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Living the life as an expat in Thailand


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2 hours ago, Virt said:


Well Samui could be an option since we been there 11 times and gotten to know quite a few of the locals. 

Money had to last for about 30-35 years. 

The thing is that I want to continue to live as a tourist and that just requires more money. Would love to have a base on Samui and then stay a month in various locations in Thailand a few times a years plys the trips back to visit friends in Denmark. That just cost more. 


I know we could live there now if we just hunkered down in 1 cheap spot, but I think I would grow tired of that fast. 


So maybe in 10 years time. Cross my fingers ????


Until then I envy you who took the leap. ????

I don't understand your thinking with the "live as a tourist" thing. Most of us expats on this forum don't live in resorts, but are definitely not "hunkered down in 1 cheap spot".

Obviously we don't live in resorts on the beach, sipping cocktails and ordering meals on room service, but we do live comfortably and much more economically in varying levels of alternative accommodation. We may have long term tenant, but are not imprisoned by it. We can visit the resorts to sip cocktails and order a meal whenever the mood strikes, and the beaches are free. One of the great things about Thailand is that you can eat out cheaply for every meal and never cook again if you don't wish to. 

If you want to travel the country and stay in different places for weeks or months at a time it's very easy and relatively (compared to the west) cheap to do so. Check out YouTube. It's full of characters roaming the country, staying in hotels and eating in different restaurants for all meals and documenting everything. It's easy to lock up your residence for whatever period, and great to have a home base to return to.

With a little organization you can have your tourist lifestyle without spending anywhere near the money a tourist does.

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1 hour ago, KhunFred said:

That's what the locals call me, so WHY does it show lack of understanding? I suppose I could use LUNGFred, they call me that, too.

You don't understand,like i said.You never call yourself Khun.

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2 hours ago, Hawaiian said:

"Tranquil weather at all times"?  Don't think so.  Typhoon season is hell.  Most of Mindanao is rarely subject to typhoons, but the Muslim insurgency is something to worry about.  I was there when Pinatubo erupted.  Unable to fly out because of the ash.  Wait list a mile long.  Luckily we had knew someone at the airline to move us to the top of the wait list. Then there is Mayon and Taal volcanoes that can be threats. 

Quiet. Let's not disillusion KhunFred. He's on his way.???? However, he's not announced the flight schedule yet. Could merely be one of our bashers perpetually talking big about going to leave but never will.

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5 minutes ago, jvs said:

You don't understand,like i said.You never call yourself Khun.

I never DO......except on social media. I understand that you DON'T understand. Few Thais read TVF. "KhunFred" is nothing but an internet handle, NOT what I call myself. Are you fifteen years old??????

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3 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Quiet. Let's not disillusion KhunFred. He's on his way.???? However, he's not announced the flight schedule yet. Could merely be one of our bashers perpetually talking big about going to leave but never will.

In order to announce my flight schedule, (which I WON'T) the Philippines would have to be accepting potential retirees, which they are NOT. Sounds like Davao City, Mindanao would be a safe bet. I will take my chances with the Muslim element. I am NOT a "THai basher". I am simply tired of being treated like a criminal at Immigration. Even simple things like 90 day reports are unnecessary and plain STUPID. The insanity of the bank deposit requirements are another pickle in the punchbowl. When the American Embassy was giving out letters of income, things were sane and easy. Now, even though they have an Ambassador in place, he must have the easiest job in the world, since they no longer feel the need to serve expats. I HAVE to leave, I don't have a choice, Thailand has been priced out of my pay grade.

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18 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

In order to announce my flight schedule, (which I WON'T) the Philippines would have to be accepting potential retirees, which they are NOT. Sounds like Davao City, Mindanao would be a safe bet. I will take my chances with the Muslim element. I am NOT a "THai basher". I am simply tired of being treated like a criminal at Immigration. Even simple things like 90 day reports are unnecessary and plain STUPID. The insanity of the bank deposit requirements are another pickle in the punchbowl. When the American Embassy was giving out letters of income, things were sane and easy. Now, even though they have an Ambassador in place, he must have the easiest job in the world, since they no longer feel the need to serve expats. I HAVE to leave, I don't have a choice, Thailand has been priced out of my pay grade.

'Priced out of my pay grade' is key.


Of course a lot depends on how you want to live. If you want to live a comparable lifestyle to that in the West, it's skyrocketed over the past decade to the point where, there really isn't much difference, and yeah yeah I know the deniers will protest, but I've done both!


Now if you are OK with a tin roof shack and eating somtam off the street, well there is no comparison from wherever you're from

Edited by GinBoy2
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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

'Priced out of my pay grade' is key.


Of course a lot depends on how you want to live. If you want to live a comparable lifestyle to that in the West, it's skyrocketed over the past decade to the point where, there really isn't much difference, and yeah yeah I know the deniers will protest, but I've done both!


Now if you are OK with a tin roof shack and eating somtam off the street, well there is no comparison from wherever you're from

With a 2500 USD monthly pension, it is unlikely that I will live in a tin roof shack and eat som tam off the streets. Still, the Thai government continues to make things unnecessarily expensive. Pushing the American Embassy into quitting issuing income letters was the last straw. A system that worked well for many years, is now history and the new Ambasssador and his staff can sit on their fat duffs and enjoy a luxury lifestyle, while the people they are supposed to be serving are facing difficulties. I come from a low cost state (Alabama), but there's still no way I could rent a condo  there ,like I have in Thailand, for the price I currently pay.

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2 minutes ago, rott said:

Never heard of somebody speaking in the third person.? 

He's right. I DON"T call myself "Khun".  I also don't wai children and beggars. I visited Thailand for 18 years before I moved here five years ago. I think I understand the social structure. JVS is merely one of the many TVS punters who wants to start a flame war over NOTHING. At 70 years old, I think I understand a bit more than he does.  ????????????????

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4 hours ago, KhunFred said:

In order to announce my flight schedule, (which I WON'T) the Philippines would have to be accepting potential retirees, which they are NOT. Sounds like Davao City, Mindanao would be a safe bet. I will take my chances with the Muslim element. I am NOT a "THai basher". I am simply tired of being treated like a criminal at Immigration. Even simple things like 90 day reports are unnecessary and plain STUPID. The insanity of the bank deposit requirements are another pickle in the punchbowl. When the American Embassy was giving out letters of income, things were sane and easy. Now, even though they have an Ambassador in place, he must have the easiest job in the world, since they no longer feel the need to serve expats. I HAVE to leave, I don't have a choice, Thailand has been priced out of my pay grade.

The fact that you even mention Muslims in the same context as Davao City suggests you've never been there as you'd have to go much further South (past Gen San) for that to even register as a potential problem (Yes I know about the few isolated incidents over the past decade or so but if you've ever been to Davao City you would know how safe it is... Was voted as one of the safest cities in Asia at one point). 


Curious as to whether you've done any research about exactly where you're going to live in Davao City (It was also reputed to be the largest city in Asia at one point).


I have my views (having visited 6-8 times a year between 2008-2016) but even I would struggle to pick a place if pressed... Can I recommend starting off in the centre (I enjoyed staying near MTS/University of Mindanao but if I had to pick a place to live longer term, I would probably pick Tagum City about 1.5 hours north of Davao). 


I'd recommend even more looking at Dumagete, CDO etc... as there's a much bigger community of expats and so better access to western resources... 



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11 hours ago, sandyf said:

Another self centred opinion that thinks you can get western standards from the Thai economy. Try looking at GDP(PPP) per capita and see where Thailand ranks.

There is a reason why people on minimum wage do not drive Mercedes.


I'm always bemused by posters that claim that an expat has to have 100,000 baht a month to live on, despite Thais living quite successfully on 18,000.

The other thing is those expats that move to Thailand for some treason, then want to live in a country just like back home, with too many regulations, too officious a police force, and politically correct.


The secret to happiness is living within one's means, provided one's means are sufficient to live the life one wants.

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On 11/4/2020 at 9:45 AM, Scot123 said:

I would disagree with the post. I decided very early on not to learn Thai when I started teaching. I saw many westerners who were supposed to be teaching English spending more class time learning thai from the students. With my own children I only spoke English and my wife would talk Thai to them this resulted in them integrating into school easy in the UK. I also found my thai friends wanted to speak and practice their english with me. What I would say is Thailand is a beautiful paradise when under civilian rule however having lived through 2 coups and witnessing first hand the changes in attitude and treatment of foreigners it's so sad and was the reason we left in 2019. When you start getting old you need security and not having worries about the next crazy immigration change which could find yourself kicked out losing everything and building your life again in another more welcoming country, Home. 

A lot of people currently living here seem to forget they are merely guests who can be told to leave at any time.

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20 hours ago, mikebell said:

Thailand is a great place to live once you get over the packs of wild dogs; the lack of a police force; the constant death on the roads; the poor service; general can't-be-*rsed laziness; and red tape which ever institution you try.  Did I mention corruption?

You missed bar girls wanting more for a bit of naughty than the hookers back home.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Great story.

I've always chosen living over making money, but now I don't have much money I do wish I'd made more.

I made loads, but my (former) Brit wife had most of it off me.

Looking back, I wish I'd done more living and less earning.

Still, better late than never ..... 10 years of banging and boozing is probably as much as I could manage in 1 lifetime.

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15 hours ago, sandyf said:

Another self centred opinion that thinks you can get western standards from the Thai economy. Try looking at GDP(PPP) per capita and see where Thailand ranks.

There is a reason why people on minimum wage do not drive Mercedes.

Most opinions are self-centred.  The people who drive Mercedes are usually police chiefs who achieve this status symbol through corruption. Thailand is awash with money (centred in the hands of a privileged few) so pleading poverty is no defence. 

The kingdom is notorious for the inequality of its wealth distribution so your per capita usage is totally flawed.  'The haves' decree how the money is spent not those on minimum wage.

How much would it cost to cull a few thousand dogs anyway?

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31 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I was more ..........




ah yes.....sardines !    i have lived in cities, towns, and out in the country.   good to have all experiences .     but to live one's whole life  in a concrete jungle ,  then retire to CNN and a glass of wine..... no thanks

A bit off subject,  but isn't it incredible that the people that slave out in the sun and till the earth are the poorest,    while those in aircon offices pushing paper are the richest ?    


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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

Most opinions are self-centred.  The people who drive Mercedes are usually police chiefs who achieve this status symbol through corruption. Thailand is awash with money (centred in the hands of a privileged few) so pleading poverty is no defence. 

The kingdom is notorious for the inequality of its wealth distribution so your per capita usage is totally flawed.  'The haves' decree how the money is spent not those on minimum wage.

How much would it cost to cull a few thousand dogs anyway?

Typical xenophobic response. Those that try and make an issue out of corruption here in Thailand are so narrow minded they cannot see the bigger picture, they don't see interference in another countries affairs as corruption. The biggest talking point in the world at the moment is a corrupt administration. Boris Johnson has corrupted the EU withdrawal agreement.

Doing something for a favour is a global practice that many are more than happy with when it suits, unfortunately selective corruption is not an option.


As far as the dogs are concerned, years ago they were culled but western do gooders put a stop to it. The government have taken measures but it was never going to be an overnight solution and I suspect the current situation has removed what resource was available.

Despite your claim, Thailand is not awash with money, they have limited resources and borrowing capacity as determined by GDP.

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