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Thai PM wants all tourists to wear wristbands - we're not opening the floodgates


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This is fully in line with the earlier statement that Thai Prisons are a good holiday venue.


Make it a complete experience!


Lock all arriving tourists up in a Hotel room without the chance to leave this room (at least the first days). No external food delivered, no glass of Wine. After that track them like criminals with a GPS tracker.


Seriously you can not make this up!

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10 hours ago, finnsk said:

Europe people will not use GPS wristbands, thats a thing used to criminal persons.  I can also hardly believe they will accept the other requirements to STV visa.


No reason to send a flight to Scandinavia.


If Thailand want western tourists, they must show much more human respect and better behavior.



I guess they will not be coming


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10 hours ago, Surelynot said:

OMG....................how totally ignorant of history can one person be?


This has horrendous overtones.


 Absolutely correct. 

    So called farangs / expats / Aliens , currently visiting the Kingdom .

   Should be required to have a electronic chip , implanted into their toot ..

  Your Location , tracked ...  Not forgetting your lady wife,also tracked ..

   Visiting , the village again , and again...?


Edited by elliss
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10 hours ago, doctormann said:

Every day, a new harebrained scheme.

They really are clueless!


MORONS, par excellence ! in 3 weeks the USA will release at least one of 3 FDA approved vaccines, there is 5 = FIVE = Ha vaccines ready to be released within weeks after the first vaccine. 100k USA insurance is a death blow to Thai tourism, add to that this INSANE wrist band INSULT, not to mention a 14 day Thai prison-like quarantine stay, GET OVER YOURSELVES you ex army bullies. 

I live here and am NOT leaving, I love the country and the people, the Government yikes!!!

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2 hours ago, Russel said:

Coincidentally they have chosen Chinese and Scandinavians or the ones most prone to accept these impositions. Chinese coming from decades of Communist dictatorship, while the Scandinavians especially the Swedes are already used to it since the most of them are already microchipped

Maybe the Chinese will accept this crazy idea, Swedes will definitely not come. One of the few countries in the world with personal freedom during this virus is Sweden, no lockdowns, no face masks needed or other BS, and when did Swedes get microchipped?

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5 hours ago, lkv said:

But you are not a retiree in Thailand, you are a retiree in your home country that Thailand wanted to attract previously, for extended visits in the Kingdom, with non Immigrant visas and extensions of stay.

Rules of retirement visa is 50 years and older and x amount in bank.  Says nothing about being retired in your own country.  Some of us can travel often enough to make the longstay worthwhile 

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1 hour ago, WorldTravellerMUC said:

This is fully in line with the earlier statement that Thai Prisons are a good holiday venue.


Make it a complete experience!


Lock all arriving tourists up in a Hotel room without the chance to leave this room (at least the first days). No external food delivered, no glass of Wine. After that track them like criminals with a GPS tracker.


Seriously you can not make this up!

But they do make it up, everyday and it would seem very easily, without any effort and even less thought. 

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2 hours ago, DefaultName said:

I haven't read through all 18 pages, so please forgive me if this has been asked already.


Do these lock on?

If not, what's to stop the tourist taking it off before heading to a massage parlour, or somewhere else that wouldn't look good when the GPS records are requested by a divorce court?

why would a divorce court get access to something a tourist is wearing in Thailand? Idiotic quote of the day

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What silly way to show signs Thailand needs foreigner's money. Solve the problem first. So many good Doctors and hospital wanting only foreigners to charge high bills to pay. The Virus 19 Is a world problem and need all to step up to find the best way to resolve all people dying to make a better Thailand!

Good Luck World

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

More nonsense. More arrogance from the incompetent. 


Thailand needs courageous leadership. They don't have it. The army are major cowards. ANY person from ANY nation should be welcome starting tomorrow, if they are willing to subject themselves to a 14 day quarantine and pay excessive fees for that two week sentence. There is no downside or risk, and only upside for the nation. No groveling from a local consulate should be required. That is utter nonsense. A covid free letter and a booking at an approved hotel. Period. No more Inane "Phuket or Thailand models". And no special health insurance either. Quarantine is enough of a penalty already. Stop being silly and stop the nonsense. 
And they should be begging foreigners who are already here, to stay. Foreigners who overstay their permission to remain in Thailand face fines and even possible jail. Huh? Really? You have got to be kidding. Wait a minute. Have you guys lost your senses? Have you forgotten your people, entirely? 
For the more than a hundred thousand tourists that are estimated to still be here on tourism visas, I suggest free unlimited visas, 10,000 baht hotel vouchers, and vouchers for many free, gourmet meals. And an immigration officer will come to your hotel to renew your visa, to show our appreciation, of your continued support. Perhaps half price air tickets for domestic travel.
Princely treatment. Thank you so much for helping to rescue our economy and our people. We appreciate it, and aim to show it for a change! We are past the era of thugs like the big joke. And we apologize for all of his abuse. 

Spidermike - wake up. You've been dreaming again. Yes, you're still in Thailand.

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13 hours ago, Henryford said:

Now who else wanted minorities to wear armbands, let me think.


13 hours ago, Henryford said:

Now who else wanted minorities to wear armbands, let me think.

You may have a point here - does have dark connotations. My immediate emotional response was, no way tourists would agree to that.  An app on the phone is one thing, being required to wear a wrist band at all times is going way too far. 


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3 hours ago, DefaultName said:

I haven't read through all 18 pages, so please forgive me if this has been asked already.


Do these lock on?

If not, what's to stop the tourist taking it off before heading to a massage parlour, or somewhere else that wouldn't look good when the GPS records are requested by a divorce court?

I haven't read all 18 pages either but I'll bet you are the only one who asked that.

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3 hours ago, DefaultName said:

I haven't read through all 18 pages, so please forgive me if this has been asked already.


Do these lock on?

If not, what's to stop the tourist taking it off before heading to a massage parlour, or somewhere else that wouldn't look good when the GPS records are requested by a divorce court?

I hope your missus doesn't read that post.

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43 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

Anyone who goes through 14 days of quarantine, pays thousands of dollars for it, and gets tracked for a vacation of closed tourist attractions needs their heads examined.  

And then maybe no flight out / flights cancelled / uncertain visa requirements afterwards / 

Oh, did I mention the 14 day quarantine when you get home?  

This is just beyond pathetic.  


I have a question -  the people stuck here are tourists? ie. they are not allowed into their home countries because of covid fears? From a country that has one of lowest covid rates going?  I believe these are people who want to live here until they don't want to live here anymore, by any other name, expats.  That is my understanding of this situation.

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Wow...What a great way to make tourists feel welcomed in Thailand...kind of like what the Nazi's did to the Jews during WWII by marking them with the Star of David, & then branding them with their very own unique Tattoo number! 

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