world/donald-trump-breaks-through-with-message-on-crime/news-story/254fdfda6887cc0acf171d78ab41099e

The BLM protesters could well help Trump win again, just like the silly Greens protests lost Labor the coal miners vote. How does a Labor party lose the coal miners? Hubris and biased, smug, city based media can disengage workers and regional voters. Labor now has four seats outside of the capital cities.

I was expecting Biden to win easily, but now not sure. The Democratic convention was a disaster for Biden, regardless of the centre/left media coverage, and I worry he's just not up to it. They should have nominated Kamala Harris and be done with the old guy. I would not be surprised if Trump wins again, and might come with some black voters switching, scared of police defunding. They know where the overwhelming number of gunshots and crime comes from.

The longer BLM rioters are left unchecked, the more likely Trump will be re-elected. Let's see if the Democratic governors can work this out. Or whether the CNN, Washington Post, New York Times etc continues to blindside them into thinking they have this in the bag.

A very prescient post...maybe because you are Australian (I'm guessing) and outside the biased US based media bubble (surveys have shown 80+ percent of those in the media are Democrats and this will affect their reporting no matter what they claim) so are able to have a more clear-eyed take on the campaign. It is also just a fact that the big media sources are concentrated in a few left Democrat coastal cities and so are susceptible to thinking what they see around them every day is America writ large. As for the polls, as you say, they are only as good as the assumptions that go into constructing them...particularly their "likely voter" profile. If they get this wrong, the poll will not be accurate. I agree with you that the election is Trump's to lose and at this point he's coming on strong and Biden is fading fast and you can see this in all the nervous liberal commentary since the end of the conventions. The Democrat Party decision to hitch their strategy to an anti-police and pro-crime and disorder movement is pure insanity.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The only problem he cares about is desperately trying to stay in power. There is zero percent chance that he will ever be any kind of unifying president. 

What is there to "unify" over...the Democrat Party has it's far left agenda of defunding the police, open borders, and socialized medicine and the Republicans don't. I doubt either side wants any unity with the other...I certainly don't. 

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14 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

The people have spoken in latest poll. Trump took a gamble on portraying strength against protesters failed miserably. Majority have dim view of his crackdown on protests against racial inequality. Another failed attempt following his rather non inspiring and low energy RNC speech.


Trump is crusin' to victory...autopilot engaged.


Joe Biden Had Better Watch It https://nyti.ms/31FL698

Edited by Pattaya Spotter
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