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Former U.S. defense chiefs say no role for military in Trump's efforts to contest defeat


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22 minutes ago, heybruce said:

A lot of Trump fans will think you're serious.

I hope they do, because if they try it on with real soldiers it will be a salutary lesson for them.

Trump ducked his military service, why should the military support a draft dodger?

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3 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Please do not worry. Trumps MAGA militia will keep the unloyal military in their  camps. And will control all the malcontents who wish to question or challenge the liar in chief. Remember the US military has been underfunded until the saviour was elected.

After living through so many I can’t believe he did/said that moments the last 4-years; it’s unnerving to even ponder the thought... one thing I will give him, he’s gonna standout in history books ????

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As an outsider, I find this whole issue about the Presidential elections both comical and worrying. 


I look at the incumbent, desperate to cling to power and those who follow him will do almost anything to keep him in power. Those people are so virulently against the President elect and his team. Even to the point where the President elect is not the President elect, according to them.

The election seems to take forever. It always seems to be part of the news, years before it happens and months after. Such a circus I have rarely seen.The

As for the possibility that the United States military machine has some role to play in the outcome of an election,this is unthinkable to me.


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15 hours ago, webfact said:

that the military should play no role in President Donald Trump's efforts to block the transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden.

i'm not sure this article is about the usa politics! a former gop was so taken aback he said this is  what could happen in a country like zimbabwe but not in the usa , indeed. i agree with everything he said. so delete donald trump's name and replace it with  robert mungabe's! that makes sense!

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9 hours ago, placeholder said:

It's nuts, all right. It's as crazy as saying that Trump would ever appoint as his National Security Adviser the kind of person who would recommend deploying the military to unconstitutionally rerun the election in the 6 states where the results are being disputed by Trump:

Michael Flynn: Trump could deploy military to 'rerun' election

Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn on Thursday said that President Trump could deploy the military to “rerun” the 2020 election.

During an appearance on Newsmax’s “Greg Kelly Reports,” Flynn was asked about the actions the president could take to undo the results of the election.

After Flynn suggested that the president could seize every voting machine across the country, he then suggested deploying the military in swing states that the president lost to President-elect Joe Biden.



It's a good thing that Trump hasn't met with Flynn in the White House lately:


Stop!  Trump supporters hate the facts.


Good links....crazy times!!!!!!!!!





Wood, a staunch believer that Trump won the election, has switched his focus from Democrats to Republicans, calling for Pence to resign and face "execution by firing squad" in a tweet Friday. Once arrested, Wood suggested that the vice president would "sing like a bird" and confess to being a "main participant" in the "theft of the election."


Under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict bodily harm upon the vice president is punishable by a fine, a maximum of five years in prison, or both.



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On 1/4/2021 at 7:30 PM, DaveK68 said:

Overwrought Trump delusions of the Progressivistas and their media puppets.

Trump could not mount a takeover of the US. It just would not and could not happen.

Stop the wet dreams and delusional Trump derangement already. He's been defeated. He will depart the White House or he'll be thrown out.


Top national security officials are now worried Trump could try to use the military to stay in power.


"The former secretaries were moved to sign the op-ed by three factors: the remark last month by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s former (and recently pardoned) national security adviser, that Trump could declare “martial law” and order the military to supervise a do-over of the election; Trump’s own increasingly erratic and desperate behavior in trying to reverse the election through dubious legal means (and the statement was written before the notorious phone call on Saturday with Georgia’s secretary of state); and the refusal of top Pentagon officials to cooperate with President-elect Biden’s transition team...


The cessation of cooperation in mid-December is what “set off the alarm bells” that led to the drafting of the op-ed, according to one former official involved in the process. In one section of the statement, the secretaries note that, during a transition, the Pentagon’s current top officials are “bound by oath, law and precedent to facilitate the entry into office of the incoming administration” and to “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team.” 



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On 1/4/2021 at 3:38 AM, Lacessit said:

I hope they do, because if they try it on with real soldiers it will be a salutary lesson for them.

Trump ducked his military service, why should the military support a draft dodger?

I guess by that same logic the military should not have supported Bill Clinton either seeing that he had dodged the draft through student deferments.  

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11 minutes ago, Hanuman2547 said:

I guess by that same logic the military should not have supported Bill Clinton either seeing that he had dodged the draft through student deferments.  

No. They are not equivalents. Student deferments were legal and legitimate although people can question the ethics of mostly the lower classes being drafted to fight.


 Faking bone spurs was not. 


Others fled to Canada. They faced lifetime consequences for doing that. Mr. trump never paid for his fraud. 

Edited by Jingthing
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4 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Sad you don't understand the difference between student deferments and medical fraud.  Bone spurs?  Done by a doctor renting an office from daddy?  Right....

I actually understand the use of and differences between both quite well thank you very much.  Numerous men used what was available to them to get out of being drafted.  Bone spurs, flat feet, etc were all common medical reasons to be classified as unfit for military duty.  You just needed to find a "sympathetic doctor" that would sign off on it if you were refused by others.  Believe me, there were doctors out there who people were well aware would grant the waiver they needed.  What's odd is that you didn't know this.  If you came from a family with a little bit of money then you could enroll in college/university and use student deferments to delay your military service.  Students would then take the minimum amount of credits (and achieve passable grades) to keep their deferment in place.  Some, upon graduation, would then enroll in grad school to keep their deferment in effect.  

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12 minutes ago, Hanuman2547 said:

I actually understand the use of and differences between both quite well thank you very much.  Numerous men used what was available to them to get out of being drafted.  Bone spurs, flat feet, etc were all common medical reasons to be classified as unfit for military duty.  You just needed to find a "sympathetic doctor" that would sign off on it if you were refused by others.  Believe me, there were doctors out there who people were well aware would grant the waiver they needed.  What's odd is that you didn't know this.  If you came from a family with a little bit of money then you could enroll in college/university and use student deferments to delay your military service.  Students would then take the minimum amount of credits (and achieve passable grades) to keep their deferment in place.  Some, upon graduation, would then enroll in grad school to keep their deferment in effect.  

Yeah.  That's what Trump did.  Found a sympathetic doc, one who was beholden to his father, and got a fake diagnosis.  Clinton didn't do that.  So why bash Clinton?  He did what was legal.  Trump committed fraud.


Either way, war sucks and should be avoided at all costs.

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2 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Yeah.  That's what Trump did.  Found a sympathetic doc, one who was beholden to his father, and got a fake diagnosis.  Clinton didn't do that.  So why bash Clinton?  He did what was legal.  Trump committed fraud.


Either way, war sucks and should be avoided at all costs.

Technically both Clinton and Trump were just doing what thousands of young men of all political leanings did during a time that the US was involved in a very controversial and unpopular war.  They both did this "legally" but they just used different means to achieve the same outcome.  This left the war to be fought by young, poor, and an overly represented POC draftees with neither the financial means or connections to avoid being sent to this conflict.

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