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Nate objects to probe of his decision to drop ‘Boss’ charge


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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Laughable just laughable, the man dropped charges, why?

Most people know the answer, now he is objecting to an investigation into his shady shennanigans.

What a GIGANTIC farce. 

Thailand fast becoming a laughing stock.


Nah mate that ship has sailed!!

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10 hours ago, mark131v said:

Shameless, corrupt, lying, conniving, small minded, greedy, hypocritical, all really good words for describing Nate and most of his ilk, in fact it works for pretty much anybody in government or positions of authority in Thailand, they all appear to be morally deficient, should be surprised but I am not...

Put it another way, outrage and disbelief has generated serious investigation as to why this man decided to drop the charges.


Therefore it would seem to be in his own best interests to fully cooperate with the investigation.


If he doesn't then surely he sets himself up for further criticism in several ways including his attitudes of being entitled to be maverick.

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20 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Not too sure how many cases get halted because the person being investigated objects !

This must be one of those rules for the rich, and/or connected.


If you look back at various cases involving the rich, hiso, well connected and political classes here, then it's standard practice.


Challenge the process, object, object and object to all and every procedure. Presumably hoping to buy enough time to somehow make the issue go away.

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20 hours ago, seajae said:

obviously saving ones face is more important than justice, how pathetic can these people get.

Oh they are just warming up . Nothing they won’t do to make things not their fault . Trying to get a Thai to admit they are wrong or done something wrong even if you showed them a video of it is almost impossible. They seriously think they have higher I.Q than anyone who questions them !

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